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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. I have many qualifications, and neither my friends nor colleagues use these outside of our professions. Jill Biden obviously has low esteem and a fragile ego.
  2. Ignorant post - I never claimed medical doctors held doctorates.
  3. I already made that point - why not try reading instead of pontificating? Societal norm (big word for you, I know) is the TITLE doctor being used in the medical field, nothing about doctorates.
  4. I'm surprised you are not required to turn up yourself.
  5. It's an exchange. Why overthink it? If you like it, do it. If you don't, stay at home with your hot cocoa.
  6. VFS were very professional in Chiang Mai, but I had no idea that an authorised agent could do it for me. I might go that route in nine years time.
  7. No Thai whisky is very, very cheap. Most don't pay taxes and much of it is made on the black market.
  8. She worked at Delaware Technical Community College, which has degree agreements with the University of Delaware. So, employed one-removed - but I'm sure it didn't hurt her chance of getting her Doctorate pushed through. That aside it is pompous.
  9. Exactly—and, to be honest, I thought she was a medical doctor for years. Why? Because the MSM is always talking about her opinion on whether he's fit for the job—Dr Biden is "looking after him." She's not lying when she says she has a doctorate, but using it outside of her profession and socially (including in talk shows, etc.) is DISINGENUOUS.
  10. Wrong again - Consultant surgeons are called 'Mr' in the UK as they are awarded a diploma, not a doctorate. By the way, all medical doctors in the UK get two bachelor's degrees (MBBS) - not a doctorate. The title 'Doctor' is for those in the medical field - not some pompous woman who gained one at 55 from the people who employed her.
  11. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/judge-tosses-trump-documents-case-135928486.html
  12. UVF was a protestant pro-British group. What's the IRA got to do with it?
  13. They have won already - just a matter of time for negotiations and a 'peace buffer zone' staffed by UN, maybe. Anyway, let's not derail this thread. I am hoping JD brings sense to the GOP ticket and funding stops, and for this reason alone, if I could vote, I'd switch from Dems to Republicans
  14. Well-known scam - I have received several boxes of tissues. FB is notorious for scams - avoid it.
  15. I think it's a quirk in the quote software I have nearly done it myself - no worries. Thanks for being honest which is so unusual here 🙏
  16. Thank you - I was a senior hospital manager with master's degrees to match. I would never use those outside of my profession. Some here defend Dr.Jill for their political reasons when it is so obviously inappropriate use of her educational degree.
  17. It's only because MSN feeds them, and they know nothing about it. Get a few bodybags returning home, and they will change instantly. Death at arm's length is easy for Americans.
  18. Yes, a registered Republican - great cover for sneaking into GOP events?
  19. "Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler" where's the source? still eight years ago is eight years ago dude - suck it up.
  20. I LIKE this VP pick - he is anti-funding Ukraine, and I hope they stick with this and end this proxy war.
  21. I accept it was an error. Purdey said that it was not me. I attached the screenshot. Anyway, it's no big deal. I'm just letting you know that you accidentally used a quote that was not mine.
  22. The only people to defend it would be those who love Biden, no matter the absurdity of misrepresentation. If I called myself a "Doctor", people would assume it's a medical degree, and you know it.
  23. I never said that - please be careful and don't change quotes.
  24. I paraphrased a famous saying - not to be taken literally. As a general rule, using degrees within the workplace is perfectly acceptable— Dr. Jill is not.
  25. You have a Suspicious Mind, a Wooden Heart and Just Can't Help Believin' 🎵
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