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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. I don't need to impress you! Nevertheless, I did serve in the Army Reserve for 5 years,
  2. Past posts did not respond to my question, if there was any evidence to prove that Biden had a family friend like Trump, to certify his non-fitness for military duty. The original posts and my reply were subsequently deleted. So, you do agree with my comment that's how ALL people get jobs with Fed Govt", even though you worked for "Fed Gov for many years and had to be fit for duty" and had a regular compliant doctor?
  3. I believe now that Trump's suggestion that "he’ll launch his 2024 presidential campaign on Nov. 15 in Florida" will not happen. I suggest that in the wake of his failures in the mid-term elections, his past allies now have nothing to fear, and will tell all. Even Pence is now unloading on Trump.
  4. Is that how people get responsible jobs with the Federal Govt? And is that how Trump got out of doing the US citizen's responsibility of servicing military service when drafted?
  5. Yet John Fetterman’s doctor says he’s fit to serve in public office. John Fetterman Doctor’s Report Says He’s Fit for Work in Race Against Oz - Bloomberg Apologies to @Bkk Brian I missed your post!
  6. New satellite images show a major Kherson bridge that was blown apart as Russian forces retreated from one of their biggest war wins. "An early-morning explosion rendered inoperable last major bridge out of Kherson, the Antonivsky Bridge. New satellite images show large gaps in the structure, which was being used by Russian forces fleeing from the strategically important city in eastern Ukraine". "A senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, wrote on Twitter that the bridge "was destroyed by Russian forces as they retreated." Prior to the Russian retreat from Kherson, Ukrainian officials accused Russia of destroying various bridges, the suspected aim being to slow the Ukrainian advance". NB The Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) is a nonpartisan Philadelphia-based think tank dedicated to strengthening U.S. national security and improving American foreign policy. New satellite images show a major Kherson bridge that was blown apart as Russian forces retreated from one of their biggest war wins (msn.com)
  7. I suggest that Russia is the one seeking a settlement at the moment and will eventually agree with Ukraine's demands. Putin's loss of Kherson and the forecast economic cost of the war will seal Russia and Putin's fate. Ukrainian forces raising their flag in central Kherson city on Friday "Ukrainian forces raising their flag in central Kherson city on Friday cemented Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most consequential political and military defeat in his ill-fated, 8½-month-old war". Loss of Kherson city shatters political goals of Putin's war in Ukraine - The Washington Post (googleusercontent.com) Russia will lose the energy war Putin started. "Things look dire for the Russian energy sector, which represents one-third of the country’s economy, around half of its fiscal revenue and roughly two-thirds of its exports. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest forecasts now assume Russia’s annual receipts from energy exports will drop by more than half by 2030, all the way down to $30 billion from $75 billion before the war in Ukraine started". Russia will lose the energy war Putin started – POLITICO
  8. Not the same equivalence. I suggest that it would still be morally wrong to mock anyone with a disability. Fetterman received a medical clearance from his physician that he was fit to serve. It would be impossible for a blind person to get a medical clearance to become a pilot. Many US politicians who have suffered strokes are still in office. Not Just John Fetterman: Senators Who Had Strokes in Office (newsweek.com)
  9. Belief that one is of a superior group be it gender, ethnicity, class or ability has been a common thread among the ultra conservatives. Aryan Ideology from early last century comes to mind.
  10. Sorry I don't share the sentiment that people with disabilities should be the target of jokes and not be part of modern society. But this seems to be a common trait among some conservatives. Obviously, the majority of Pennsylvanians respected Fetterman's abilities enough to make him Senator. Roosevelt was crippled with polio as a child, yet he served as President for four terms. In fact, he was the longest serving President in US history.
  11. Pete Buttigieg or Hillary Clinton would be better Democratic candidates for 2024.
  12. On the Line (2022) - IMDb I watched the latest offering from Mel Gibson in "On The Line" last night. He still manages to put out a fair movie unlike has-been's Bruce Willis, Liam Neeson or Nicolas Cage. Some will hate it, others like myself will enjoy it.
