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Posts posted by gaff

  1. 5 hours ago, Ceciclia Garcia said:

    As you know, it is risky to root Xiaomi phone. After getting ROOT permission on your phone, it may result in system instability. And then mobile phone system is likely to crash under improper uses of superuser permission. In addition, during the rooting process, viruses may invade and damage your Xiaomi device. Apart from these, after successfully rooting your phone, your smart phone will be outside the scope of free warranty. Thus, if you want to root your Xiaomi smart phone, please think carefully before you act.



    Why it would be different to root Xiaomi than any other phone ?!



  2. 20 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Very true.

    Bring social supports into it including,as I remarked before.the local abbot if you can do so.

    My personal opinion-and mine only-is that you should ignore everyone who supports you buying a gun.

    They are not the one's who are going to be in court when you pull the trigger.

    My nondescript Thai dog would at least give fair warning of intruders..alarms and  security should scare them off...



    A flashball won't kill and seems essential to own in this situation





    Image result for flashball




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  3. 4 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I believe mine developed over a 5 year period after quite severe daily and nightly heartburn.

    My Dr (and also a Surgeon) who carried out the gastroscopy outlined Barretts from the pics he gave me and I went back the next year for another look. I was on PPIs and motility tablets and it had not progressed further.


    Had two or three gastroscopies over 5 years then a 2 year break, during which time I decreased the PPI intake and had ceased my stressful job. I also started on D-limonene capsules.


    My last Gastro some 4 or 5 years ago showed no sign of Barretts and no sign of GERD and my surgeon was amazed at my progress. Research on whether Barretts heals/regresses is mixed and confusing.


    Info for what it's worth.






    hello, where do you buy D-limonene  in Thailand ?




  4. 22 minutes ago, jay1980 said:

    I was at the kolours party in Pattaya at the weekend, and sorry to disappoint anyone, it was definitely not a sex orgy.


    I did not get the impression that there were any paid pretties or hookers and I did not see anyone naked or anything remotely like a sex orgy (if anyone wanted hookers soi 6 was a short walk away though 5555)


    Alot of the people attending were from the BKK party crowd, many of the same faces I have seen around at places like Sing Sing, Beam, Glow, mustache as well other events like Tomorrowland, both Thai and farangs.


    Overall it was a well organized event, no trouble whatsoever, with some really good dance music and a decent sound system.


    The party was moved inside at 11pm so as not to disturb people in the surrounding buildings.


    Overall it was a great well organized event, with a great music and a friendly crowd. I hope the false accusations against the organizers do not put off the organizers from holding future events in Pattaya.




    Thank you for your review, but with so many good things missing, I am sure to never attend any of these parties !!!



  5. 29 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    That is what 17 year old's say.

    People who think this are extremely naive any impairment whatsoever is being very irresponsible and could cause an accident harming others.

    I would do some research on how "a few beers" can cause impairment.

    Buzzed driving is serious business. Grow up!


    So true !

    Teens and old alcoholics !


    Even after 1 joint of weed people are not 100%, but as they usually drive at 20km/h in city, they are usually safer than anybody who had a drink.





  6. 1 hour ago, KiChakayan said:

    If you haven't had a gastroscopy yet, I'd strongly recommend you get one done. Your are a good candidate for Barett Oesophagus. Which would need serious monitoring.


    100% of people whom I know or heard about who had it done just found ZERO problem.

    This is BS that it is so useful.



  7. Thank you Dogmatix to have replied on another thread:

    I don't think the Land Department would have a problem with allowing a transfer of land to a newly formed company, if it passed some simple sniff tests. Mainly because there is so much cheating going on in land transactions, land officers are obligated to interview all buyers and sellers and ask simple questions such as whether the buyer is sure he knows the correct location of the plot (land officers upcountry have told me they get complaints every day from buyers who were deceived about the location of the plot they bought) and whether the seller has been paid in full yet.  Since 2006 they have also been obliged to do much more thorough interviews of corporate buyers where there is any foreign involvement or a suspicion of it.  So, if it is a newly formed company and there is a foreign shareholder or director, there will be detailed questions about the sources of funds of the Thai shareholders to buy the shares and the company's business plans that require the purchase of the land, as well as the company's sources of funds to buy the land, being share capital or debt.  If, for example, the new company which has a foreign shareholder and director is buying land in an industrial estate to build a factory, I can't imagine there would be a problem, even the foreign director ends up with a small apartment in the factory building.  Of course, they are on alert in resort areas when companies even without foreign involvement come in to buy residential land or a pre-build house in developments they know have been targeted at foreign buyers. Thai buyers rarely buy homes through companies as it is generally tax disadvantageous to do so, particularly when the company sells it, and they would not want to create an accounting burden in addition, if the company has no real business.  A credible Thai director might be able to convince them he is buying a house to use as a home office, if there is no visible foreign involvement.  Even if there is, he should be able to get it approved, if he can show he has his own source of funds and a business plan that doesn't sound like nonsense.  


