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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Not Bangkok. Thai wife had neither licence. Asked at LTO and paid 2,000 baht for each licence. No tests required.
  2. Thanks for the reassurance, definitely appears to be kosher! Just trying to work out their starting point. It seems it could be; a) Abroad address, b) Abroad telephone number, c) Abroad transactions. All of these are permitted of course according to their Customer Services. What I forget to do is extend my notification periods of being abroad. Suspect others might be doing the same?
  3. I had a work colleague/friend who frequently grew cysts on his face at the age of 16. They were cut out as they grew and usually a single stitch sufficed. Aged 32 he was diagnosed with skin cancer. Treatment proved successful for 17 years. He then had another bought but was OK for a further 10 years. Kidney cancer then developed which was successfully treated but unfortunately returned 12 months later. Aged 60 he was given between 6 months and two years to live. He managed 6 months only. As you mentioned, I suspect much damage was caused/worsened during the early days of package holidays, the guy very much enjoyed his days around the pool and on the beach in Spain and Morocco.
  4. Very helpful suggestion thanks. I too have had Savings plus Current Account, Credit Card and latterly Investment Hub with Santander and predecessors for 40+ years. Fortunately, I have never been subject to the investigations you mention. Once, a lady Call Centre agent shouted at me for "putting a lot of money through these accounts". I was buying and furnishing a house abroad at the time. I suppose now the cash has been spent they have no interest in my affairs. Fortunately, I maintain my U.K. address and was able to open two new accounts with 'Neo Banks' whilst in the U.K. earlier this year. However, they warn you that you are not permitted to operate the account if you move abroad.
  5. I phoned Santander. To notify about an abroad address they require you to download, fill out and post a change of circumstances form. You could also inform them by going into a branch next time you return to U.K. Halifax are more modern, you can change everything on-line.
  6. Thanks for the information. This is the reverse of my experience (albeit now several months ago). Santander Customer Services told me that I was permitted to have an abroad address and they would send renewed/replacement cards to Thailand. Halifax Bank permit abroad addresses but will not send cards to Thailand.
  7. I honestly thought that 'three score years and ten' was of biblical reference. Perhaps it was/is but apparently to this day it remains the yardstick by which premature death is measured. Also, life expectancy can be affected by many things. My Thai brother-in-law died in June of kidney disease aged 56. My Mrs (his sister) didn't have a lot of sympathy. Apparently for many years he had been taking Chinese herbal remedies and these had eventually poisoned him. To be honest I wouldn't expect many of us would do this. 90+ is feasible with normal lifestyle IMHO.
  8. Just by chance. Think it was some on-line local newspaper. But never saw the outcome. Probably there wasn't one. Wasn't referring to the Comeback Pub (OP in Trang).
  9. 17 year old bar girl, underage for being in licensed premises, working in licensed premises and offering personal services. The manager for employing her. The Japanese businessman who knows, maybe he was doing something naughty at the time of the raid?
  10. My Mrs was told by her friend that a new karaoke bar had opened. The three of us went to try it out. Extremely difficult to find in an uninhabited part of our small town located inside an industrial unit. There were two bar girls and a bar manager. Karaoke, drinks and food were OK but my Mrs said "we're not going there again". One week later the place was raided, a seventeen year old bar girl, the manager and a Japanese businessman were arrested.
  11. My wife says "you are Farang, you must pay ALL".
  12. Wow! Disappointing if it were to continue. Generally they suggest disconnecting, waiting a little while and then reconnecting. Clearing cookies etc. No doubt you will find all the help you need on their website. If still not resolved, perhaps send then an email. They usually answer very quickly.
  13. Very helpful info, thank you.
  14. As 'fdsa' informs, we need to do other things in addition to using a VPN such as change time zone setting on PC to where you wish to appear to be and ensure language settings are US only.
  15. When Surf Shark admitted that banks can tell your location, are they referring to Country only, not town and street?
  16. No web based access for the neo banks I've recently joined. Mobile app only. Makes you think.
  17. At least they didn't lie. But it seems worse than we thought. Not only can they tell you're using a VPN but can tunnel their way back through it to see where you really are.
  18. Brother-in-law's total in June was 150,000. Mother-in-law's in September was 200,000.
  19. There must be many in USA facing this same problem. I'm from UK so pardon my ignorance, but are the banking regulations federal or do they differ in each State? There are US overseas territories. Do the territories have the same banks as The States? Or do they have their own? Or both? Other than that, although it will cost, the legal professions being the rogues that they are sure to know workarounds.
  20. Are there USA banks that will allow you to have an address abroad and will send renewed/replacement debit/credit cards to Thailand?
  21. Don't forget, you get 30 days in which to test. If it doesn't do all you require they will refund your subscription in full. I did the same firstly with ZenMate which was slightly cheaper at the time. Everything else worked except it wouldn't unblock BBCiPlayer. I complained a couple of times to be told 'we're working on it'. However, by day 29 it still wasn't unblocked so I got my money back, paid in full within a few days.
  22. Absolutely will. But he will be catergorised as either; High, Medium or Low Risk. He has to report time spent away from his home address for the duration of his registration period. At the discretion of his offender manager he may be prohibited from flying to certain Countries (certainly The Philippines). If it is suspected that he may fly onwards from his original reported destination, an Interpol Green Notice could be issued.
  23. Thai's like social events. Free food and drink (even karaoke too). Try inviting the Customer Service team, supervisor and manager to your house for the evening?
  24. Yes, proved it myself. Windows XP too!
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