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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. never is a long time - sometimes it is a towel, sometimes shorts, sometimes long trousers.
  2. Tell that to Bosnia and Kosovo, let alone Afghanistan.
  3. I do both
  4. Well, I hope I'm lucky then - 66 and healthy and enjoy 4/5 days of nice wine a week.
  5. Ya, it's a good story... how about some facts? Yanukovych was overthrown by the CIA in 2014, and Nuland went over there to give some cookies to the little Ukrainians and $1bn loan guarantee (funny that). NATO wants to have control over Russian borders as much as it can. I don't think Russia would rely on Turkey and Hungary being able to block membership. NATO expands where it can. Neutrality would have saved 100,000s but USA doesn't care about that and so Russia had little choice after warning of it for years. Nigel Farage is right - the bear was poked and provoked.
  6. Maybe I am. I think if you use "a sovereign nation" to defend Ukraine, you should respect it wherever it is found. In your case, you do not - that much is apparent.
  7. I enjoy a drink - if you don't then that's cool. Having a drink is very social, but each decides, right?
  8. Quality not quantity - anyway each to their own
  9. Part of China as a sovereign state - it is ON TOPIC as it highlights your hypocrisy over Ukraine. What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
  10. Thank you for the suggestion - I tried all my accounts, and I clicked 'verify account', and it does not work.
  11. Same as Taiwan? Do you support China taking it over, I presume? It's not a "sovereign nation". Iraq - is that a sovereign nation? Or Afghanistan? Iran? or are you two-faced?
  12. Down or not, they will use a Fab 3000 on Kiev soon enough - it's over - just admit it. Even on a 1% chance Ukraine wins - it won't be their victory it will be the USAs - it's a dream for you JingThing but a nightmare for our world as it will be WW3.
  13. Quite right we don't want fascists in our countries
  14. They are IN Russia - sorry suck it up.
  15. Do you mean the same as in Ukraine? They are all in jail - now the president is illegitimate.
  16. 80% of people in Crimea are Russian you do understand that don't you? Also, the Crimean authorities declared independence after the referendum and applied to rejoin Russia. It's called democracy.
  17. People could have voted for the opposition or stayed at home - you are talking nonsense.
  18. I have already explained I went to the Bank and they contacted the IT Help desk who will phone me back 🙏
  19. This thread is about the transfer between MY ACCOUNTS on the mobile app. As I stated, I spent one and a half hours in Bangkok Bank on Friday.
  20. Hmm, they won't mind losing all their income then? Why just Brits?
  21. Happy Sunday - methinks someone didn't read the thread? 😏
  22. That is absolutely true. Yesterday, one poster suggested Ukraine had won, which is just a fanciful delusion. But you can't debate with anyone like that, and there are loads on here - can't think outside the box. I see Russia introduced the FAB 3000kg this week. Ends in early 2025? difficult to tell, but the sooner, the better. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-ukraine-war-weapons-glide-bombs-putin-b2566676.html
  23. Common sense - look a cheap Charlie and 99% certain you are a cheap Charlie.
  24. 'My Accounts' is missing - and, as John Lennon said, "I'm not the only one" Waiting for BB to phone me - will report here.
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