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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Same as elsewhere. Where a patient's health cannot be further improved the patient is no longer entitled to remain in hospital and will be discharged. However, where terminally ill a care package must firstly be in place. Unfortunately, that care package may only consist of three fifteen minute visits per day by a district nurse.
  2. That would be the ideal. I'd even pay monthly if Government Hospital treatment same as Thai's was made available!
  3. His machine was a yellow Vespa. Relatively expensive compared to a basic Honda Wave. Would that indicate that he was a more serious rider than average?
  4. Absolutelty agree! Wouldn't watch TV, soaps or films even if they were in English. Sitting in someone's garden enduring karaoke until the early hours doesn't appeal either.
  5. Talked to several people who always went to Spain (and islands), then went upmarket to Italy and didn't want to go anywhere else until they discovered Greece and her islands.
  6. Same here! I'm from England but I've heard horror stories of tenants and lazy/incompetent agents. Plus, I've had a house abroad destroyed by tenants and had to pay all the bills they didn't (bypassed meters after disconnection etc.) plus two legal bills totalling $50,000 USD. First was from a bent Notary who charged triple the going rate for processes not undertaken and for 'successful' ones that had actually failed. My house in England has been unoccupied and locked up for 6 years. I don't have contents/buildings insurance of course.
  7. To be fair, if you're of State Pension age you get free bus travel in England between 09.30 and 23.00.
  8. Sort of like; 'Prove it or it didn't happen'. Have to have a sense of humour. Love it!
  9. I agree with the drinking (or lack of it). I no longer enjoy alcohol myself and would rather have a cup of tea. House is not really as comfortable as UK because I often get too hot then there's the ants, mosquitos, jing jok's and tokays doing their business in the drawers on crockery and cutlery. Never had rats chew through cables in my house in UK. Find dead cats everywhere that neighbours have poisoned. I find the soi dogs intimidating and my soi could be described as 'dog <deleted> alley'. Free bus every 20 minutes in UK with my 'codger pass'. Prefer English food. I suppose it comes down to if you can tolerate the cold and rain, ice and snow, everything's expensive and everyone's on strike. Perhaps not!
  10. I'm not in Phuket but all three previous jabs were done for free at my local Community Hospital. We asked this question recently and were told 'We are awaiting stocks, we will telephone you as previously with your appointment'.
  11. My Mrs and I got home from a family BBQ plus countless whisky and soda's (not for me) at 03.30am. Alarm set for 6am for her work. Navigating a roundabout whilst holding her mobile to her right ear a scooter close in front braked. I instinctively shouted 'STOP'. Screaming resulted and the mobile was flung at me. However, when I think of the way things could have turned out I don't regret reacting. My Mrs (for one) will never accept that driving, alcohol and using a mobile 'phone don't mix.
  12. Once read somewhere long ago that if you flew everyday you would go for 28,000 years without incident. Even when your number came up the odds were that you would survive. Whenever I've flown within Thailand the aircraft appeared to be clean and the crew most professional. What exactly takes place (or doesn't) regarding routine maintenance and repairs we don't see. That maybe what worries many people?
  13. Sound, practical advice thanks. I find dual carriageways which frequently go from well lit to complete darkness most disorientating. Complete disregard/oblivious regarding speed limits doesn't help either. Trucks generally very well behaved. Pick-up's the worst and, unfortunately, they always seem to be in the vast majority upon every journey.
  14. It clearly amounts to a bribe when your IO asks; 'How much did you pay your Visa Agent?'. 'We can do it cheaper for you'.
  15. Very informative, thank you. We recently lost the only key to a Honda Scoopy (several years old). A mobile locksmith didn't even need to break/change the lock(s). He made a couple of keys for 600 baht.
  16. My agent asked me to obtain the passport style photographs from the nearby Kodak shop hence didn't need to go to Immigration Office. She organised a moto taxi to take me to Bangkok Bank where 'dedicated staff' opened a savings account for me. I was required to purchase 12 months 'one-off' accident insurance for 3,000 baht. As I moved out of the area immediately afterwards, my passport with Non O visa for three months together with 12 months extension (totalling 15 months) was posted onto me by my agent.
  17. Very true. My Thai Mrs takes me (she drives, I don't) when I apply for retirement extensions. They ask her to sign the photocopies of her blue house book and ID card.
  18. Might be a bit late as you've already subscribed to Skype. You mentioned communicating with Europe. You will be aware that receiving SMS is a hurdle with VOIP services. Skype allows US numbers to receive SMS when sent from US or Canadian numbers only. I'm from UK and need to receive SMS mainly from UK but also from elsewhere. I found the solution is 'VYKE'. For $16 USD per annum you can rent a mobile 'phone number from a choice of 6 Countries (including USA). Calls to US are charged at 1.2 cents per minute, SMS 5 cents each. No charge to receive either voice calls or SMS.
  19. I became a Thai whole blood donor at age 63. Signed up at a local mobile session (held every 3 months). Told them I had been a blood/plasma/platelet donor in UK since age 18 (true). Every time you donate you have to fill out a questionnaire (fortunately usually available in English). Questions include living in UK during 80's & 90's. I answered yes but was still accepted. I think it depends upon the discretion of the Thai Red Cross staff. I believe the questions are now redundant but the forms have yet to be amended. You could try answering no as it won't make any difference now. They have always asked for my Passport at every session so couldn't lie about my age!
  20. Impossible to find any redeeming features in this guy. He appeared to have a 'chip on his shoulder' about the way he perceived he had been regarded/treated by others throughout his life. Why he returned to Nepal is baffling. I can only think he may have become bored, fearing the public interest in him was waning and/or craved some risk/challenge/excitement by tormenting the Nepal police?
  21. You would like to think that the IO would take everything into account and show some sympathy and discretion if warranted.
  22. I make a point of doing so. White socks with brown sandals. Nobody is going to influence my choice of attire.
  23. It was, one of the very best productions I have ever seen. Superb acting too.
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