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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. They tell me I'm a Russian Bot, so all my time at Roots Hall supporting Southend was wasted (it probably was, lol).
  2. Many families are supported by Farang, but besides that, many businesses are boosted by Farang income, and if we go, they will fail.
  3. You are probably right, but my father drank wine every day and died at 92 - Churchill ran WW2 and was drunk most days 🙂
  4. Indeed, most of "poor rural Thailand" gets millions from poor rural girls sending money back to their poor rural families.
  5. You probably have a small problem - but if you are healthy, who cares? personally, I rarely drink during the daytime and try not to drink at all 2 or 3 days a week to give my liver a rest
  6. You can only carry a certain amount of cash or risk confiscation.
  7. This is nonsense! I spend all my pension here, I get taxed here (VAT, etc.), and all of my wealth comes to Thailand and stays here. Do you think all the bars, restaurants, and hotels gain nothing from our presence? Seriously?
  8. But if we pay tax on government pensions already, why must we pay again?
  9. They might be rabas - but they are getting none of the wine I'm due to open very shortly! good evening
  10. Right so stop attacking me for raising a different point of view.
  11. Whataboutism is not always an invalid form of argument or a fallacy (in contrast to many other answers). As an informal fallacy, using a “What about… ?" point of reference can be pertinent to the context or content of an argument. Example "Putin killed thousands" Answer "what about Bush"? A perfectly structured and valid contextual argument.
  12. Misquote - I was being kind and you twist it into an insult - very trollish. I said defending the wrong side out of ignorance not that the poster IS ignorant - please stop the twisting and embellishments. Thank you.
  13. And what about a country that is run by a Dementia patient? It's only delusional because you reject it instead of trying to understand it.
  14. No outrage from many of us - students at the forefront of raising injustices as they always have been down the ages.
  15. They have dealerships everywhere - several in Chiang Mai and Bangkok must-have loads. But it's not so convenient as a Honda or Yamaha of course.
  16. you don't seem to know much According to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Minsk agreement served to buy time to rearm Ukraine. “The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time,” Merkel told the weekly Die Zeit. “It also used this time to become stronger, as you can see today.”
  17. I agree it should never have happened - the USA has blood all over its greasy, slimy hands. Just like Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Syria, Gaza, Iraq (WMD, where are you?) - nothing can be trusted, and some of us have to tell the truth - I'm sorry it grieves you, you are defending the wrong side not out of maliciousness but out of simple ignorance.
  18. Great - and then tax us all 35% - what could go wrong?
  19. Russia's a beautiful country. I had a delightful girlfriend in St Petersburg, who was stunning. It's all about perspective, Ted. I should be on Ukraine's side as I have family in Kiev - but I know too much about the whys and wherefores to ignore the obvious. Yanukovich was democratically elected and removed by the CIA and right-wing nationalists. It's a fact.
  20. That is one way of looking at it Ted - but it is thoroughly incorrect from Russias point of view.
  21. No, I am an educated guy who holds, as many, many thousands do, a view different from yours. Have you been to Russia? Ukraine? Worked there? Please bear in mind where you get your information from.
  22. You know very well that France and Germany have admitted that the 20214 agreement was a sham to allow Ukraine to build up its forces. The CIA were behind the overthrow of Yanukovich - I was in Kiev in 2014 with my Uncle who lives there.
  23. Agreed - we need PEACE - all this war for nothing
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