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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. Evidently, there is a current news blackout from Ukraine, obviously they are planning something big over the next few days. Possibly it's about Kherson.
  2. Close up of Iranian drone used by Russians, evidently a lot of the components are western sourced. Obviously, the West needs harsher sanctions against this despot regime. Also, McCarthy warns "no blank check" to Ukraine if GOP wins the House. Also, with the IPSOS/Reuters latest poll reporting that 73% of Americans say that the US should continue to support Ukraine, I suggest he is pushing a losing policy.
  3. The S-400 Air Defence Missile System costing USD 300 million apiece wasn't very successful against a little 100k HiMARS missile. I would suggest that replacing this high-tech behemoth might be difficult now with the shortage of western chips and hardware. This Russians had high expectations for export of this baby. now proven to be a dud against western technology. This is obviously a win/win for Ukraine against Russian not only militarily but also economically.
  4. A more formal request to attend the next 6th Jan Committee hearing...... Trumperton - YouTube
  5. I think the problem boils down to the fact that you are unable or unwilling to engage in honest debate. On this forum, like in the rest of the world, beside opinions, facts still do matter. TBH, if you state something as fact you do not always include a link and if prompted to do so, it is can sometimes be irrelevant and inaccurate.
  6. I think you may be using the word "citizen" loosely or in jest when you are referring to Trump. He is not POTUS anymore and as such has no presidential immunity from the law, but the responsibilities and obligations of a US citizen are to: Support and defend the Constitution. Participate in the democratic process. Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws. Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others including respect the different, ethnic groups, cultures, and religions, Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities. Defend the country if the need should arise including servicing military service when required. What are your rights and responsibilities as an American citizen? - COSAction (conventionofstates.com)
  7. I suggest that any offer of attendance would be to please his supporters. I also doubt if he would go, as testifying under oath would make him accountable for what he says and being responsible for his rhetoric is anathema to him. Trump has no boundaries and rules mean nothing to him. If you remember his debate with Biden in 2020, he completely ignored the moderator and the rules that he had signed up for. He entered the debate venue without a mask and without a COVID test, knowing that he had contracted COVID some days beforehand. I would also suggest that the hearings are conducted similar to formal court proceedings as these hearings are a precursor to possible formal criminal charges in court. In court, the defendants and witnesses are not there to have a discussion or debate but to only answer when spoken to. A dead switch on the microphone would resolve any outbursts from a recalcitrant Trump who may suffer further charges for contempt.
  8. You should know from the Godfather and Sopranos that in the mafia hierarchy, the Don never personally gets involved in the violence but leaves the dirty work to his soldiers. Donald Trump's 'mafia connections' blocked his bid to open Sydney casino 30 years ago (cnbc.com) Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob? - POLITICO Magazine
  9. That would be suggesting that most of your posts of which 99% don't have any links, are lies! If so, that would be the only time that you have ever said anything that I agree with.
  10. I find that hard to believe! Your posts regularly quote talking points that are either directly or indirectly from Trump or the GOP.
  11. Perhaps also investigate exactly why the Saudi's and Chinese gave Jared and Ivanka Kushner $2 billion and exclusive fast-track trademarks. Unlike you I base my posts on real evidence and not assumptions.
  12. I watched the first 3 episodes last night and I found the series quite enjoyable. Looking forward to the next episode. It reminded me a lot of Tokyo Vice. Thanks for the recommendation.
  13. The potency of the Trump cult Kool-Aid sadly fails to amaze me, with its trivalent efficacy to not only break the fabric of this Space/Time Continuum, and transport members to an alternate reality but suck away any semblance of awareness and critical thinking. For those with violent tendencies, it conditions them for Trump's subliminal call-to-arms against perceived opponents. With death threats to the Democrats including Pelosi and even his colleague and friend Pence, and more recently the FBI. His rhetoric has also been suggested to have inspired mass killings in NZ and El Peso. I suggest you try to join the dots between Trump and Pelosi's fear of violence and death. https://www.businessinsider.com/secret-service-knew-threats-nancy-pelosi-before-jan-6-riot-2022-8 https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/14/qanon-follower-sentence-pelosi-death-threats-524209 Trump expressed support for hanging Pence during Capitol riot, Jan. 6 panel told - POLITICO Ohio gunman appeared to threaten FBI after Trump home search | AP News https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/after-new-zealand-massacre-trump-downplays-white-nationalism-threat https://theintercept.com/2019/08/04/el-paso-dayton-mass-shootings-donald-trump/
  14. Obviously, Tehran must virtually be declaring war on Ukraine then. I wonder how the US and the rest of the free world feel about this? Especially Israel, who are just itching to bomb the <deleted> out of them. Going by Russian rules in this war, if the US supplies Ukraine with long range missiles they "will become a direct party to the conflict". "If Washington decides to supply longer-range missiles to Kyiv, then it will be crossing a red line and will become a direct party to the conflict," Russia Says US Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine Would Cross 'Red Line' (businessinsider.com)
  15. Honestly I cannot, there were so many good bands and singers. They regularly had a guy who sang George Benson covers who I particularly enjoyed. I used to regularly go there from about 2000, when I lived close by. Later on when I visited Bangkok, I always stayed close by. Great venue, great music, lots of interesting people.
