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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. Plane is the way to go. Thai Air or Nok. The top price would be about 1,500 baht vs 300 ac bus and 500 train. If you're already worried about 1000 bht extra for flying then maybe you should work a little longer and be able to enjoy a real holiday.

  2. I have a 400cc motorbike, which I use to 'poodle' around Chiang Mai on and get absolutely no grief from the police at all. In fact one or two of them have taken to saluting me as I ride by wearing my ramones t-shirt, shorts & flip-flops.

    However I am told that you cannot ride a plateless motorcycle in Bangkok...  :o

    What is the situation re: motorcycles without plates in other 'cities' throughout the LoS?

    You're riding a time bomb, it's just a matter of time till one pulls you up. BKK is a definite no-no. Times are changing here.

  3. Larry , this post aside, I have yet to see you say/write something positive about the people of Thailand.

    Please try and dig an old one out you miserable seed-sack.


    Just trying to add some balance in this politically correct cyberspace. Most posters give the Thais a free pass and lack objectivity. Little meaningful debate is possible.

    Something positive... OK, Thais are not actively agressive society like say Mexico City. I guess that is pretty positive. Thais are passive agressive society which is dangerous, but not if you avoid them.

    Frankly, just about everyone I know living in Thailand has little to do with the Thais. They are just around. I have met hundreds of farangs here and they fall into two groups: 1) Those who have no Thai friends and 2) Those who don't know they have no Thai friends. I am quite content to be in group 1.

    Warm weather, safe traveling, cheap, many westerners to associate with. Enough for me, enough for many apparently.

    Hope that made your day. :o

    Definetly need a 3rd group here. Those that have 'real' Thai friends,speak alittle Thai and share a common interest. No I don't shout the drinks, actually get more bought than I buy. Know lots of people like yourself that just don't get "it".

  4. you wont need to have a written test if you simply show your overseas drivers license as long as its not expired they will take it AND you are from a known country. if you show up with like Cambodian drivers license, i dont think they will allow it.

    as for the pratical course, in nonthaburi, reaction brake pedal test...what a joke AND the peripheral eye vision test...a bit more difficult even with 20-20 vision, but they go easy on you since you are foreigners...the whole room will be cheering you on

    Not that simple hugo, if you show Int'l lic. you will be excused but for ord. dr. lic. no, take all tests.

  5. Thanks for the comments good or bad .

    Yes i do have some buisniess experience but i've got the feeling that almost everything has been tryed or exists in thailand.i have some ideas like a retirement home for old people like a sort of hotel.Disabled people that don't get to much out.

    Kinder garden for young famelies who parents wants some time alone.Singel parents that needs babysitters(cost a fortune at my home)Does this exist in thailand or is it just a stupid idea , feedback!

    Not much demand for this as the family takes care of the elderly and very young.They start kinder. here at 3yrs. old and most schools have them. it's very cheap compared to abroad,maybe 5,000 for the year.

  6. Thar's alot of money for a BKK hotel,well I think so. Try the link above on hotels and just look at hotels on Sukumvit. Lots around the $50 mark, clean and secure. Far less problems with guests and guests won't think you're 'rockerfella" staying at Hiltons etc.

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