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Posts posted by gaff

  1. 7 hours ago, TonyBkk007 said:

    so to which border they taking me ? - the 2000 baht is include the cambodian visa fee ? (1300baht)



    Sorry but seeing how you cannot read correctly a message on the forum that replies to the question that you are asking now, I guess that it's also difficult for you to know rules and ways that are clearly explained everywhere...

    A but more concentration and attention could help you in the future ❤️

    I just want to help ❤️


  2. 11 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    That's your personal choice.

    However when your sat facing an IO administering a fine for failure to report, I can assure you the general consensus will be theirs only one idiot in the office. 


    so scary, 2000 thb fine ?

    I cheat the systems because this is the way I choose to live. I can be anywhere in the world and nobody will tell me what I can do or not.

    And yes, sometimes I have to pay, but if you knew how much I have avoided to pay by not having a standard official life, you would understand that the idiots is not really me ❤️



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  3. 15 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    What a totally hilarious comment and way of thinking.  You think you are getting one over the Thai government because you leave before every 90 days?  HAHA very funny good for you. ?


    This is exactly what I am doing, and the funny one is you.

    I do not report about my life to anybody in this world, I have never, and will never.

    I have also been living on tourists visa in more countries that you have and will ever visit, so please do not come to try to teach me anything that you don't know. Then I could explain you how I managed to make $ millions without paying any tax in any country, EVER.




  4. 1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

    Generally they only concern themselves with your time since your last entry into Thailand. So if you do a border run tomorrow, do your TM 30 and residence certificate on Friday 17 Aug, it is more likely that you will escape the fine. You will certainly improve your chances. But is it worth it? A border run involves costs. The decision depends on your individual circumstances and dates.


    If you do do that, please come back and report how it went. It will help others.


    I travel every 3 months and do not do extensions, I avoid talking to these people as much as I can.

    So I will do a TM30 only when I will decide to renew my driving license, I am just happy to keep cheating these idiots.




  5. 8 minutes ago, gaff said:


    Thank you, so it means that when I will need a residence certificate, I will have to visit immigration for the first time ?

    are they going to try to fine me for not having filled a TM30 ever ? Or they are just concerned by the present time when I am visiting right after coming back from 3 months visa run ?

    So if I need the residence certificate I just have to declare myself as living in my condo within 24 hours after my arrival ? (they will see on the computer that I crossed the border the day before?). I am owner of the condo.


    Thanks again.




    So it means that I do not have to change my habit to never notify anything except when I know that I will need a residence certificate ? I do not need immigration for anything else.

    Maybe we can expect that they will soon check that you have made a TM30 when leaving the country ? , more easy money to be made by these official scammers.










  6. 24 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    If you want a residence certificate, you must have a TM30 receipt slip in your passport.

    If you haven't you will be sent to counter 10 and asked to fill in a TM30.

    If you have been at your address in Chonburi longer than 3 days and you are not in the database, your landlord or you are likely to be fined 1600 Baht.

    You can then proceed to the Certificate of Residence desk.


    Thank you, so it means that when I will need a residence certificate, I will have to visit immigration for the first time ?

    are they going to try to fine me for not having filled a TM30 ever ? Or they are just concerned by the present time when I am visiting right after coming back from 3 months visa run ?

    So if I need the residence certificate I just have to declare myself as living in my condo within 24 hours after my arrival ? (they will see on the computer that I crossed the border the day before?). I am owner of the condo.


    Thanks again.



  7. Thank you Tropo, I have read the 27 pages of this thread and people are lucky to have you to reply to their question.


    Just one thing that I still didn't get, is why some people want water kefir ?! is it because they do not want to rink milk ?


    And someone talked about commercial kefir that has a limited life span, but do we know if the one sold at HK probiotics or thaiartisan foods can be used forever as tropo kefir ?


    hkprobiotics sells for 450 thb

    One Tablespoon of Active Milk Kefir Grains


    thaiartisan sells for 200 thb

    In the sachet includes 1 teaspoon of dehydrated milk kefir grains and 1 tablespoon of powdered milk to help keep the grains healthy and happy.


    is it exactly the same thing ?! just the tablespoon is bigger, so the price is finally similar ?



    Thanks again.



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  8. On 5/10/2018 at 7:58 PM, tolsti said:

    Best Supermarket at Dolphin roundabout stocks it and smetana. In the cold dairy fridges.


    hello, is it the only supermarket that has it ? how does it look ?


    thanks a lot.


