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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. No - not within the legal system anyway
  2. Very rarely do I take a bargirl—she'd have to be very new, etc. There are enough outside of bars, and am I bored? Occasionally, but it's been fun finding out. Alcohol is not dull for me as I'm a wine drinker, mostly at home, where I have a large wine cooler fridge that takes 160 bottles.
  3. Glad he's caught, but what a moron!
  4. 15 years and coming for 25 years - and you?
  5. You quote a Ukrainian propaganda site called "Russia's crimes"? LOL dude you really need to research more
  6. China is a sovereign state - Taiwan is not. This is the core of your argument - can't you see the double talk?
  7. USA/NATO interchangeable "a rose by any other name"
  8. I hate all wars. The point is the one time Russia did what USA is doing here was Cuba - and America freaked out. Now Russia freaks out because their neighbour is the same vassal as Cuba to Russia was, and the West screams a hissy fit without seeing the apparent hypocrisy.
  9. I get that, too... I usually drink five times a week and do enjoy a much more quiet life now. I mentioned sex as it was difficult to get hold of in old Blighty and is easy as shootin' apples in a barrel here.
  10. Did Iraq want to be invaded? NO Did Vietnam want to be invaded? NO Did Syria want to be bombed? NO Did Kosovo enjoy the NATO bombing? NO and on and on and on Is China a sovereign nation? YES Is Taiwan a sovereign nation? NO By your logic, China has every right to invade NOW!
  11. We know all that but it doesn't delete the chat - jeeze
  12. Part of my retirement was I could let go - yes. More sex, more wine, more sleep, more travel - it's a package deal LOL
  13. "the West German chancellor understood a key Soviet bottom line, and assured Gorbachev on February 10, 1990: “We believe that NATO should not expand the sphere of its activity.” (See Document 9) "
  14. Nukes in Mexico, then? Or Hawaii? America would bo NUTZ in Russia ever did that - you see the point?
  15. False equivalency to an under $3 beer! I certainly never think about price if I'm having a beer - I take out 10,000 everytime I go out - spend around 3/4,000 an evening a couple time a week. I'm retired!!! it's what I worked for all my life.
  16. I understand the issue completely - it's a pain in the *** - what I do is go through and 'unsend' my messages (if you are quick enough) if not block that person.
  17. If I have to worry about a 3 dollar beer when I'm retired then I have done something terribly wrong with my life
  18. So, are we never to trust treaties, promises, and agreements? Your suggestion is chaos, lying, and betrayal everywhere—a world based on deceit and subterfuge. This is what humanity has come to? I hate to say it, but the USA is behind all this evil because it has a saviour complex - it thinks everywhere should be like America the Beautiful. Instead of cooperation we have domination.
  19. I think the evidence is clear. Ukraine was allowed to break away on condition of NO NATO. A little-known fact for you - Zelensky was elected on a "Peace in Donbas ticket' after overthrowing the democratically elected president guided by Nuland and the CIA - cookies all around! Zelensky then went on to bomb Donbas, increasing the daily shelling from 5,000 to 13,000 from 2014 to 2022. It's an inconvenient truth.
  20. The USA guaranteed "no extension of NATO one inch to the east."
  21. The opposite, and Russia will up the ante as the West provokes it more by authorising deep missile strikes. Russia will respond and take more land - suddenly, the West will negotiate, maybe after Trump gets back. Nothing is for sure, of course.
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