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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. No, none of us know, but I'm sure Russia will win, and Ukraine will eventually crawl to the negotiating table. How else could it end? no one in their right mind thinks Russia is going to leave Ukraine empty-handed.
  2. You will see soon enough
  3. This is so naive and embarrassing that it's just not worth commenting on - just lamenting.
  4. No, you did something much worse.
  5. So that's ok then? I thought you had a modicum of humanity - I was wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_Cluster_Munitions
  6. We can disagree like gentlemen - the truth is the first casualty of war. No need for insults - thank you have a nice day." Is hate speech? wow
  7. I really wish our governments would respond in kind. They might wake up then.
  8. This is unfair - you have to look at the whole price: Salesman = 100,000 Marketing = 100,000 Transport = 100,000 Inspection = 100,000 Entertainment = 100,000 Travel = 100,000 Contingencies = 100,000 Transceivers = 256.250 Total = 956,250
  9. Disgraceful comment on a brave hero exposing a corrupt USA government.
  10. GOOD NEWS one of the few brave enough to expose the USA's disgraceful actions worldwide.
  11. 1. money 2. much older than them so they can collect number 1
  12. Even if you do wrong here - and someone says it - you can be charged with defamation.
  13. And are you at the front line? Wow, I didn't know - how brave you are, Trans, with your 88,000 posts
  14. Thanks - it's very long-winded. Not sure why, after the update, this happened and at least one other poster on this thread has the same problem.
  15. You repeated what we had already gone through - it doesn't help anyone. I am waiting for them to phone me.
  16. Whether accidental or targeted (we don't know which for sure), it was USA-supplied CLUSTER bombs, which are banned internationally.
  17. This is untrue. Ukraine signed a deal that included Russia withdrawing, and Russia withdrew, and Ukraine reneged on that deal. Russia is gaining more and more support. This is not good for anyone. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/features/2024-05-12/china-russia-iran-have-made-ukraine-a-world-war-against-us-europe
  18. Do you sincerely believe Russia chose to shoot down cluster missiles (BANNED missiles) over the beach??? talk about propaganda lol
  19. They can try - America isn't stupid (I hope)
  20. Consider this... Ukraine, on its own, would have been defeated on day ONE. It is only because it is a proxy war for NATO that they survive this long. Putin has millions of soldiers at his disposal and has hardly begun mobilising millions more. He hasn't allowed a front from Belarus yet. He could have ordered a limited nuclear strike - thank God that hasn't happened yet, but I fear it might. Farage is right - poking the Bear with a stick constantly is very dangerous because it will get out of control.
  21. This is the point - Trump agreed to a Dem moderator - in a Dem location - as that was there only way to get Dementia Joe to turn up.
  22. Your baiting attempts are embarrassing - do you think Russia will do nothing? https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-latest-russia-putin-kharkiv-energy-sky-news-live-blog-12541713?postid=7775603
  23. I don't, and I think Russia has made many mistakes. I take a balanced view and read all sources to arrive at a reasoned conclusion. I mainly listen to Professor Sachs and Professor Mearsheimer - you have probably never heard of them. For news, I listen to many sources: BBC, RT, Jazeera and many others.
  24. Yes, coming soon, Lavrov announced - do you ever look at neutral news sources?
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