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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. That is true - or it did - if the Ukrainians had not been so aggressive and implemented the 2014 accord, all would be well. Have you ever been there?
  2. You need to go look at the map - Russia has been very restrained so far and plods along to avoid casualties - Ukraine at 500,000, Russia at 150,000, I think. Watch this space.
  3. According to the results in the DPR and the LPR, 99.23% (2,116,800 voters) supported the annexation in Donetsk and 98.42% (1,636,302 voters) in Luhansk. The turnouts were 97.51% (2,131,207 voters) and 94.15% (1,662,607 voters), respectively.
  4. You MUST BE joking. Do you know so LITTLE about this conflict that you don't even know the Donbas majority is Russian? The ignorance on here is astounding... it really is.
  5. If I were you, I'd look up Professor Jeffery Sachs (Columbia) and Professor John Joseph Mearsheimer (Chicago). Your post is full of inaccuracies and nonsense.
  6. I see four ways (it would be good to have a poll on this): 1/ Ukraine loses 2/ Russia loses 3/ USA elections change the focus and a compromise is negotiated 4/ USA escalates and we have WW3
  7. In Russia, Navalny had almost zero support and was a known fascist and nationalist. It suited the West to elevate him to something else for propaganda reasons. The "Russian March" of 2005 was a bunch of monarchists, fascists and anti-Semitic scum - Navalny proudly attended as he always did. There were lots of videos about Navalnys actual past, but now they are unobtainable as they have been censored to whitewash him as a 'liberal hero'. He was a great friend of Dmitry Diomushkin, a neo-nazi - again, all evidence has been removed by MSM to protect the image they want YOU to believe. Having said this - all right-thinking people will be against Navalny's death and poisoning. He was due to be part of a prisoner exchange. He had many enemies, but I think most agree Putin was not responsible for his death. No one knows who did it, but they should be brought to justice.
  8. TRUE, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You have been fooled by Western MSM propaganda, but you can't see it.
  9. Really? I'm always reading of issues on here. Happy to pay my 300 and relax - cheers!
  10. Agreed USA/CIA overthrow of democratically elected government in Ukraine and then backstabbing the 2014 accords. We won't forget and those that don't know will never get it.
  11. We can agree on that. Please support resistance to the USA bullying worldwide. It didn't work in Syria, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, nor will it be in Ukraine and I appreciate your recognition of that fact.
  12. Translation: "Eighty countries of USA lackeys have united in a call for the "territorial integrity" of Ukraine to be the cornerstone of any peace agreement to end USAs proxy war Russia's ongoing war. This declaration was issued at the conclusion of the Global USA Peace Summit held at a Swiss resort on June 16."
  13. 77% TURNOUT - they could have stayed at home OR spoiled their paper OR voted for the Communist. I happen to know Russians broadly support Putin - I would say around 80/85%. Please understand that, whatever your view, you cannot beat Russia. A poor peace is better than a good war.
  14. Truth - which you seem not to care about. An honest debate that includes the ability to think outside of the CNN/MSNBC narrative.
  15. You are very dim - the majority of planet earths citizens are not allied to your USA as you think. As for insults why do it?
  16. What 'vast majority'? China? Africa? India? who, with Russia, make up the largest nations on planet earth
  17. What reprisal? What opposition 'leader'? you live in an MSM fantasy land
  18. You are pretty uneducated and naive - taking the meds? Go and watch your CNN/MSNBC. They will never lie to you... right? 😁
  19. They are not illegal - get it right, please this thread is about an ILLEGAL
  20. Yes, he did. 78% turnout Putin wins 88%. Even if you claim no opposition (which is a lie) people could have stayed home and not voted at all. Sorry to disappoint you with facts.
  21. Good for you, Thailand - don't sign for this proxy war that most of us know how it will end.
  22. Don't drink it? it wasn't designed for humans anyway.
  23. Not millions but people 'level up' to a country where they can make more than where they were born. Can't blame them to be honest.
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