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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Could the point be Covid (even if you were asymptomatic and therefore unaware) has had a long lasting weakening effect?
  2. Unusual and morally good I suppose. However, it didn't help you. Thanks for posting. Very interesting and helpful.
  3. Glad you are now sorted and thanks for letting us know!
  4. In my case, the people on the Customer Service desk and their supervisor were the problem. As soon as we spoke to their boss, I got my yellow book/pink card. Could you find out who is in charge and approach them (preferably friendly and unofficially) say at some local event?
  5. Brought a tear to my eye, truly. Good on you Sir!
  6. Very true, 1910. Also, Dr. Crippen was almost certainly guilty based on circumstantial evidence and his behaviour both before and after the event. Police continue to fit people up though. My point was that our guy may have lacked the confidence to defend himself and/or may have believed the police were determined to convict him. Fleeing the Country guaranteed his conviction. Had he remained, the outcome may have been different.
  7. Or, (as in IF as above) could be coincidence. Whatever the virus/infection was would have cleared up naturally without antibiotics.
  8. The image has definitely improved. 50 years ago huge smirking oafs took delight in bellowing in your face (I've had some of that). Perhaps it's the raising of educational requirements or, more likely, everyone possessing mobile 'phones with cameras?
  9. It is. I like the absence of roaming gangs of muggers, thugs and vandals. Things do get stolen but the neighbours and police instantly seem to know whodunnit!
  10. Fair comment. But when police boast to you that they have 'doubled up the counts' to make the outcome worse then you lose respect for them and begin to think what else do they do? Fortunately, in my case, the CPS barrister was not happy that the police had done this and told the judge. The detective in court went ballistic and told her to "remember whose side you are on".
  11. Not an obscure case and not American although Dr. Crippen and his wife were from USA. Point is, if you know the cops are going to fit you up and especially that you're going to hang the best thing to do is flee the Country. If you had a word with some retired police officers, they would confirm that malicious accusations of rape are common. As someone else has already stated, the guy should have remained to face the music. A jury may have found in his favour.
  12. Disputed doesn't mean they are wrong of course. The pathologist involved was 'suspect'. Those police officers would not only have fitted up Dr. Crippen during their careers. Pardoning Dr. Crippen would open up a can of worms. The British Criminal Justice system is rotten to the core.
  13. Meaningless fees and amounts. Without the power to arrest or force entry into your home there is no way of collecting the debt.
  14. Doctor Crippen fled in disguise because he knew the police were going to fit him up. 97 years later, DNA evidence proved that's exactly what the police/pathologist did.
  15. Very good point. Can anyone be convicted in their absence? Doesn't seem right that you haven't had the opportunity to defend yourself.
  16. Pot Player was definitely around in 2011. https://lifehacker.com/the-best-video-player-for-windows-5822672
  17. You need to have a word with lopburi3 (above post but 2) before something dreadful happens! Seriously, we don't know what else noshowjones has installed upon his laptop. I have found things from time to time that don't work without rebooting following install/uninstall.
  18. Don't do that. You are so close. If one media player ever gives problems it's easy and free to download another. Restarting your laptop in between uninstalling the existing ones and installing Pot Player is important.
  19. Don't worry. Important thing is you must be doing things correctly because it works OK on your desktop. Sometimes you can have too much installed and get conflicts. To make life easy, I would uninstall the MPC-HC and VLC. Go to Control Panel/Programs. Then, restart your laptop, and install instead the very good media player called 'Pot Player'. Download from this page. It's totally free. https://potplayer.daum.net/
  20. If your Windows installation is fully updated you should not have any issues with display (that's where your graphic card and updated device drivers come into it). Is the problem lack of graphics or sound or both? Or is it that clicking 'open with MPC-HC' just does nothing?
  21. Made me think during the worst of Covid. If I was a nurse and told that 'we have very little stocks of PPE and what we have isn't good' what would I do? Risk my life so that the NHS accountants can get promotion for cost saving? Or, do what all but one (female) doctor did in Aden and scarper?
  22. I install and use it on two laptops and my desktop. Works equally well and in the same way on all three. Did you see any warnings at the very beginning when you installed about graphic cards?
  23. Very true. Same all over the World. Brasilians say "who would want to live in Sao Paulo?" Small towns and islands are definitely favourite.
  24. Like many I miss the seasons in the U.K. Spring is particularly pleasant in rural areas. To avoid the cold weather another option would be to spend say, May, June & July in U.K. (or Western Europe).
  25. Nice to hear that. Although the U.K. is so much smaller than the U.S.A. it is surprising how little Brits know of their own Country.
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