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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    On what basis do you make the claim that "Palestinians" have as much claim to the land as do the  "jews"?  Your foreign based bias is on full display with the erroneous assumption that all arabs are the same. News flash; they are not. Palestinians is a  construct to  take in a diverse group of arabs; some from Egypt, others from Jordan and Lebanon and some from Bedouin nomadic peoples. The only people with an actual claim to any land in Israel proper are the arabs associated with the Bedouin. One cannot discuss arab" claims to land in Israel without including the lands that arab jews lost in Arab controlled countries. The jewish arabs lost far more than the non jewish arabs. How do you propose to address the  financial and physical losses  suffered by almost 1 million arabs of the jewish faith?  Why aren't you including this issue? Those arabs thrown out of arab countries or forced to flee for their lives had to go somewhere.


    You are clueless to the history of the jews and their connection to israel, It was their historical lands regularly occupied by foreign invaders whether African, Persian, Greek, Roman, Arab, Turk or European. The history of the foreign occupation of Israel  mirrors that of modern Arab countries.  Israel  was a bonafide and legitimate nation  centuries before  countries like the UK, Australia,  Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Qatar,  Botswana, the USA ever existed, and yet you call into question the legitimacy of Israel and its right to exist.  Brilliant.



    The USA does not have a military  base in Israel, although it is allowed access to a radar station in Dimona for ATC purposes. The USA  has bases in the UAE and Qatar. The reality is that Israel doesn't have military bases from  any foreign countries on its soil.

    The Russians have military bases in Syria. The Iranians have military bases in Syria. Iran through its proxy  army  Hizbollah occupies and controls a large part of Lebanon. Iran also has a proxy army occupying part of Yemen. 

    Are you even aware that there are far more foreign military bases in arab countries and not one in Israel? By your logic, the arab countries are puppets of foreigners.


    France has a military presence in Lebanon,  the UAE, Djibouti, and Chad 

    Italy has a military presence in the UAE and Djibouti

    Turkey occupies a part of Syria now and has military personnel stationed in Iraq, Qatar and Somalia.

    UK - Military bases in Qatar and Bahrain.


    Why do you have one rule for Israel, but another for the arab countries in the region? 



    Nonsense post twisting historical facts to suit your bias. Israel expands, in the modern era, and steals land regularly. Look at the map over the last 80 years and desist in spin and obfuscation you won't fool most of us.

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  2. 5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Some Republican congress people and other dirty tricksters could be caught up in this dragnet - Nunes in particular.   It's actually similar to the Mueller investigation.   I think Dems filed it as a sort of fall-back strategy - in case Trump fires Mueller and/or Rosenstein.  There are other fall-back options.  


    Unfortunately, not much will be done until January next year - that's when Dems will take a majority in the House of Reps and possibly also the Senate.  Until then, it will be biz-as-usual foot-dragging, lying, obfuscating by the Republicans - which harms the US.


    As for 'no evidence.'  That's ludicrous.  That's like looking at a burned-down house and saying, "there's no evidence of fire."  


    No it's like receiving a phone call to tell you your house is on fire and arriving there, breathless with worry, to find the house is perfectly ok and there's a little boy in the phone box giggling after he made the call. 

    • Confused 1
  3. Tipping is expected because the wages are very low. If a restaurant has a service charge then I don't tip unless the waitress really helped me somehow. Taxis I tip 100 for a long journey but not for a short journey but I do tip my condo security and staff because it's in my interest to do so.


    Don't be a jerk you will know when to tip and when not too and saving 100 baht as some sort of 'victory' over the 300 baht a day waitress is not cool. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    Maybe that's your family, so now you're forewarned. Go conventional, but in public, so that your demise thread won't degenerate into a kind of Ninoy Aquino International Airport of bashfests. What about your friends and relatives then? Emulate that guy who choked on his noodle soup at a resto in Jomtien.


    His, if he had one, might have been really cool about it for all you know.


    Most important is that he doesn't care what his family thinks. Probably continuing the fun up there in the heavenly Soi Cowboy. :smile: You on the other hand might continue eating your noodle soup.


    Very sad post. I happen to have some empathy for his close family who will be told the news he died while in a go-go ok?  this can't be helped and nothing can be done but it's not going to make his grand kids glow with pride ok? I go to go-go's, bars and the rest but I very much hope I'll pass away close to home and family. Thank you for your big heart and understanding.

  5. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    On the other hand if they abided by the written laws and the underlying spirit of the laws and if they seriously followed democratic principles and built and practiced and protected  the pillars of real democracy then they wouldn't need to regularly change their name.



    You do mean abide by the Juntas made up laws under 44. Don't obfuscate please.

  6. 10 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Hopefully, one day, the U.S. will join the civilised world.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    What is the 'civilized world'?  China, the worlds most populated country or Russia the largest country in the world? I strongly believe that if legal process is gone through and their is DNA evidence that a persons life should be forfeit. 


    It's not about 'does it deter' I could not give a **** if it 'deters' it is payment and justice. Just don't do it and you have nothing to fear.  Let's be honest the vast majority live their lives without raping and/or murdering.   

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