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Posts posted by gaff

  1. 8 hours ago, sghanchey said:

    The gastroenterologist I saw at Bangkok BNH Hospital for GIRD recommended 1) less spicy foods (this was in Thailand); 2) eating smaller quantities; 3) eating more slowly; 4) changing from coffee to tea; 5) avoiding fried and oily foods' 6) not eating late dinners, and waiting at least two hours after eating before sleeping. He did an endoscopy first, and saw inflammation, but did not recommend medicines (says they don't treat the cause and have side effects)


    At least 1 smart doctor in this country...



    • Confused 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Ombra said:

    I have acid reflux and other problems regularly when I eat in restaurants in rural areas. I ask for little salt, no MSG, no fried food, but it doesn't make any difference. In contrast, I can eat in middle-class restaurants without any worries. I wonder what the rural folk do to their food that makes me feel so uncomfortable for days afterwards?


    I think you better not know...



    • Confused 1
  3. On 8/12/2018 at 8:41 PM, rumak said:

    could be something stresses you more when you are here in Thailand .   maybe the "change of scenery"

    and having different things to do than your thai routine have given you relief.  why not give it more time (in canada) to see if your health remains better.   

    Diet is everything (you are what you eat, and all that).....but sometimes you have to experiment with different foods to see what works best.  Goes without saying that in thailand and probably canada too you have to wash all vegies and fruits real well ( soak in vinegar)

    And, back to stress :   its what causes most problems with me.  


    Vinegar to clean vegs is only in people dream...


    Only baking soda breaks pesticides molecules.


    Why people still do not use google before talking in 2018 ?!



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  4. On 8/12/2018 at 7:10 PM, sirineou said:

    I take Omeprazole every day, it was prescribed to me .It has worked miracles for me  , I can eat anything I want  and do not have any incidents while I take it. If I miss it for even one day the condition returns immediately. For me it does not seem to have any side affects.


    Sorry, but for me it is beyond stupidity that any doctor can prescribe any medicine to take all your life !

    Especially knowing that it won't cure you, but just help you to forget it.

    Doctors all around the world are monkeys to use this as a solution.




    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    We keep getting this BS about how the German brands are so superior.

    Fact 1. The bean counters started sharpening their pencils mid 1990's on the Mercedes brand.

    Fact 2. Service and maintenance costs on the German brands are 2 - 3 times that of Japanese and Korean brands.

    Fact 3. Compare the Kia Stinger against its Mercedes or BMW counterparts. It's embarrassing.

    German brands are selling on prestige and past glories. They are not cost-competitive with the Japanese or Koreans, who can produce cars just as good. It's that simple.


    Only people without style care price and maintenance cost...

    Poor you all, I wonder why you keep talking about what you know NOTHING ?!




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  6. 23 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    I also know insulation does not stop heat transfer - it only slows it down.

    If you leave your car in the sun for twenty minutes, it may still be cool when you get back in. Leave it for 4 hours in the sun while you play golf, and the difference insulation makes is minimal. You are better off leaving a window partially down to let the heat escape. Or perhaps you know that already.

    If you have doubts about black bodies vs. reflective white bodies, here's a simple experiment - sit on a motor scooter with a silver or mesh cover that's been in the sun. Then do the same with a scooter with a plain black seat. When your testicles have recovered, let me know.


    I was thinking that it was clear for anybody not totally insane that black cars get hot faster than white cars ?



  7. 4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    Mercedes and BMW paint is of "far better quality than Japanese manufacturers paint"?  Really?  The depth of your lack of knowledge is astounding!


    Right, its just something that everybody knows and very easy to compare, bring you $hit jap box on wheel and I bring my benz. How can people be so ridiculous to talk about what they will never be able to purchase is beyond understanding.





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  8. 1 hour ago, from the home of CC said:

    Insurance policies usually renew annually, and that is when consumers notice that their insurance premiums have gone up. There are legitimate reasons for raising insurance premiums. For example, if it was an especially bad year for hurricanes, then there will be a significant increase in homeowners, auto and health insurance claims. To help recover the unexpected spike in payouts, the insurance companies will raise their premiums.

    But a significant percentage of a premium increase is to help cover losses due to insurance fraud. In the United States, insurance fraud accounts for approximately $30 billion in lost revenue for the insurance industry. Unfortunately for the consumer, that money has to come from somewhere, which is part of the reason for insurance premium increases.


    And you really believe the bull$hit that you copy ? poor you.


    I support the guy for having cheated the insurance company, this is all what they deserve !



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  9. On 7/30/2018 at 8:25 AM, darksidedog said:

    I am a prison visitor to several jails and I have never heard anything of this nature. Certainly the food provided is barely enough to keep a scabby dog alive and prisoners do kind of need some money to buy something decent to stay healthy. However, many prisoners do not have any family, so making such people, who have no access to <deleted>nds pay for food is impossible. While it ignores many of the aspects of the various international treaties it has signed on prisoner rights, cutting off food is not one of them, and even in Thailand, I do not see that they would be crazy enough to try.


    Never met a Thai without family, are they all jailed ?!


    Kudos for visiting prisons, is it something that we can do around Pattaya also ?





  10. 10 hours ago, Wake Up said:

    I know I am not the only man that has sex with a women who is intoxicated. Not rape and has happened for thousands of years. But if she breaks my tv or anything out she goes. But some women are better in bed under the influence and you are missing out if you have never had drunk sex.  To each his own. 




    I even think that sex without being drunk is so boring...

    But maybe I abused it, more than 500 I guess... so at the end it is always the same thing !

    The best was with Mdma, but too old now and too dangerous here !




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  11. 7 hours ago, dddave said:

    I stopped buying fresh chicken parts at Big-C and Tesco because often I could detect a strong bleach smell and also because sometimes a very short shelf life.

    A Macro food store has recently opened nearby and I've been buying chicken there the last few months...so far, so good.


    I hate the way Makro displays meat. I want packs like BigC or Lotus. At Makro I feel like I am at a slaughterhouse.



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