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Posts posted by pilou

  1. Hi

    I live on Nimanhemin, so around here Smoothie Blue is also my favorite.

    Downtown, The Laughing Leprechaun gets my vote, and I stumbled upon the Chiangmai Saloon "Trail boss" breakfast last week, very good too. JJ's, Art Cafe , Bake 'n Bite, Queen Vic, Olde Bell, all good places as well. I won't go back to Mad Dog either.


  2. I've got the Asus eee 900 20 Gb running under XP, I bought it when it just appeared in the shops for 19150 bahts, now available for much less, I used to have the 4 Gb 701 but the screen was just too small.

    I bought a big battery on eBay which I carry around but hardly use, and got a 8 Gb SD card. I tweaked it a bit, put on a 2Gb RAM , and could not be happier with it. I found a small bag for it, and it is very portable and light, a big change from my former laptop which now never leaves my apartment . When I am on the move, it is easy to open and it connects everywhere on Wifi without problems. It does not come with Bluetooth but I found a small cheap Asus dongle which I hardly use anyway. I have never had a problem cause of the lack of DVD drive, just put the needed programs on a USB flash drive to install them , and it has worked perfectly so far.

    Now that I have found how to connect on EDGE/GPRS through my mobile phone, access to internet is instantaneous. Brilliant. :o

  3. Hi

    I have bought an AKG K701 on eBay, I am delighted with it, also very comfortable to wear for long period.

    There is a tiny shop in Fortune, on one of the bottom floor ( sorry I can't remember which floor ) who specializes in headphones and headphones amplifier, he has a few models in stock ( Sennheiser, AKG and more ) and the guy seems to know his trade.

    Hopes this help.


  4. Hi

    Even in Bangkok , there is no decent CD shops, save a very small shop in Paragon but with limited choice .

    I use eBay almost exclusively, and I have never paid a single baht for duty for the hundred or so CD's and SACD's I have received here in Chiangmai. I maybe should try Amazon, I have just ordered a book, if it arrives alright it may be another option.


  5. I used to have a 701 8Gb, the screen was really to small for me, now i have a 900 with 2Gb ram and 8Gb SD card. and using XP ( I tried Linux, gave up after a few days..) which completely replace my big laptop when I am on the move. Keyboard is not an issue as I type with 2 fingers... Boots in 30 seconds or less

    I could not be happier with it, except the price went down from 19150 only 2 or 3 months ago to 12900 as I saw today at IT City...

    If you just want to surf internet , check your mails, chat, watch movies, pictures and work on reasonably sized files, it is more than enough. I don't think you can edit videos or big pictures, after all this is a 900 MHz processor with limited memory .It is just not designed for that.

    The new models with Atom processor ( 901 and 1000 ) will last longer on a battery, and the 1000H has a hard disk and bigger screen ,and was 20220 last time I saw it at Fortune. I will stick to my 900 for the moment.

    Many other models are now available from other brand, for me Asus is still ahead ... According to a french blog, no less than 23 different models on their catalog...



  6. Yes , I have seen the 901 ( and the 1000H as well ) in at least in 2 places, Fortune and Zeer Rangsit, so I guess it must be at Panthip too, price was 19150 at Fortune.


  7. Today at Fortune, I saw the Asus eee701 at 8450 bahts incl. VAT


    Hey Phil

    I spend two days looking for an Asus EEE 701 4gb in several places (Pantip, Zeer Rangsit, Fortune) and didn't find any.

    Last month I saw plenty everywhere for 7,900 baht (retail price). Looks like Asus took them out from the market.

    If any one of you guys is willing to sell yours for a reasonable price please drop me a PM.

    Well, actually the last time I went to Fortune ( that must have been about 4 or 5 days ago ), I did not see any more 701's on display anywhere either.

    New models are coming fast, I read on a French website that Asus would soon have about 23 different models of netbooks in their catalog...

    I may have a 8 Gb 701 available for sale soon, if it happens i will PM you...


  8. Hi

    You probably will have to try a hard reset..

