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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. The OP stated 'and the restriction for receiving an sms on a Thai number is no longer required'.
  2. I read it as you can now supply a mobile telephone number for OTP's for any Country?
  3. The part about ‘checking on warrants’ (presumably only in Thailand?) interests me. Sounds like as police that’s something they should be doing but don’t?
  4. Many thanks, I understand. My Mother-In-Law became ill and is now in hospital hence I have had to put my travel plans on hold. Thanks again for your kind assistance.
  5. Very true. I altered the 'report by date' by hand each time I reported on-line. At renewal of retirement extension the IO pulled me up about it. Insisted I either remove and replace the previous receipt or go into Immigration office to report in person.
  6. Thanks, you've given me an idea. I am in the process of booking but undecided upon airline(s)/route. I know it's my responsibility if I make two separate bookings. I understand that check-in agents can through check hold luggage on two separate bookings but will tell you they can't. I have been in situations when my incoming flight was delayed but the outgoing connecting flight was held because there was a large number of passengers involved. Zurich has always been very fast and efficient, as you might expect. As you mention, there are more factors to consider now.
  7. Anyone suffered missed flight connections recently? Would it be best to allow, say, double the recommended transit times for the particular airport at the moment?
  8. I'm genuinely interested but don't live in Jomtien. Looking at PWA information now. Found this at first glance; What is the pH for hard water? 8 or greater Water that is considered hard or alkaline has a pH level 8 or greater. With a pH at a level 8 or greater, might mean the water could contain ions that can form scale deposits in pipes, clothes and on dishes.23 เม.ย. 2557
  9. Incredible unfortunate experience. I can't imagine the pain and emotional trauma associated with such injuries. My admiration for coping and climbing a ladder since. Incidentally, your accident is a lesson to those who don't believe in motor insurance and/or health care plans, living from day to day on basic pensions in the belief; 'It'll never happen to me'.
  10. Paving (flagging or floor tiles, whichever you like to call it) seems to be beyond the capability of builders everywhere. You always end up with pools of rainwater in the depressions. Do 'Master Paviours' still exist?
  11. You struck lucky there! Sounds like the second dentist was a general dentist also but maybe more experienced and/or confident than the first. I had similar, a general dentist told me either extraction or root canal plus crown. I asked for the root canal & crown. She didn't do that and referred me to a specialist dentist in the next town. He took a look and decided it could be filled and the price was similar to yours.
  12. Much useful knowledge here, thanks very much! I have noticed the big divide between general and specialist dentists. The Thai lady you mention was treated disgracefully. On the first occasion it sounds like because it was an 'insurance job' i.e. no opportunity to rip her off they couldn't care less. The second instance seems like sheer incompetence. Good advice about offering to pay, I was expecting maybe a crown and root canal would be necessary but if the dentist recommended a number of them the cost would definitely not be cheap.
  13. I know what you mean. But in this case he isn't really profiting. He's suffering unnecessarily and we want to stop it. I couldn't stand it myself.
  14. Thanks again. We won't give up. We go to his house at least two times per week. Seeing him wince and finger his jaw with the pain makes me feel it too. Nobody should have to suffer toothache.
  15. Thanks for the advice. My Thai Mrs won't go to the dental dept at our Community Hospital saying that they're 'butchers'. I've never been but from what I've seen of the medical side it's excellent. You're correct, fear of the unknown is the issue with the guy. Sounds like you got good treatment and very economical too. I recently had two metal/fused porcelain crowns fitted at a cost of 8,000 baht each. The teeth were more fillings than tooth and the fillings had broken. But the roots were sound so crowns were possible without need of root canal treatment.
  16. His wife has lost all her front teeth (don't know how and when). She is most self-conscious about it. I agree, first things first, he needs to be assessed. Unfortunately, it's not been possible to motivate him to even do this yet.
  17. Good advice! He's almost certainly never been to a specialist dentist where the priority is preserving instead of extracting.
  18. Husband of my wife’s friend is a plumber and electrician. He also fixes anything electrical and electronic, even TV’s and satellite receivers. Useful guy to know! He’s in agony with his teeth, continuously taking painkillers. He won’t go to the local hospital dental dept or a private general dentist because he fears they’ll extract all his teeth. He can’t afford specialist treatment. We’ve told him to go to our specialist dentist and get himself fixed up and not to worry about the bill. He won’t accept our help. I’ve thought of things such as giving us a discount for the next few jobs but he still won’t go. Anyone been in a similar situation and managed to resolve it?
  19. Most helpful advice (plus UbonJoe's of course). I would always ask a Thai person of 'standing' (school teachers seem especially respected) to make enquiries for me. Even if he is blacklisted there may be a way forward. Will never know until he asks.
  20. I use Skype to call U.K. Freephone numbers.
  21. People should be supporting the guy not punishing him. Alcoholism is an illness. It caused him to be sacked from renumerative employment. The poor man attempted to turn his life around as a monk.
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