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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. You're a real gentleman lol
  2. yea yea yea you were first choice for sure - it's fine - you are happy - she is happy don't think too much but don't fool yourself
  3. Ah so a professional school teacher would choose a 30 year age gap eh? same as in your country eh? its fine it's an exchange - don't be so naive
  4. If there is a 20+ year gap, they are definitely "professionals"
  5. Nah, mine has much more class, bro.... I met her on Beach Road.
  6. If you really have to show your willy - don't show your face or your home (a friend tells me). Better keep it holstered at all times
  7. That answer is so ignorant - he is trying to grow. You are just stuck in samsara.
  8. "Putin fanboy club rag you read" name ONE? or are you full of brown smelly stuff? Troll
  9. So, your wife is from Nana Plaza? cute though I have to hand it to ya
  10. Seriously? 8% of Police are female? 871 senior appointments in the Army were male and 18 female. 82% of those in parliament are male? 18% female Not to mention, there are no laws protecting wives and GFs when their partners leave them holding the children
  11. I'm asking a genuine question - you made the accusation Please name these commie sites or are you making it up?
  12. No problem I have always thought fascists and communists to be very similar. Most of humanity, thank goodness, is in the middle.
  13. Plus, there are thousands of "advisors" who target Russia, etc. It's a proxy war - plain and simple. https://www.voanews.com/a/us-mulls-sending-more-military-advisers-to-ukraine/7579949.html
  14. 1/ Please stop shouting - large fonts are against forum rules (no.5) 2/ Nazis were National Socialists
  15. Sure - many, many links DYOR https://www.npr.org/2024/01/23/1226251751/u-s-vets-fighting-for-ukraine-in-war-with-russia-dont-want-american-support-to-w#:~:text=The U.S. military is not,send more help to Kyiv.
  16. Many of us have been here in a past life - reincarnation is a beautiful thing 😉
  17. They will never see the hypocrisy - blinkered is as blinkered does.
  18. Hopefully, your wife reported the Police to their station officer via an official Police complaint form. But, no, I am a realist - many Thais hate farangs and think we are lower than them, so your story does not surprise me.
  19. Ya, just "Joe being Joe" and never "Trump being Trump" eh?
  20. Really? Head down to downtown LA - disingenuous and entitled claptrap.
  21. I'll let you in on a secret... a Willie will be coming out of the closet soon
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