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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Only been here since 2017 but so far found that all doctors whether in hospitals or their High Street clinics and specialist dentists speak (or are willing to speak) excellent English. Nurses in A/E at Provincial hospital did but only some at my local community hospital. Thanks to them all, they do a great job IMHO.
  2. Interestingly, it was the PEA not the ISP's who chopped all our fibre data cables the week before last. The man was an animal, leaving no internet connections for anyone.
  3. The Fugitive

    Covid 4th shot?

    I asked same question of my Mrs. She has contacts at our local community hospital where we got our first 3 jabs. No more apparently!
  4. Great info, good warnings and very pleased you got well again for 12,000 baht! Year's (decades) ago a lad I worked with got pneumonia at age 16. When he returned to work he looked like a cross between a ghost and a skeleton. Took some time but he became a superb squash player, competing in tournaments at local and regional level. Best wishes to you Sir!
  5. On the subject of healthcare professionals and languages, my specialist dentist told me he qualified in the 1970's. However, when he was studying for his Master's Degree in the 1980's it was, by then, compulsory to learn English. Maybe it depends upon the qualification and timescale?
  6. Most people express this wish as I understand. I know that nurses can prescribe drugs subject to obtaining extra qualification. However, I believe my chances of minimising suffering would be greatest in a place where there is also access to doctors and a pharmacy. My theory failed when put to the test in a National Health Service hospital due to staff shortages. Therefore I would, if financially possible at the time, elect to receive end of life care in a private hospital.
  7. Did that with us the week before last. Severed and disposed of all data cables. ISP's strung new cables for their customers after they complained of loss of service. We were off from Friday to Thursday. A credit of 71.16 baht has appeared upon my Internet account. Assuming it's compensation for loss of service?
  8. Worrying unnecessarily! No males in my family (Grandfathers, father and uncles) lived beyond 72. The good part is that none of them suffered senile dementia/Alzheimers Disease.
  9. Top comment. I would think any private hospital will provide 'end of life care'. Unfortunately, accommodation, nursing plus repeated assessments by doctors, prescription fees and medication costs would use up $10,000 USD rather quickly. Even with symptoms under control and minimised the end would likely still be unpleasant.
  10. Good advice, why struggle? Alternatively, instal one of the lighter weight Linux distro's.
  11. As I'm only a recent State Pension claimant I can't comment on the proof of life letters/certificates. It could be that things have recently changed at the DWP as regards UK addresses and UK mobile 'phone numbers? As always, what we get told and the level of customer service depends upon who you speak to on that day. If I was you, I would be thinking along the lines of advising the DWP that you have returned to the UK upon a permanent basis. What happens in the future is another matter as people's circumstances can and do change all the time.
  12. When I claimed my U.K. State Pension the lady I spoke to at DWP advised me that I MUST (emphasised) maintain a U.K. mobile telephone number. Reading between the lines she just may have been tipping me off how to avoid a frozen pension?
  13. Thanks. Good advice. I don't think the OP mentioned his operating system. Some of us don't yet have PC's capable of running Windows 10/11 properly. But the time will come.
  14. Depending upon the size of the files OP wishes to keep it may be possible to upload them to a free cloud storage account (Mega.nz for example) and simply continue after a bit of housekeeping?
  15. The best driver I know is a lady schoolteacher friend of my Mrs. She's only 4 feet 4 inches tall! The other day she reversed her Toyoto Vios into the space we'd left outside my Mrs's shop in one manoeuvre. I couldn't believe how she could judge that the space was big enough let alone reverse into it in one go. I had to find a six inch ruler to measure the gaps. There were 5 inches at the front and 7 inches at the rear.
  16. That is my greatest fear. We only have the basic 600 baht motor insurance. If I or my wife caused a moto rider to suffer a brain injury requiring treatment and care for the remainder of their life we would really be in trouble. Plus, I'd never forgive myself.
  17. People become totally switched off from reality when driving. That seems to be an unfortunate fact wherever you are.
  18. True. I was totally thinking heart attack or hypo glycaemic episode.
  19. I haven't driven for 10 years. I only have a U.K. driving licence. No interest in obtaining a Thai one. Lack confidence and fear the repercussions should I injure or kill anyone.
  20. Thanks for reminding me. My Mrs chooses her glasses from market stalls. I doubt she has ever had an eye examination involving testing pressure and taking photographs of the eyeball.
  21. Think you are correct. The guy was well to the left, sort of emerging from between parked vehicles.
  22. To be fair, my Mrs can spot a parking space where I can't see one. Then manoeuvre into it when I wouldn't even attempt it. Sounds as if you can expect a vet's bill and to gain another pet. At least the bill will be less than back home! Good on your Mrs for taking responsibility.
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