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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 11 hours ago, billd766 said:


    We will just have to wait a year or two until the next election and see what happens.


    If I were to put money on it I would put the Democrats as #3, PTP as #2 and the current PMs party whatever it will be as #1 simply because they are holding the cards and are able to shuffle them the way THEY want.


    Ne3ver mind the popularity vote, the legal or moral vote. At this point in time THEY have the power to do what they want.


    I'd be totally shocked if the PM's Party got anywhere near number 1, however, I think that there maybe skulduggery and several parties form a 'coalition' to get the PM back as PM (unfortunately). FFP will lay foundations to get in at some point in the future as they will take much of the youth vote so I do see them as 3 or 4 this time.

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  2. 7 hours ago, z42 said:

    If I were her i would press for more information, and definitely press for more charges.

    Simply put, this kind of behaviour has to be stepped on and prosecuted with enormous jail terms. The pathetic punishments given do nothing to detract many from the view that violence is the only answer to any problem

    Yes but why are Police saying "they can press for more charges"?  either he has broken the law and charges will be brought or not.  So if she's not happy they increase the charges?  this place is a farce.

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  3. Just now, seajae said:

    hahahah, love the way anyone that disagrees with you is pro junta, shows how pathetic your thinking really is. I actually read up on what is happening, what "parties" do and promise then make up my own mind about what is best unlike you who refuses to accept the truth about thaksin and the ptp. In Australia I have voted for both major parties based purely on their policies, you know, the things that tell you what the govt will do for its population. I do exactly  the same here with my thinking, I saw the junta take over as good as it stopped the murders/violencefrom the reds that the ptp refused to do. I saw the start of the arrests for corruption as good too, unfortunately the junta didnt follow through on what they said they would do, so like most others I saw that they were no different to the other parties. I dont support any party or person here as I dont believe any are worth supporting, what I do is speak the truth as I see it, something you appear to be incapable of but then again you may well just be a troll looking for a reaction, as I said, really pathetic

    You may HUFF and you may PUFF but it is clear Pornprong speaks to the truth. If you really believe that the whole 'troubles' were not a set-up to again take the country by force I'm speechless.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


    She wanted the attention, man. She got it. The other Thais weren't doing the same at school for perfectly understandable reasons, so it's to be expected they'll criticize her for it. You haven't shown why this response is unique to Thais but simply keep asserting it for bashing purposes; in fact it certainly isn't. I'm not allowed to give specific examples elsewhere, sorry--but all you gotta do is Google.



    What she did is pretty standard school girl giggles humour - nothing wrong with that as long as it's safe and doesn't lead to obvious problems with boys.  Thais are hypocrites as they make a fuss about these small things yet we have Pattaya etc.  and DON"T tell me there are 'Pattaya's'  in Europe or USA that's why everyone comes here (well 99% of blokes come here for that).


  5. 14 hours ago, jenny2017 said:


           I was at the local market with my wife when a Farang with his gf approached us and asking a few questions about the city and where to buy some items,


        The "lady" must have thought that my wife and I were also in town on holiday to the village, coming from a bar and she thought I'd not understand her. I was so sad to hear her speaking like the German would be a dog, well even less. 


    She immediately told my wife ( and me) that her Ex Farang had sent her away and on the same day she found that idiot, ( she actually said pee baa) and pointed at the German. They were on their way to the village where she would introduce him as her next husband. Even the whole village was invited to a huge party paid by the poor German. 


    She spoke so bad about the guy and she just didn't think that a foreigner would understand the local Isaan, that I wanted to take him by the side and tell him to run away and tell her what a bitch she really was. A high mileage on her meter was visible.  


         But when he put his arms around her and told her how much he'd love her, I decided not to talk. We wished them good luck but already knew that there's no such thing. 

    I have a small (very small) amount of sympathy as it's 'caveat emptor' and any guy who trusts a Thai must be deranged.  Why do farangs leave their brains behind when they come here?  One born every minute.

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  6. 21 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

    One of the major causes, in my opinion, of the traffic problems in Chiang Mai is their failure to be pro-active and plan for the future.  Although I dread the inconvenience of this new construction, it is now a necessary evil and will be even more necessary for the future as traffic will not get any less.  The recent improvements to intersections on the north side of town should have been done years ago. 

    Yes I probably agree and i'm probably not recognizing enough that 4/5pm it does get very bad at that junction.

  7. 2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I hope it does not get that far, I had a divorce a few years ago (even if it goes well financially) they will hurt. Still sometimes its better to have a divorce then to live on miserably. Best advice I can give is try to patch it up and if that is not an option see if you want to live on like this. 


    Best advice I would give is never do it in the first place but, apart from that, get out sooner rather than later.


    I have known many close friends eventually finish it by 'a thousand cuts' when it could have been finished years earlier.  Is that populist? 

  8. 28 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Where did you pick up this little bit of fiction ?


    Sounds like a NDA which has been proven to be illegal to require government employees to sign.  Government employees are restricted by the US Code, which details what they can and cannot do

    Yes an NDA is part of any agents contract that any part of their role at the FBI is owned by the government including documents, reports etc. But apart from that Jim 'I never leak' Comey sent emails of private meetings, some classified, to a mate who would subsequently leak them to the press.  Bravo!  a  man of true ethics...not.

    • Sad 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Credo said:

    It's not a leak when the person 'leaking' takes full and complete credit for passing on the information.   It's also not a 'leak' if the person has the right to pass on the information.   Just as it's not a 'leak' when the President gives classified information to the Russians.   

    Jim "I never leak" Comey admits he leaked to his mate so I guess you don't agree with him. It was 'Classified' and written and sent on a government computer. When anyone joins the FBI they sign a contract which includes that ALL stuff undertaken in that role belongs to the government and cannot be used after leaving. Not sure what classified info Trump passed on, any links?


    Taking notes of private meetings, leaking to his mate?  you think this is the behaviour of an FBI Director? BTW holding this view does not make me a Trump supporter. I was for Bernie. Thank you.

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