    Maybe your phone has a soft reset button that you can try before that, as the hard reset will wipe out all data and installed programs from your phone , I hope you have backups...

    Good luck.


  9. I did it at Mc Cormick 18 years ago after my 2nd son's birth.

    Short time surgery, back home the next day, however I made the big mistake of returning to work almost straight away, in Burma's jungle of all places, and it was not the best place to be at that time... :o

    So, my advice is to take it easy for a period of 2 or 3 weks, with medical facilities at hand...Just in case..


  10. What did you pay for the 900? I think the 901 has a better battery and the Arom processor but for the same price as the 900.

    I paid 19150 bahts, which is now the price for the 901... The Atom seems not to be necessarily much better than the Celeron in terms of global performances, but better in terms of power consumption. You can still find the 900 at around 15000 bahts for the 20 Gb Linux version ( that's the one I have, got rid of Linux for XP)


  11. Hi Rich

    You may want to go have a look here for more infos:


    The prices you mention are probably for eee701's, which were the first out and whose prices have fallen quite a lot...Now they have a lot of competition and are a bit outclassed...

    I used to have one, but recently bought a 900, as the 701's screen was really too small for me. I gave it to my girlfriend who also complain now about the screen size...

    It really depends on what you plan to do with it. They normally are sold with a Linux Xandros distribution, but they work well with Windows XP, although this OS would take most of the available SSD memory...But if you only plan to surf the net, read your mail, listen music, watch pictures or movies and do basic work with Word or Excel files ( the linux version comes with Open Office, which is compatible with Microsoft Office files), it might be enough...if you have a good eyesight :D:o

    For more memory, you can buy a 8Gb SD card and/or a few USB stick, and if you have to carry files, a small 2.5 " USB external hard drive should be enough.

    Hopes this helps you.



  12. Hi folks...

    I have spotted the Asus 901 and 1000H at Fortune this afternoon, at CNex, on 4th floor, still no signs of the MSI Wind ( not before september according to their shop). No eeeBox either, but coming soon.... I have also seen a new model, the 900H, with a 30Gb hard disk at 13900 bahts, at another shop.

    The 901 is 19150 bahts, and the 1000H 20220 bahts, including VAT.

    They both look very nice, the shop had only one 1000 left, selling well apparently.

    But I think I will stick to my 900 model, I have it for 2 months now and stil very pleased with it.

    For info, here are the specs: ( from the leaflet at the shop )


    20 Gb solid state memory

    RAM 1 Gb

    Processor : 1.6 GHz Intel Atom

    Linux Xandros OS

    LCD 8.9 inches, 1024 x 600

    Networking :WiFi ( 802.11 b/g/n), 10/100 Fast ethernet

    3 x USB plugs,1 x VGA, microphone, headphone

    Webcam 1.3 Mpixels

    Battery 6 cells ( 6 hours )

    Weight : 2.42 pounds


    80 Gb hard disk HDD

    RAM 1 Gb

    Processor : 1.6 GHz Intel Atom

    Windows XP OS

    LCD 10.2 inches, 1024 x 600

    Networking :WiFi ( 802.11 b/g/n), 10/100 Fast ethernet

    3 x USB plugs,1 x VGA, microphone, headphone

    Webcam 1.3 Mpixels

    Battery 6 cells ( 7 hours )

    Weight : 3.19 pounds

    I haven't seen the 701 anywhere, but there are also many clones from different brands.



  13. Hi all

    I revive this old spread to let know all of you interested in Hifi and Home theaters, or thinking of buying or renewing your system, that there is a Hifi Festival ( called BAV, entrance fee 50 bahts ) at Fortune, in Mercure Hotel.

    There are a few nice showrooms, and some really interesting prices.

    Go and have a look, it is on 3rd, 14th and 15 th floor.


  14. Hi all

    Every time I come back home from work, there is something new on Nimanhemin... A restaurant, a shop, a spa, a condo...

    I heard rumors that there would be a Villa supermarket at the Punna Condo, anybody can confirm this ?