  13. Do you Trump supporters have a literacy/comprehension problem or do you just not read anything that might counter your narrative? Perhaps my subsequent post yesterday to the one you replied to will set you straight.
  14. Your post does not diminish my assertion "that anyone who has confidence in anything that is told by him (Trump), frankly, has lost touch with reality". It only confirms it. Tracking all of President Trump’s false or misleading claims - Washington Post
  15. "He (Trump) told his followers to be PEACEFUL" With a record of 33,000 documented lies during his presidency to his credit, I suggest that anyone who has confidence in anything that is told by him, frankly, has lost touch with reality. As with most mafioso, the Don also has a proven modus operandi that is the antithesis of "PEACEFUL". "As far back as 2015, Trump has been connected to documented acts of violence, with perpetrators claiming that he was even their inspiration". Nevertheless, the Conspirator-in-Chief's fomenting violence playbook is to call his followers "to arms" together with a counter narrative so not to incriminate himself. For example, to Jan 6th Insurrectionists "fight like hell" and "be peaceful" and to Proud Boys "stand back" and "stand by". "In some cases, Trump denounces the violence, but he often walks back such statements, returning to a message of hate and harm". Trump’s history of inciting violence in words and tweets: A timeline from 2015 through the Capitol attack - Vox
  16. Deflect and divert! So, our conversation is not about your mischaracterization of Jan 6th anymore? Cheers!
  17. I suggest that presenting the facts is not playing semantics. I never said it was a coup. I also suggest that the Conservatives and their press are the one's doing the twisting. I think we need to agree that we disagree. If you think facts don't matter anymore in a Democracy, fine, that is your prerogative.
  18. Here we go with more deflection and confusion! I only suggested that the democratic assertion from Bennie Thompson was that the insurrection was an attempted coup not whether it was true or not As for questioning Chairman of the Jan 6th Committee Bennie Thomson's honesty, when the Conspirator-in-Chief who told 33,000 documented lies during his presidency, paradoxical comes to mind.
  19. I suggest that you are being disingenuous by mis-characterizing the Jan 6th to suit the Republican narrative. It was not a tourist event, a protest or at worse a riot. You are trying to change the meaning of insurrection, and also by saying that it was not a coup you are trying to further confuse the issue. Perhaps we need to visit the facts. The official democratic assertion is that the Jan. 6 insurrection was the 'culmination of an attempted coup'. Bennie Thompson says Jan. 6 was 'culmination of an ... - NPR Definition of an insurrection is "an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. It does not need guns or to succeed to be true. Insurrection Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Definition of a coup is "a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government". This event was never described as a "coup" but an "attempted coup". Why waste everyone's time on this? Coup Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster QED
  20. Try Amorn Electronics in TukCom they normally have a repair centre in their stores. หน้าแรก | AMORN ELECTRONIC (amornonline.com)
  21. Paradoxical how RT's Propagandist-in-Chief Solovyov has gone from openly lovin' Ukraine's Zelenski to now branding him a Nazi terrorist......
  22. Vacuum sealed or not, most perishable foods still need refrigeration. Cooking food does not destroy the toxins produced by bacteria. Your nose will not necessarily tell you if food is safe. Freezing kills multi-cellular oganisms like parasites not bacteria, viruses, toxins and some spores.
  23. Here is the Conspirator-in-Chief live....
  24. Yes, History is a cruel master. Ukraine has also seen what happened before. The Holodomor Genocide comes to mind, where the Ukrainians wanted to resist Russian dominance and possibly lost one third of their population. They did not have the means to resist then but have now. I suggest that to them anything to a avoid repeat of this history is on the cards. Holodomor - Wikipedia
  25. Maybe my choice of one word was off target. I should have said not "as" funny. Then my post would seem to agree with your assessment of the second series so far. Possibly I should have stayed with the new series a bit longer and give it a chance. My decision to opt out may have been because the only original actor also plays a dislikeable character in the excellent The Watcher. I broke my binge season on this to watch The White Lotus. Based on your post, I may give it another try later on. Thanks!
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