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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. You are deflecting by going back to 1979 - let's all stick to the 2000s, shall we? I never said Russia was right in 1979, did I? Stop deflecting - the USA is a bully all over the world, and you know it.
  2. 1. Yes 2. No - because they slaughtered people in the Donbas, got rid of the elected government and became a USA poodle. Russia could not stand by and watch the slaughter of its citizens - would you?
  3. I don't think so - I have worked in Moscow, travelled extensively, and I have family in Kiev. I think I know something about the Russian people - but you are entrenched, so it's pretty pointless talking about it, right?
  4. What's that got to do with it? USA was humiliated - girls are back in Burkas, Taliban in control - the US simply is a bully. This is not about Ukraine at all.
  5. Russia advancing on all fronts bro...
  6. Oh really? jeeze most are not THAI - get it?
  7. Oh really? most of these girls are from Myanmar, and Cambodia and are Thai Yai with no ID and NO school fool - you need to research more
  8. From the safe? Really? I doubt it - he probably was drunk and left it open
  9. It is straightforward: Join the NATO/EU club, or we will threaten, sanction and malign you. Alternative: join BRICS along with China, Russia, Iran, Brazil, India, UAE and now Thailand The world is divided like never before - some countries will not be bullied anymore by the US hegemony. Winter is coming.
  10. Oh, you mean like the Afghans? Vietnamese? Syrians? Iraqis? Kosovo? I think I'm starting to get it... you mean it depends on WHO it is? I think I got it - thank you.
  11. 1/ A Will 2/ A POA You get one year to sell the house UNLESS you get a Usufruct for your life time - but then it goes to her family. If you want to get the money OUT then git it in a Will and sell - inconvenient but at least you get the $$$
  12. What learning? you are deluded - many of these youngsters have no school, no money - this ain't Europe! the problem runs very deep
  13. Not Thailands business, nor Europes or USAs for that matter.
  14. Jeeze, you married a bar girl? She will never change, but that does NOT make her a bad person. Some of the nicest girls I have met have been in bars working for their kids, etc., heroes, many of them. Would I go out with one or marry one? NO WAY, the risk is too great, and the thought of all those guys... anyway - you have a choice, obviously, and if you have a kid that choice becomes 1000 times harder.
  15. Exactly, but they will refuse to see it.
  16. To be fair to Chamberlain, he did his best to keep us out of the war - Hitler treacherously reneged on the signed agreement - much like the Ukrainians after 2014 and 2022.
  17. What "prominent opponent" was that? The second place @ around 4%, went to the Communist Party. There was a nationalist who stirred things up constantly but his share was much less than 4%. Don't believe half the things you read or see on MSM - Russians were free to vote or not vote as they wished. The biggest thing they could have done was not vote, but the turnout was a massive 77% - no guns, no penalties for not voting. You could argue that it was rigged, but people say that about the Ukraine elections and the USA elections. I have to agree that Putin had the news media in his pocket - but so does Biden.
  18. Blame the victim huh? deport him
  19. I'm sorry to say it was us Brits https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/colonialism
  20. Yes, I agree that is true it was Russian emigres - but they have been there a long time and deserve a peaceful life as much as anyone does. Having been to Ukraine and Russia many times, I have always experienced them as much the same - Slavs together, look the same, think the same, kiss the same. It's a tragedy.
  21. Thousands of videos show Ukrainians doing the same - most are now taken down by MSM to protect your sensitive eyes. Personally, I condemn all violence on either side - peace NOW!
  22. Russia lost 27m fighting Hitler - do not insult their memory as you sit there with your Chang because of their sacrifice.
  23. I like that name! St. Pete is my favourite city - thank you 🙂 I think there are 'managed' elections everywhere, especially in America lol
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