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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Are you quoting the White House? must be true!
  2. Ah sorry only 5000 a year 400 a month - my mistake - carry on! ✍️
  3. I bet we know less than 1% about our universe
  4. But not dumb to elect a guy with evident dementia? who cant remember his own name? the way of a stage? can't answer questions? it's the lesser of two evils.
  5. Biden is just a tool, and you know it. You forget Putin wants your Alzheimers Biden in post.
  6. Either that or let them all compete? Equal pay? ok play five sets of tennis, jump in a F1 car or do a trial for Man United - if not they should shut up and separate genders.
  7. Aw Trans... and to think I voted for you once in the TVF poll! keep heading towards your 100k posts - over eight years that's over 10,000 a year - I liked some of them years ago but you seem to have gone bananas.
  8. This is scraping the barrel - almost EVERY Poll has Trump ahead, even on MSM. No idea who will win because Dems will try all their tricks - we wait and see.
  9. Not unlike your wokies attacking family - at least they didn't have relations with their dead brother's wife - or do you think that's ok? turned her into a crackhead, too - thankfully, she's ok now. 🤪
  10. He's not a convicted felon until the sentence is past - and, of course, it will be overturned. How about Hunter? Seduces his dead brother's wife? Crack addict? and all the rest
  11. What a joke! the judge rejected a sweetheart plea deal - Biden visited the ex-GF - who happened to be his dead son's wife - you could not make it up!
  12. Yes, I didn't bring up the 1980s RUSSIA war there, did I? You are the one deflecting as normal. Yes, Trump wanted the USA out of this stupid war - there were NO WARS UNDER TRUMP, unlike your guys. I don't even like Trump but I prefer him to dementia Biden and his crackhead son.
  13. Thanks - I know you mean it coz you said it twice 😍
  14. Is there NO COMPASSION in this land? Don't they think her life is horrific enough? And what about the 7-year-old? it is HORRIFIC - God help them
  15. Putin is no angel, but the West is not giving him BILLIONS in return for a proxy war.
  16. Only women can give birth. If guys want to pretend they are women I have no problem but you can't change genetics no matter what Biden and the wokies say.
  17. You are probably right - a CT might think it's preparation but it's probably as you describe. Let's hope so!
  18. The government is corrupt. I encourage you to send a large donation—good money after bad. Maybe send some to Zelenskys' offshore accounts?
  19. Different war - wake up, it's morning already! We were discussing the USA in Afghanistan in the 2020s, not the 1980s. You know - the recent war 1999 to 2021 when they ran away after 2,500 American deaths and 20,000 injuries for NOTHING saying "we have trained the Afghanis with Billions, given them weapons they will win" Now the Burkas are back, female education is banned - great success! LOL
  20. Who is the "shadow" president? Surely not the right-wing nationalist Navalny? you really need to research a bit - try switching off CNN/MSNBC for awhile.
  21. While you hum this tune, two other top Ukrainian officials resign. One of them, Mustafa Nayyem, claims abuse and mismanagement. These are among the hundreds of others who have left or been fired from the corrupt Ukraine government—what could possibly go wrong?
  22. I know - they withdrew. Americans were humiliated, and it cost them BILLIONS - the same as Ukraine.
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