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Posts posted by pilou

  1. Hi

    Starting this morning, my Outlook express refuses to send any of the mails I compose, and when it does, I immediately receive a message telling me this

    :"Technical details of permanent failure:

    PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 16): 550 Error: Message content rejected"

    I can receive mails without problems.

    All my POP3 accounts ( gmail and yahoo ) are affected, although through gmail website, it works alright.

    It did not work in Chiangmai through Buddy broadband, and it does not work either tonight in Bangkok, using the condo Hi speed connection ( don't know the provider... )

    I have tried a restore point to yesterday and the day before, when it still worked, to no avail...

    Any ideas ?



  2. Hi

    I am in Chiangmai, where good Hifi shops are not many, after years of second hand , I have just bought a basic system, Marantz amp and CD, and some truly amazing speakers (Mordaunt Short 902i), a steal for that price. Definetely better than Bose...

    Try your system in your home first, if the hop is willing to lend it to you. The listening room (and the setup) is, IMO, one of the most important component of a system.

    Try Hifi center in Bangkok, and there are also quite a few good shops in Fortune, but more Hi end, you should find something to suit your taste and budget.

    Good luck.. :o


  3. Hi Catch

    If you live around Nimanhemin, there is a small shop on soi 9 or 11 ( sign posted on main street ). I have been there a few times, good work, the price seemed OK but I did not try to bargain... It was not super fast though...

    There are plenty of other shops around town...You should not have any problems to find what you need.



  4. Anyone know where to buy a bike rack that mounts on the roof of a car? I have asked at a couple of the bike shops around town, but they say have to order them special. I have a trunk-mounted rack, but it's not very convenient and not at all good for the car's finish. Plus, can't open the trunk with rack mounted. Thanks, P


    have you tried shops that have Carry_boy products? If not mistaken, i have seen some of those by CarryBoy on a couple of cars.

    Also Puwa, am thinking of getting a bicycle for climbing up Doi Suthep. Step by step of course, can you recommend a brand for approx 10k - 12k? or is that too low for a starters mountain bike? I biked a lot when a lot younger and had a GT Tequesta while in USA. Also is there a group in chiang mai that does meet for mountain biking?


    Hi Puwa, Hi Tigerbeer, hi everybody...

    One of my friends has a roof rack that came with his Zafira, I don't know if it can be adapted to any car roof though... Really neat, safe and easy to use... Only available at Chevrolet ....

    About mountain bike brands, I use to have a Challenger that I paid 9.900 bahts, I just changed it for a Gary Fisher Wahoo upgraded with Shimano LX, I like it very much. I suggest you have a look at this website www.probike.co.th , most of these brands are at Jacky's bike shop, not everybody seems to like Jacky, but I have bought 3 bikes from him ( many of my friends also go there...) and have always been satisfied with the service and after sale... Top Gear on Chiangmoi stocks mostly Merida bikes, while Chaitawat ( around Chevrolet dealership, don't know the exact address...) is also a good shop.

    Hopes this helps, happy bike hunting...


  5. You can put together a nice Marantz system partnered with some 902i's by Mordaunt Short, the newer amps have HDMi switching and upscaling of SD signals.


    Another vote for the 902i's, really nice speakers, and very cheap too. If you go for Marantz you won't be disappointed.


  6. If you work in an organisation with several or more other foreigners, you might be able to arrange for Red Cross to visit you (?).

    Red Cross comes out to us every three months 360 Thai workers and 1 Farung. They set up in our canteen and are very good.

    Please support them either by donating blood or money


    I've never given blood as I'm scared like hel_l for the needle, but my concious is playing with me, so ...

    How long does it take to draw blood?

    Suppose they need to do some tests first? How what etc?

    Is there something special you should or shouldn't do before and after drawing the blood? (Need to drive back home)

    I'm living close to Sankhampeang; so when is the next time they come to you, CB?

    Can I scream when they put the needle in? :o

    Can I bring my dog, just to make sure they will do it in one time good? :D



    Nothing to be worried about, they are all skilled nurses and the actual pain is very brief and bearable...

    There is a short medical questionnaire and blood pressure test, and they are very friendly indeed. You should eat (lightly...avoid getting drunk the night before..) before you go. The first time I suppose they will take a small quantity of your blood, and if you are concerned about dizziness ( it does happen...), go with someone else who can drive you back.They will guide you through the whole process. The actual time is quite short, for 450 ml last time, it took about 10 minutes.

    By all mean, go and do it, you will feel better after. and bring your friends and relatives.

    Take care


    Sorry if my English stinks, I am only a frog after all...

  7. I am A+ too
    Pilou, just to be sure, it's A- that is needed for this patient.

    I know they are looking for A-... Unfortunately, I am only A+, as is the majority of French people according to one of the post here...

    Nakornping Hospital is the big and very busy government one on Mae Rim road, on the left, entrance right after the pedestrian over pass ( I miss it every time...). They keep good records and will send you a letter ( in Thai..) when the 3 month period is passed, and they also test your blood and send you the results.

    Spread the word...


  8. Austhaied, as I understand it, the patient in current need is at Mc Cormick Hospital.

    I was wondering which other hospitals receive donations from people who'd like to donate on a regular basis.


    I personally donate my blood every 3 months at NakornPing Hospital ( I believe that is the right name...) on the Mae Rim Road, room 104, be careful, it is always very difficult to find a parking place. I am A+ too.


