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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Or are decent. There are certain people who appear 'submissive'. Officials (not only in Thailand) love to kick such people around. Because they can.
  2. Absolutely spot on! My Thai niece riding a moto when aged 15 collided with a lamp post. She had to have her great toe plus a diagonal section of her foot amputated. People make fun of the way she walks. Not nice.
  3. Agreed! Seems to work in EU. The right to live and work where you wish. Border controls only serve to delay and antagonise law abiding citizens. Stolen vehicles, wanted criminals and drug shipments by the lorry load manage to cross between countries in all continents.
  4. Thanks for taking the trouble to report back! Expensive and aggravating (for what it is) but could have been worse. Anyway, when new tickets available you will have peace of mind which is the most important thing.
  5. Most disappointing (and frustrating). Terrible customer service. At check-in if the agent has any common sense they sould recognise what has happened and put it down to a typo. However, unless someone has had exactly the same experience with Emirates it's difficult to be sure.
  6. Was advised a long time ago that it’s important to know how to deal with police, not only in Thailand. If you get arrested for something ridiculous e.g. wearing shorts on a Tuesday afternoon, don’t offer a bribe. They’re having a laugh, and will think you’re totally stupid and keep going. Stand your ground and mention Embassies and lawyer friends. If you definitely have broken the law then is the time to get out the cigarettes and say “let’s sit down and talk about this”. You can almost always reach an agreement to avoid prosecution.
  7. https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/550135-fire-ignited-by-cell-phone-spark-razes-filling-station-in-badagry.html?tztc=1
  8. As regards mobiles, my Mrs was talking on her's whilst driving, her speed continuously dropping. When she got down to about 10kmph I couldn't stand it any more. I tried to explain that other road users don't know what's happening and are making desperate overtaking attempts. She responded; 'Don't you know it's very dangerous to drive quickly when you're on your mobile?'
  9. Yes. First time I'd travelled in a LPG powered vehicle (that I know of).
  10. I genuinely hope she only receives a Community Sentence. Better still it was self defence hence no charges (justifiable homicide or whatever).
  11. My Mrs point blank refuses to switch off the engine when the petrol pump attendant is pumping. Fortunately, she doesn't smoke! Must admit I was surprised when a taxi driver told me to exit his vehicle whilst it was being refulled.
  12. Agreed. Brits love to complain. But they're not for spending money on Travel Insurance or Private Healthcare because they've already paid for their medical needs via their National Insurance Contributions.
  13. Have you ever been scammed on-line or hacked? Maybe had your email address hijacked for bulk spamming purposes?
  14. Thanks for that. Could be the case that police know who and where they are but the scammers can afford better I.T. so they can't be 'got at'.
  15. Good suggestions thank you. I'll mention these options.
  16. From the insurance (or lack of it) point of view Brits believe their needs will always be taken care of by their National Health Service.
  17. Most economical! We have True and AIS fibre (house and shop) and have never experienced any break in service on either (except when PEA tidied/rerouted their cables severing all data cables). Bought an NT Thunder Net unlimited data SIM for 999 baht but it only works reliably in shop. House is apparently 'on the fringe' of coverage.
  18. Totally agree. I'm from a semi-rural area of UK and was content with 2Mbps downstream. Coincidentally, only yesterday I read that (in UK) BeFibre were taking orders in my area for their 900Mbps/900Mbps at £25 GPB per month + 3 months @ half-price. Back in 2017 we had the cheapest available (3BB ADSL @ 30/10) and I thought that was wonderful. My Thai niece then began working at True customer services so all was left to her. Personally I would have been happier with the same speed and paying less.
  19. Agreed. I don't know by what method. You're thinking that if in a bank branch there would be CCTV? Like most of us I'm told he has many apps on his 'phone!
  20. Subscribed to True Convergence for 5 years still paying 599 baht per month for 300Mbps/300Mbps plus post-paid SIM with 5GB data (which I’ve never used). No problems so didn’t want to change ISP. Asked them to do better! Same base price but they’ve increased speed to 1Gbps/500Mbps and applied 30% reduction for 12 months (now 419.30 baht per month). First speed test; 949Mbps/562Mbps.
  21. Not yet! It did cross my mind that the money could have been lost in gambling or on one of those investment scams e.g. 'double your money in XXXX amount of time'. We visited his fiancee's house and she and her Mum were most upset. Which proves nothing of course.
  22. Thanks for that Crossy! I don't know how the transfer was made. I would hope that RTP have some sort of 'federation' that provides advice and legal assistance free of charge to their officers? Last year I was 'hacked'. Unsure whether it was via my mobile or laptop. Goods were ordered, paid for using my credit card saved in an online shopping site and delivered to an address in Moldova. Also, someone telephoned my UK bank and set up a voice password. To do that they must have known my Customer Number and Password. I only knew because my bank sent an email asking if I'd set up the voice password.
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