  9. On 7/31/2011 at 5:32 PM, bkkrox said:

    I am looking to buy kefir (already made). Seems finding it in Pattaya and Phuket is no prob but have searched in Bangkok with no luck. Do you have any idea where I might find it ? If not I could give growing it by myself a shot but isnt it a fairly difficult process? Any leads would be great. Cheers!


    hello, do you know where to buy kefir milk in pattaya ?

    and D limonene ?

    About kefir culture I found 2 places after checking on the forum:




  10. 1 minute ago, Naam said:

    i passed it today. the company is called "world wrap".



    Thank you, so it's the biggest around, 65000 for a S-class ?

    I am not sure if anybody can do a good job but you seem expert enough to know that they did a good job on one of your car (jave you check thoroughly ?).

    And do you know how much they will charge your wife ?to remove it ?

    Thank you again.


    ps: no more convertible benz for you, with the dog sat next to you ?





  11. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    News just in - South Korea is banning 20,000 BMW's from being driven unless it's to a centre for safety checks. The same problem affecting 300,000 BMW's in Europe. Apparently leaks of glycol into the exhaust gas recirculation unit is causing fires. Some parking lots in South Korea are refusing to accept a BMW. Enough said.


    BMWs are cheaply made cars made for people who cannot afford a Benz because maintenance cost is higher ❤️

    This is why BM sells more cars than Benz in the world, because many people buy the cheapest German car that they can find.

    Maybe the best Japanese cards are good also, but still, they miss the star in front ?

    Only cars without start that I find acceptable are Porsche, but I am waiting to be very old to buy one ?





  12. 2 hours ago, balo said:

    I was dissappointed they did not have chicken as an option, instead of pork.

    Also lack of hygiene, the lady did not wear gloves and she did not wash her hands before she prepared my sandwich.
    This is a no no for me, Subway at least they wear gloves touching the bread.

    Who know s if the lady just been at the toilet?


    I agree with you...

    I do not eat where they touch food without gloves.

    I know that it won't kill me but find this just stupid.

    And yes, not having chicken is also a big problem when we know that the only acceptable cheap meat in this country is chicken. I would not give even cheap fat pork or beef to my dogs...





  13. 11 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    Cars in Thailand do not have a heater in them only air con what would you do when your windows are full of ice and the car is freezing cold inside due to there being no heating . The cars built here are for Thailand conditions not for the U.K. + think about import duty the last time I imported a car to the UK I had to own it for 1 year otherwise import tax had to be paid .


    My cars imported here from Germany have heaters ❤️



  14. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    I would suggest the paint used is not in question, but the paint volume/thickness and clear coat maybe...

    My chum bought a new March, l looked under the hood cos his battery failed to see two brown spots on the hood shut, on closer examination it was rust. Not a paint bubble but paint that for some reason had come off. The paint coating was so thin you could not even see the thickness of it...I thought at the time I hope the rest of the car was not the same...


    this is what I mean, but some Mr-I-know-nothing-but-I-keep-talking will never understand how stupid they are...



    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Airess and it works very well for me, I was able to finally get off PPIS with it.


    it's in a section selling herbal remedies, all the 7 11's have it./ You can also buy it online



    10 baht per 2 capsule packet. I find 1 twice a day is enough.


    Thanks, I will check again but never seen it in 7/11.

    Can you also find it in Cambodia ?

    Should I try this and D Limonene ? (also dont know where to buy it)

    Thanks again.



    • Haha 1
  16. 36 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Really. And many insecure people obsessed by their self-image buy the German brands.

    The fact is the Japanese and Koreans have been producing better and cheaper vehicles since the early 2000's. I can't remember which model and year it was in that time frame; however, BMW had one vehicle where the list of quality defects occupied 36 pages. Unless one buys the top of the line model, most of the other vehicles are inferior. Remember the Mercedes A class that failed the moose test? Today's "C" class has the accountants' fingerprints all over it.

    I've owned a Mercedes. Unreliable, and servicing costs were 2-3 times that of the so-called "Jap crap".

    Shooting the messenger doesn't work. Try rebutting my statements with some facts.



    and bla bla bla...

    talking again about buying the cheapest models..... pfffffff.....

    I always owned benz and never had any problem with any ?

    Japanese cars ? I don't know, the few times I tried to drive one I was feeling like driving a tractor at the farm, even the "top" specs camry and accor, hahaha, what a joke to even dare to compare them to the cheapest benz !







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