    If it was not for the bar/restaurant blaring music almost under my windows till 1:00 am, would be close to ideal place... I love being here :o , I go out and I have 50 restaurants to choose from, shops, and taxis and tuktuk easily available ( except at night..) and Central 15 minutes walking away, back from airport in 10 minutes through the airbase ( although going is a bit longer...).


  15. Hi

    Sorry , I can't tell you where they can be found in Chiangmai, but I can tell you that they are not at the Apple store in Airport plaza... My best bet would still be the other shops around there, some specialize in PDA's/Smart phones ( I think one of them is Ozone...)

    Good luck


  16. Today at Fortune, I saw the Asus eee701 at 8450 bahts incl. VAT, the 900 still at 19100 bahts.

    No signs of the 901 or the Wind yet, also saw the new HTC Diamond PDA Phone at 29900, looks very nice.


  17. "Pilou, did the sales guy metion a price for the Wind? "

    Sorry, no, I did not ask at that time, but I will rush to Fortune to see it is available as soon as I will be back from France.

    "The MSI Wind DEFINITELY looks more attractive than the ASUS "

    I may end up buying a eee901 or a Wind, but so far the Asus eee900 is almost exactly what I was looking for. I do not need a big hard disk, and connection to internet is working very well, only if the Wind keyboard is much better will I consider buying one. I am highly satisfied with the 900, I am traveling around France visiting my rather large family, and changing home almost daily, can consult my mails and surf the net, watch movies on train, show my pictures around etc etc..


  18. Hi

    Last time I went to Fortune, i wrote down the name of the shop selling MSI brand.

    It is called E-Sys and it'son the 3rd floor. You might miss it as it is really a tiny shop... I went there a few days ago and actually saw a Wind, but did not stay long enough to have a proper demo, as the guy looked rather busy. He gave me a release date, which I forgot, but I remember it is sometime mid June.


  19. Hi guys,

    My advice is : Do not buy the Asus EeePc 900 !


    If you read Blogeee.net ( are you French ?), you will see that the opinions are differing between the Celeron and the Atom. The latter has better battery life, but the bench marks do not show a clear advantage to the Atom, depending on your main applications.

    To me the 900 is a good little machine. Sure the 901 is coming soon, and then the 1001 will follow, and many others from many manufacturers. I just wanted to have something without the imperfections of the 701, ie the very small screen and the general look ( with that black band around the screen).With a bigger battery ( true, the original battery does not offer a very long using time), I think I will be OK.

    I am embarking tonight for a trip to France with my eee900 instead of my usual laptop, I will see if I am still happy when I return....


  20. Hi

    It came with a 5800 mAh battery ( I have ordered and received 2 extra batteries bought on eBay, one 6600 and one 10400, both for my 701, but they fit perfectly on the 900 )

    The webcam works perfectly, wifi too, but I saw on some blogs that the 900 wifi is not as sensitive as the one on the 701, maybe due to a different antenna. Anyway, so far so good, I have not noticed any difference.

    I am typing this on the 900, worth every single baht I "invested". I was thinking of maybe getting the MSI Wind cause of the Atom processor and better battery life, but actually I have what I need with the asus 900, so I do not think I will change ( unless the "geek" attitude becomes too strong...)

    Let us know your impressions if you buy one.

    Good day


  21. Does anyone can confirm where to buy the 900 in bangkok?

    I'll be there for few hours next week and i would like to get one.


    I got mine a a shop called C-Nex at Fortune, 3rd or 4th floor, sorry can't remember. They had received their shipment of 900's and I was the 1st buyer ( that was 3 days ago...)

    I took the 20Gb version, paid 19.150 bahts, and had Windows XP installed to replace Linux ( Xandros distribution), waiting time 3 hours used for more shopping at Fortune...

    The 12Gb with genuine XP is selling for 17.000 bahts, while you can also get the 4Gb 701 for 10.900 bahts ( some shops have it for slightly less) and there is also the 8Gb 701, about 14.000 bahts if I remember well.

    I also saw it at Panthip, same shop name , same price, can't remember which floor either , sorry.

    Hopes this help.


    By the way, absolutely delighted with it....

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