  16. Interesting discovery aired at last week's January 6th Committee meeting, was the fact that not only did Trump and his staff privately recognise and accept Biden's victory but Trump also sought to create mischief for and possibly sabotage Biden's new administration. After his loss, Trump on November 11th, 2020, ordered the immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Somalia and Afghanistan to be finalised before Biden's inauguration day. Obviously, Trump's immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan would have been mayhem overshadowing Biden's planned somewhat chaotic withdrawal in August 2021, almost a year later. Biden's withdrawal has been a Trump and conservative media's talking point against Biden almost daily for over a year now. Possibly, they will issue an apology to right the wrong they have caused the Biden administration?
  17. Interestly, the definition of "woke" is 'aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).'
  18. That was in 2020 after the March 2019 date on the NYP. So, being pedantic, if I had said "more recent events" it would have covered both our instances! Judge slams Barr, orders review of Mueller report deletions - POLITICO
  19. Back then last month is recent to most I would suggest! Sorry I was referring to the case when the Barr redacted report was released last month that proved conclusively that Barr lied. I didn't realise that another judge had previously been involved. Court Rules William Barr Wrongly Withheld Russia Probe Memo - YouTube
  20. Your evidence is dated 20 March 2019, and is from one of conspiracy-supporter Murdoch's minions, the NYP. Nevertheless, I would suggest that this headline has now been overtaken by recent events. I must apologize! I forgot that dates and time are not relevant in an alternate reality!
  21. The Strzok affair is just a conservative rabbit-hole and did not predicate and is now not relevant to the case. Did the Trump Campaign collude with Russia? Yes Did Trump obstruct the Mueller Investigation? Yes All the salient points of the Russia Collusion are: May 2016 Australian Downer first alerts FBI of Trump's Russian Collusion. Mar 2019 Mueller Investigation ends. April 2019 Trump/Barr Declares Trump exonerated by lying about Mueller's findings. Aug 2022 Manafort finally admits that the Trump Campaign did collude with Russia. Sept 2022 Barr's lies uncovered. In the Mueller report, there is evidence that he did collude and there's evidence to support a legal case for Trump's obstruction. Oct 2022 Durham Report is still pending, though Durham found little and what he did find looks it will be thrown out of court soon. Ongoing No decision yet whether to charge Trump with obstruction, though he had no privilege then or has any now. QED
  22. LIke most conservatives you fail to tell the full story and put forward a dishonest, half-truth rabbit-hole conspiracy to support your narrative. It wasn't deemed unnecessary! It would have been a constitutional crisis to put troops on the ground at the Capitol on January 6th, after Trump's embarrassing photo op at the Washington church where Milley and was tricked into attendance. "The image of armed troops surrounding the Capitol, Milley believed, was incongruous with a ceremony cementing a peaceful transfer of power" and he believed it was the civilian law enforcement's responsibility. 'Christopher C. Miller, the acting defense secretary, was more blunt, saying “there was absolutely no way” he was going to put U.S. forces at the Capitol. He was conscious of news articles that Mr. Trump’s advisers were pushing him to declare martial law and invalidate the election results, he told the inspector general investigation, and having troops at the Capitol might fuel suspicion that he was trying to aid a coup'. Trump only wanted the National Guard there to protect his own supporters and possibly to project his power by the appearance that he had the military's full support of his plans. Trump's Secret Service had up-to-date intel of planned armed supporters on the day before the attack yet did nothing. On the day, Trump still had to power to call the National Guard who were on standby or call off his mob, yet he sat there doing nothing for hours, in front of the TV, watching and gloating over his planned insurrection and attempted coup at the Capitol. Why Did It Take So Long to Deploy the National Guard on Jan. 6? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  23. Are you cancelling my post because you have appointed yourself as a moderator? Have you ever considered that checking your own posts for compliance first before commenting on others' posts may be beneficial to the forum?
  24. "Violence is still bad right? Pelosi knows it is and her statements are only harmless rhetoric of a woman threatened with possible death by Trump's actions. At least Pelosi knows the difference between right and wrong and is willing to be accountable to the law for her actions. Yet, Trump doesn't seem to think it is! Trump is a serial offender of encouraging and threatening violence against race, religions, and reporters to political opponents and even friends and colleagues like Pence. He even personally instigated violence himself against Secret Service agent Tony Ornato by trying to throttle him. Yet, your hero has never accepted any blame or accountability for his actions 'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults. - ABC News (go.com)
  25. Trump's response to Jan 6 Committee Though he doesn't say he will appear or not. In his 14-page response, he gets all of his old grievances off his chest for his apologists' sake. I suggest that he has no need to attend now, as he knows that he would have no credibility while under oath, and it would only be the usual 440 iterations of him taking the 5th. He states that the election was "rigged and stolen" even though at least three of his staff had witnessed him saying that he really had accepted that Biden had won the election. I love his knock off POTUS letter head. READ IN FULL: Trump's response to Jan. 6 committee's subpoena vote | Washington Examiner
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