  9. Hi Crow Boy

    The shop is called eagle GPS, I think it is on the 3rd floor in Panthip. It is run by 2 brothers ( I think they are polish ) who are very friendly and helpful, I just bought them a Garmin Etrex Legend Cx, brilliant machine, but they do have a vast choice...

    Good luck


    Excellent - thanks - maybe I need to get one attached to the bike :o

    Garmin also makes adapters that you can fit on your handle bar, but it is rather expensive compared to the price of the GPS itself. I used mine when we went on a motorbike ride north a few weeks ago, and use it daily when I go to Huay Tung Tao on my push bike.


  10. Hi Crow Boy

    The shop is called eagle GPS, I think it is on the 3rd floor in Panthip. It is run by 2 brothers ( I think they are polish ) who are very friendly and helpful, I just bought them a Garmin Etrex Legend Cx, brilliant machine, but they do have a vast choice...

    Good luck


  11. Hi

    Mine was not a Fuji but a Canon that i bought in France and was not under guarantee any more, still it was repaired for free, all I had to pay was 500 bahts to send my camera to Bangkok. I guess Canon, not the shop , serviced my camera (dead captor )

    The shop is called Denchai, they deal in all kinds of still and video cameras, printers etc etc... It is after the old stadium, roughly 500 meters after it.



  12. It seems extremely difficult to find a new laptop battery, mine is dead as well and even in Bangkok, in the very shop that distributes these laptops, they could not get me one...

    I noticed recently that there is a battery repair counter in Amorn (the spare parts shop at Icon square ), there was a guy busy dismantling a wireless drill machine battery, I will go with my battery to see if they can chance the cells. My battery is dead anyway so I might as well try. If it works i will come back here to give you the results.



    I just had my laptop battery resuscitated in a small shop in Pantip plaza called Smart Tech Solutions, 3rd floor, they did a neat job opening and reclosing the battery pack and replaced the 6 cells for a very reasonable price IMO.The guarantee is....1 month... :o The tech at Amorn, near Icon Plaza, was very reluctant to do it.

    Just below them on the 2nd floor, the guys at HCW shop offered me a very good assistance to help me revive my Laptop and spent the all afternoon on it (for a fee, but my laptop is working again...)

    Hope this helps.Cheers.


  13. I am glad it was at least useful for someone, I still cannot locate my messages, no such things as "Identities" folder, or "OE", maybe I really was infected by a virus or a malware, although nothing was found when we scanned the disk at the shop.

    Thanks to all of you anyway.Have a good day. :o


  14. why not just use an external mail service? there's plenty of them: gmail.com, doramail.com, yahoomail.com, etc. all for free, too

    Hi oooooo

    That's not the point, I have all these already and it works again just fine, what I am trying to do is to dig back my old messages from my old hard disk and to re install them in my new Outlook ERxpress.

    Is there a way , faster than forwarding them one by one ( that would take a very long time, I tried..) , to forward ALL my messages from Gmail to Outlook Express ?



  15. Thanks again for your reply Reimar, I cannot find this path in my old hard disk, and my messages are still hidden somewhere. I did change the settings of my folder optioons.

    I give up for today..

    Thanks and good night


  16. There is a way for to solve every thing but sometimes difficult to find.

    Keep trying and going and on the end of the day may you got what you need!

    How much true Reimar, thanks for your help, but still fruitless, or maybe I do not seek at the right place, I will carry on.



  17. Thanks Tyways, I also tried this, but cannot find the folder "identities" in "application date", I just have a "microsoft" folder wich does not seem to contains any messages...

    I have tried to use the search engine, but did not find anything either...


  18. Thanks, I tried all this but nothing worked...

    I went to a repair shop, we spent the whole afternoon trying to recover my laptop, but to no avail. I chose to buy a new hard disk , install new Windows Xp and other miscellaneous programs , and put my old one in a USB case, to access my old data.

    Now I would like to recover my old Outlook Express messages, is there a way to find them in my old disk and transfer them in the new Outlook Express ?



  19. Hi again

    I have managed to restart in Safe Mode, but I am still asked for my password.

    After entering it, I get the following error:

    "The system cannot log you on due to the following error:

    The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect

    Please try again or consult your system administrator"

    I have tried all the modes proposed when restarting in Safe Mode, but nothing works...

    Thanks again if you have a solution.


  20. Hi

    My computer frequently tells me some updates are available, I have had problems with this in the past and I avoid these updates...

    I must have done a mistake as these updates were installed this morning, the result is that now I cannot login anymore,I am sure of my password, and I get rejected each time.

    Is there anyway to restart my computer around this ( Safe mode, but how to do it ?)

    Your help will be appreciated, thanks.


  21. Hi

    I agree with Peace Blondie, Buddy have good bikes, I have rented some on many occasions, and their prices are fair, their service is good.I also have rented bigger bikes from Mr. Mechanic, and I was pleased with them as well.

    Be careful though, buy yourself a good crash helmet, the ones they provide are not that good. And of course be careful on the road...

    Cheers. :o


  22. I caught dengue twice, once in Chiangmai 15 years ago, second time near Palembang in Indonesia 4 years ago.Symptoms look very much like malaria ( which I caught twice as well...) , only headaches and joints pain is worse...

    Both times I spent one week in hospital, they were ready to transfuse blood in Chiangmai, which I refused, I was ready to fly to Singapore, but my blood cell count came back OK and did not have to.

    According to my doctor in France, there are 3 types of dengue, once you catch it, you are immune, so I still have to experience the last one...

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