    Also remember that there is considerable variation between different land offices, depending on who the head of registrations is. I have done transactions in a number of land offices in different provinces and have found big variances in procedures between land offices in adjacent catchment areas in the same province. Some even skip the obligatory interview completely while others give the third degree and ask for a ridiculous level of documentation.




    • Haha 1
  8. Hello,


    A company is allowed to buy a land when it is for business purpose, but can you confirm that it is not a problem if:

    - the company buys the land just after being created, in the purpose of building and opening a real business on it (restaurant for example)

    - money comes from a foreigners who owns 49% of the company and shareholders are all members of the same Thai family (Thai citizens who will also work in the restaurant)

    - some of the Thai shareholders will use their own money to invest, but I will invest the % of the ones who do not have enough money


    Please no comment about viability of business or scam or anything, I am not interested in any opinion about this topic and will ask to mods to delete any of these posts, I just want to talk about the legality of buying a land right after having created a company.


    Thank you for your experience.



    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, tropo said:

    The stupidity is not understanding why people enjoy going to malls. Did you leave your brain in the US?


    No but it seems that many foreigners who live in Thailand, YES !

    You must need so many things to have to visit a mall so often, especially nowadays that anything can be bought cheaper online.

    But yes, I am certainly wrong to think that people must really have no life to need malls !!!





  10. 58 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    This is an old thread from when that crossing was ok - I was taken-in, also, until I saw UJ's post. 

    But to anyone reading the thread now - one would definitely NOT want to do an in/out at the Aranyaprathet/Poipet border crossing these days - even with a Non-O Multi Visa - and certainly not hoping to get a visa-exempt entry-stamp.  Other crossings to Cambodia are still reported OK, though.


    This thread os about PHU NAM RON kanchanaburi border, not POIPET...



  11. 5 hours ago, Daryle said:

    Assume this debate will go the same way as the gay marriage debate. It will happen, but some countries will cling to the 'War on drugs' as the only solution. Personal choice is working in other countries and there is no debate to be had IMHO.


    Interesting to see that 29% think the BiB should control it (unsure if that is the current or future law from the article). But I'm sure they would like that tea money stream!











    There should not be any debate !

    People should be allowed to do WHAT THEY WANT as soon as it doesn't hurt others !

    In my country millions of idiots where against gay marriage, I wished that they all die in a terrorist attack ! I am not gay and do not take drug, but as soon as people don't fuxx on the road or drive high, THEY SHOULD DO WHAT THEY WANT !






  12. 5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    I would not recommend the Elite Visa at all. You pay 500.000Bt for five years and get very little in return, and you still have all the other bills to pay that everyone else has depending on lifestyle choices.

    Only people with money to burn would get that visa.


    Yes and who in his 60ies cannot afford to burn 500k for a visa ?! 

    It's nothing and it brings peace of mind for 5 years, OP should do it, but at least he should visit Thailand once first ?






    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The former good quality Iranian restaurant and buffet on 2nd road near Hard Rock appears to be transforming into a Chinese restaurant.


    Noticed another Chinese restaurant near Hollywood disco North Pattaya. There is no English menu but pictures and friendly helpful English speaking staff. They have a number of Sichuan style dishes including Mala (hot and numbing) lamb sticks for 50 baht each and Mala fish hot pot for 410 which is about the standard price here for that. I haven't eaten there yet but if you do please post about it.


    Yes the trend continues.

    Russian restaurants out. Nyet on borscht on every street.

    Indian restaurants in at an almost shocking rate.

    Chinese trending up too but nowhere near as quickly as Indian but who knows what the future will bring.

    Personally I like these trends!

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    hello, can I know what would be the best value/price Indian in town now, for someone who is not expert but just want to eat something ok and not overpriced ? Thanks.





  14. 9 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I guess people can sit in their apartments and make their own coffee, cook their own food, and watch movies on the internet.

    Many like to get out a few days a week to do these activities in a mall.

    Do some people watching and get some exercise.

    Try it, it is not a terrible thing.



    Yes, I go out, but I do not call going to malls going out !

    how ridiculous it is to leave home to lock myself indoor somewhere else, especially a dump mall ! But I agree with you, the day when people will have a brain, I guess that I will know it !

    And when I want to exercise I go to a proper gym, but of course not in a mall !




  15. 10 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    Still an arrogantly discourteous generalized slandering "grenade" aimed directly at the Thai people....If it's that bad for him 

    maybe he should find roads to drive in different country....




    yes you are right ! Thai are the best drivers who put the most attention in anything they do ! They are the safest on the planet and nobody dies on Thai roads ! Thank you for your insight !


    And don't forget your new costume:


    Image result for clown costume



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