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Posts posted by gaff

  1. 9 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Is it only me, why have kids in Thailand? Of course if you are rich, and then I mean rich and wealthy, of course you have a solid ground to start with, but with everything that can happen down here, the culture, and no rights at all as an citizen (stranger)? I just do not get it. Yes, have a gf, get married of visa reasons, or whatever, but having kids? Sorry, off topic


    So true !



  2. I know a car wash that pays 13000thb Khmer coming from Cambodia to work in Thailand, and still,  they often leave because washing cars is not an easy job !

    And because Burmese often speak English, they prefer to work in hotels and resorts, but I do not know how much they get ? Too much for sure ?


  3. On 8/23/2018 at 5:28 AM, JaiLai said:

    Treat them like a Thai boss would, you think they'll be loyal to you for you being nice - they won't, they'll see it as weakness and take the piss.


    This is what I am doing and it seems that it even excite them to know how little respect I have for them, because i treat my dogs better than them, but still, they are here... (until they kill me maybe)

  4. 19 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The thing I find really funny about this, is that while we are all laughing that they would bother getting into a frenzy over something so petty, these clowns actually think they are helping Pattayas reputation, when in truth they are doing quite the opposite. Amazing Thailand!




    First time that I fall in love with a moderator ! I hope that it's not considered as discussing moderation ?





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  5. If you do not want to break the family, can you start a new life somewhere else not so far, but still spend time with your wife and kids ?


    I think taking the decision to break everything is not always useful, if you can live a special life with more than 1 family. You won't be the first and the last.


    As long as you do not fight with your wife in front of the kids and do not need to spend a lot for the wife, it should be ok?


    Wife has only a dad now ? Let's hope that he dies soon to avoid future expenses for him!




  6. 7 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

    "I am as safe as most sober drivers after a few beers."

    What constitutes that "few"? What happens with "a few beers" plus one or two?  Since you believe you can safely drink and drive after a "few", what do you do when you have gone over that "few"? 


    I wouldn't even waste my time commenting what some ridiculous people shouldn't even dare to tell if they didn't want to look stupid. A few is what alcoholic think, and they deserve to be jailed if driving drunk. Nothing else to do.

    I like to drink and take drug, but AT HOME, not on the roads, anybody who cannot understand this shouldn't have a license.






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  7. 15 hours ago, frankphuket said:

    The air circulation always switches off and you need to push the button again in order to keep it circulating inside...annoying.


    Any smart car works this way to avoid moisture. Why do you need air circulating ? Benz have good filters for exterior air.


    I do not buy diesel and I understand your "The car has grown on me, or rather it feels smaller than my initial thoughts". because even the S-class feels too small after few months...


    204 hp/3800 rpm is a bit on the low side, but it's the minimum acceptable to have an interesting car to drive.






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