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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. There are a few expat pubs and meeting places. Lady Janes pub and Eng. grub, Poolbar 8ball and big screen, Phits Sports Bar pool and tv sports, Topland Plaza, Big C complex, etc. Not that big of a place so easy to find the expats sitting around havin a glass and talking about the local politics.

    Thanks for the advice. Where is Lady Janes and the Phits Sports? I think I might know the places but not the names. Are they on the road that goes from Topland Arcade (not Topland Plaza, but where they sell computers) to the road that goes over the river fairly close to Wat Chinnarat? If not there, I'm sure I can find them. Thanks again.

    Yes on the road from Topland arcade,past he police station and Pailyn hotel and on the right about 200m before river. Pool bar and Phits sports are across the river in The Night bazaar comlex,Discovery Disco.

  2. There are a few expat pubs and meeting places. Lady Janes pub and Eng. grub, Poolbar 8ball and big screen, Phits Sports Bar pool and tv sports, Topland Plaza, Big C complex, etc. Not that big of a place so easy to find the expats sitting around havin a glass and talking about the local politics.







    Don't know about shipping co. but turn the caps lock off. Capital letters means you're SHOUTING.

  4. I was wondering anybody knows where i can hire a Mini Digger in Buriram, there are plenty of hi-macs and kobotos, etc, but cannot seem to find a mini digger, i need it to dig out a 15 metre X 7 metre Koi pool in my garden, there is a lot of ledges etc to make and also a small island with a pagoda on, a JCB type would be two big, a mini one is easy to handle, i would appreciate any advise, going to do this project when in Buriram in middle of Feb. ...........thanks guys....

    I had a similar hole dug for swimming pool/fish pond. Just hired local man Manuel Labour and wife 200bht@day@18d=3,600bht.

  5. Best bang for the buck,Nana. Ya I know either love it or hate it. Booking thru [email protected] it's about 950 with buffet and newspaper incl. Close to all and no hassle with conducting interviews with locals all night. Some rooms are newly renovated and pool is all finished.

  6. The problem will be as earlier mentioned the neighbours will deny ownership. Run one over with a car and they will demand compenstion for the beloved family pet. If one nips you no one will hold up their hand when you ask who farted. Pepper spray will work fine and cure the pack. Smarts for awhile but nothing long term. Keep the rubber down.

  7. Follow the money. Where do the super rich send their kids? Overseas. Where do the very rich send their kids. Int'l schools. See the pattern. It's all based on what they can afford. The end result will vary greatly as the students come out of the Tham,Chula univ. they get the gravy and it filters down from there.

  8. The only cerificates you'll see are in the big dealerships where the "mechanics" have attended factory training seminars. The locals learn by hands on and from friends. There are some secondary schools that teach the basics in most of the trades. If you have a big bike stay away from the small locals as they won't admit they don't know how to do something and try to learn at your expense.

  9. A few years back I bought a pick-up reg. in Phuket. Went with seller to reg. office did some paperwork and took these to local reg. office up-country. Here they looked at no's and did an inspection. Took awhile for book and new plates to arrive but not difficult. I also bought a bike from Phuket last year and it's reg. in BKK. Just left it reg. in BKK and transferred ownership to my name. I liked the plate # and wouldn't get a unique # up here. My letter conf. add. states I live up-country.

  10. you've, probably, been asked this a thousand times and I couldn't find the info elseware.

    So, Is it essential to have a plane ticket when applying for this kind of visa?

    I was thinking of getting the visa ready, then i'd be able to leave on a moments notice (the next few weeks!).

    I am British and 35



    Don't need ticket beforehand. They will ask when you are arriving in LOS so visa will be valid. You must use visa within a certain amount of time from issue, I think 2 mos.

  11. Doubt they could reg. it for you in Phuket. but not that hard to do yourself. My bike was also reg. in BKK and have changed it to my name and just keep renewing it. Liked the plate #. A friend of mine sells veh. at a local Toyota dealer here upcountry and could give you prices over the phone if you're really interested.

  12. When students asked about grammar I told them that when they were 6 yrs. old they could speak Thai in the proper grammar before they started school. They learned this as did we through conversation and practice. So lets start stringing a few sentences together before learning a mound of rules. Good for lower grades but of course uni. students should be up to learning the rules for more advanced writing.

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