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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. "Online speculations suggest" who cares?
  2. The world has gone crazy, but I agree with legalised partnerships to protect people. Boring the whole Pride BS
  3. No big deal, can't blame her, make some money and go home 100,000s do it, including tons of Thais in Australia, Korea, Malaysia etc.
  4. I understand this too - it's annoying - but is it worth 10 hours of your time? sometimes it just isn't
  5. Ok, well, we all make choices - no need to call others lazy. I pay 300 baht and the 90 days is mailed to me at my address - I don't go to the IO office and I am happy to pay $8 for this service.
  6. It's annoying, but it's less than $10 - don't sweat the small stuff
  7. Red folk? I'm a Chelsea fan not Liverpool - do keep up!
  8. I think it was YOU who brought up Jesus and the Jews? Anyway, I agree it is off-topic.
  9. If you like Chicks with Dicks "up to you". Personally, I'd run a mile.
  10. You might not like what he says but as long as it does NOT incite violence then he should have the freedom to speak.
  11. The Jews reject Jesus - DYOR
  12. Do you equate this with this guy drowning? Disgusting!
  13. Stupid answer - this guy has a problem? agents know people, agents pay people, and agents get things DONE - it's up to you. I have used agents for 15 years, and if you can't afford the 300 fee, you must be very poor.
  14. Get an agent to do it?
  15. Actually, I do have a bottle of Stolichnaya here, but being a vegetarian, I don't eat caviar. Have a nice day.
  16. Hopefully, take them out in the airfields. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  17. He certainly feels he has something to share 😃 dedicated! right, I'm off for a glass of RED wine (whoops, that will get me into trouble - it should be white, right?).
  18. I can imagine Putin standing at The Victory Square in Kiev, and they say, in Python style: "Nah, he's just visiting like any tourist - next counter-offensive starts soon." 🤪
  19. Actually, that is true—there's no denying a denier, and we are outnumbered on here by 20 to 1, at least. 😎
  20. If Poland is used to attack Russia, what do you EXPECT to happen? Dancing? No one likes Russia or anyone invading anywhere - but there are Russians in Donbas that were being slaughtered, and the agreement in 2014 was broken. I think Russia is being VERY restrained in its approach. The USA caused this, no one else. DIPLOMACY and COMPROMISE could have ended this long before it started, but the UK and USA wanted a fight. I'm still hopeful negotiations will prevail one day - probably after Russia wins.
  21. It's a smart decision; Thailand - USA hegemony will end over the next 20 years or so.
  22. Many have "job stress" they don't stab people - jail for 30 years!
  23. I think you mean the world would end very quickly. I think WW3 is a very real danger brought about by USA Hegemony - STOP interfering in other people's business - simple, right?
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