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Posts posted by gaff

  1. On 8/18/2018 at 10:35 AM, Briggsy said:

    Since the cop has returned your licence, the need for you to go to the police station is reduced.


    You can now either

    1) go and pay at the police station.

    2) don't pay and see what happens

    3) don't pay, no reminder is sent and see what happens when you try to renew your road tax.


    My bet is that if you do option 3, nothing will come up when you renew your road tax it will be as normal. i.e. the fine has been filed in some huge archive of mouldy paper and will never surface.


    I have done option 3 about 5 times and never been asked to pay or prevented from renewing my road tax. The system of chasing up fines here is thankfully very inefficient.


    Same experience. Just ignore these idiot rats.



  2. 43 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Most of the Thais I know don't drink alcohol, them that do will not if they are driving. You are moving in the wrong circles. 


    yes sure, most Thai are not heavy drinkers, rich or poor ! You must be living in your dreams...



    • Like 1
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  3. 10 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can only get a border pass that allows you stay with within the area of the crossings. If you wanted to travel further into the country you would need to have a visa that has to applied for at the Myanmar embassy. At other crossings you can use a e-visa,


    Thank you, so friends coming from US with visa exempt will be allowed to cross and come back at Phunamrom (and get another 30 days visa exempt).

    Now trying to find what they can see around there.



  4. On 1/6/2018 at 8:39 AM, ubonjoe said:

    There is are a couple of visa run companies that are are doing runs to there and are advertising a crossing is allowed for a visa exempt entry. I have seen no reports from an individual doing it.

    The fee for the crossing is now 950 baht that includes transport across no mans land and the border pass for Myanmar.




    So do you mean that tourists who arrived in Thailand with visa exempt can cross there and come back to get another visa exempt ? But if the purpose is sightseeing, is there anything to see on the other side ?!


    Thanks a lot.



  5. 3 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

    My wife used to work for a law firm that specialises in trademark and copyright. They used to attend raids on behalf of the companies being transgressed whilst with the ECD and the stallholders were usually foretold, hence disappeared. Its only the non participants in the EDC pension scheme that get done.


    And how much do lawyers pay the idiots to push them to pretend to stop any illegal action ?



  6. 13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


    I think the chicken here is far better than in the US. I find most chicken in the US is virtually tasteless, it is so pumped up with hormones, antibiotics and who knows what else. Here the chicken is actually tasty. I barely eat any chicken in the US, for this reason. Here, I love it. The Five Star kiosks do great rotisserie style chicken. And for only 120-130 baht for a whole chicken it is hard to beat.


    I agree wit you that bleached chicken suxx in US, but 5 stars chicken is not what I would call good...



  7. Nothing new here, and it should be 50000 thb + car seized.


    And before people accuse me to be tough because I do not drink, I want to inform that I drink and take drug, BUT NOT ON THE ROADS. Fuxx to all the idiots who drive under  influence ! Monkeys !





  8. On 8/4/2018 at 5:02 PM, ethaniel said:

    Tripadvisor reviews regarding sexual assaults date many years back, yet Agama "started" the internal investigation only now. haha.


    I say we track down every teacher that ever worked there and put their names and photos up for public display.


    mostly good reviews




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