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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Known and loved all over the World! Known as a 'Tosta Mista' in my favourite holiday destination.
  2. I'm using Ubuntu at the moment. No issues with repositories and Libre Office is installed and working OK. Everything seems to be there for download https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download-libreoffice/ I use torrent when on Windows and it's always very fast. Libre Office should be able to open your document if it's possible and then you can choose to 'save as' Word 2007-365 .docx'
  3. I do very little (hardly anything) with spreadsheets. However, I've never encountered any issues. I don't have an Android tablet and wouldn't use spreadsheets on my Android 'phone. I use the free Google and Microsoft apps too and Libre Office seems compatible with either/both.
  4. 100% agree! Great. I use it on Windows and Linux.
  5. Good info and ideas here! Mrs bought a 4 camera home system without any knowledge or comparisons from the installer guy who has a shop across our street. It cost 12,000 including installation. HIKVision with wired connections for video and power supply (night vision cameras with no lights or sound) and hard drive recorder. Didn't take long before only one camera worked and that only intermittently. Apparently rats had chewed through the cables in the loft. Since had another 4 cameras added, this time HiLook with lights and sound. Only one of those has so far failed, I suspect for same reason. She then had another two cameras (WiFi this time although the power supplies are wired) installed at her shop. All 10 cameras are linked to the same HiLook account for remote viewing.
  6. My water supply pipe runs ontop of the ground. Family complain that showers are too hot. Never experienced any problem nor heard any complaint that our bog standard ass pistols are scalding though?
  7. A guy I worked with told me that during WW2 he was limited to three sheets of toilet paper. I wonder if that's where this expression came from?
  8. Definitely agree with antibiotics. They made surgery much safer. Prior to them, doctors were reluctant to operate in case of post-operative infections resulting in young people dying from tonsilitis (for example).
  9. In the sense that she could have moved from the left hand lane onto the shoulder well before her left turn. She was turning left into a car sales premises i.e. NOT at a road junction. She continued in the left hand lane indicating and slowing. The road was a fast and straight dual carriageway. A truck behind her plus other traffic behind it 'concertinaed' obstructing rearwards vision. Collision speed was low (fortunately). I suspect the girl on the moto didn't connect traffic ahead slowing down with a vehicle turning left. Moto rider wouldn't have been able to see any left turn indicator.
  10. Reminded me of an incident in Argentina. Guy was from Cuba but had emigrated to Florida hence had USA passport. A female traffic cop stopped him and offered him a deal. Speaking in English she said she would accept 50% of the fine if he paid it to her now. Otherwise, he would have to pay the full amount which could only be paid in one town that was 200 km back in the direction from which he had come. The guy switched from American English to perfect Spanish and called her bluff saying he had to go back there anyway. She backed down and waved him on his way.
  11. Where my niece was turning it was a newly laid and painted dual carriageway plus wide breakdown/shoulder 'lane'. I suggested in future she should move from the left hand lane and drive within the breakdown lane for some distance to minimise the risk of being undertaken by moto's whilst making a left hand turn. Not sure of the legality of doing this but it does seem sensible.
  12. You were very fair and so were the police. Good on you and your Mrs for taking the girl to hospital and for giving her some cash too.
  13. I suppose the fact we never received a bill was because treatment was provided under the Thai National Health Service? It did cross my mind that Thai hospitals might bill for treating RTA's? My niece maybe could have stipulated that she was merely complying with the orders of police and that in handing money over she was not in any way admitting responsibility for the collision?
  14. My Thai niece was making a left turn in her car. A girl on a moto undertook and was knocked off. Fortunately, she only suffered bruises and a few scrapes. Policeman who attended was a family friend. Nevertheless, he ordered my niece to pay for the girl's hospital treatment (we never received a bill), repair of her moto and compensation for injuries. Surprisingly, the girl only asked for 1,000 baht. I can understand why the police do this, their prime concern being getting people patched up and vehicles repaired and back on the road.
  15. You mentioned; 'insurance adjuster'. Assuming you were insured which is good, otherwise the police would have ordered you to pay for medical treatment for the moto rider, repair of moto plus compensation for injuries. Consider the 500 baht a very reasonable admin fee/tip. When police recovered my stolen Honda Wave they demanded the reward money my wife had offered on Facebook (10,000 baht) before they would hand it over claiming that they had incurred considerable expenses.
  16. Feel very sorry for the lorry driver. If you have a choice don't drive after dark. The lorry driver almost certainly wouldn't have had a choice.
  17. Many thanks for the clear and helpful advice. Much appreciated!
  18. Most intelligent, forward-looking and compassionate suggestions. You are a Gentleman!
  19. Absolutely! It all depends where you are. I first stayed in a basic apartment in Pattaya. That was 5,000 per month. Returning to Thailand last month got talking with a young guy who was revisiting Pattaya after a five year absence. He was very happy to have secured an apartment at the price he paid upon his last visit. The price being 5,000 baht per month.
  20. Sounds as if the guy is 'losing it'. OP may feel some sympathy and/or responsibility to help him.
  21. Very sensible advice. As we know, there are many others in the same boat living day by day, existing in 5,000 baht per month apartments receiving State Pension only with no provision for illness, old age or accidents.
  22. That's the nub of it. He's used to an agent doing things for him. He's not confident exiting the Country.
  23. Arriving at Suvarnabhumi airport on 19 September this year before even looking at my passport the I.O. asked; "How long are you staying for?". I advised her I didn't know but I have a Retirement Extension and a Reentry Permit. No further questions. Presumably if I'd said less than 30 days I'd have been OK. If longer, was she preparing to deny entry?
  24. After my AliExpress account was hacked I now want to receive OTP's each and every time. Using different passwords for my various accounts is important too.
  25. You forgot about the 80 cigarettes you smoked per day.
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