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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Thais are easily distracted but, to be fair, could happen to any of us. Horrible experience for the driver.
  2. Fair enough, of course, but much of the value is in the foreign quota element was my point. I have been buying and selling condos for 15 years (22 up to now) and I have sold one to a Thai but that is extremely rare as they can buy in the same building at up to 30% less because farangs cannot buy them. Anyway good luck.
  3. Don't do it? put it in your name? if not let a Thai buy from a Thai - the farang quota is worth up to 30% more on the price. Why would a Thai buy from a farang - wierd.
  4. Just get a smart watch? My Mii watch counts steps for years - it's not that difficult to figure it out (maybe for you it is).
  5. A really REALLY stupid and cruel decision. Why??? Just reveals the nastiness of this government. Buddhist? loooor
  6. I have slept with loads of ordinary girls/woman who just need a little support for 2000 (where did this 300 come from?). It's an exchange - if you are polite, clean and nice what's the PROBLEM? if you don't like it don't do it.
  7. What is illegal about having an exchange for sex? what's the PROBLEM? only self-righteous nitwits who think they can impose their stupid views on the rest of us. Its been happening for 1000s of years and will never stop - if you don't like it get over it and go back to your fat, old and ugly farang wives.
  8. I don't think they are "obscene sexual acts " but agree public is not the place for normal sexual activity between consenting adults.
  9. Thais rarely look both ways and I'm sorry to say that he paid the ultimate price for his stupidity.
  10. They are on holiday? Russians have always gone to Pattaya since I have been here (over 15 years) and after Covid restrictions lifted there are bound to be more Chinese and Russians coming here - nothing to do with any war which doesn't effect them much. Russians, generally, are nice people and I have known thousands as I used to go to Russia often.
  11. No they're not you are making it up. Divisional woke narrative is spot on and most Brits understand that. It is only the less than 1% liberal nutters who think otherwise.
  12. Transgender Person don't tell me PC woke nonsense is hitting Thailand now? it's a guy pretending to be a woman (no problem with that but it is what it is).
  13. Was he running from something? he is French after all (apologies for English humour I love France really).
  14. How about some compassion on this forum just for once?
  15. WHY do we get only 20% of the USA content? How about that as a FIRST issue?
  16. Ridiculous - loneliness is not the same as alone. This guy is just reading a script of nonsense. Leave people alone some choose to stay alone it's not a disease.
  17. Data? sources? links? that kind of thing? and no one falls of balconies here of course. So uninformed - been to Moscow much have you? (yes I have and worked there).
  18. I understood it was quite normal for Thai men to hand over their pay packet to the wife who manages the home economy. After that it becomes habit I think and almost a courtesy to the wife.
  19. It's strange but true. I assumed it was because in Thailand many working class guys hand over their salary to their wives who pay for everything?
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