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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. You would like to think that the IO would take everything into account and show some sympathy and discretion if warranted.
  2. I make a point of doing so. White socks with brown sandals. Nobody is going to influence my choice of attire.
  3. It was, one of the very best productions I have ever seen. Superb acting too.
  4. You're not the only one!
  5. I have use of family moto's but never to travel on them either as rider or pillion unless I can't avoid it. All the family ride in T shirts, shorts and flip-flops. It's going to happen one day and I fear someone is going to be in a terrible mess.
  6. Being on the pillion of a moto taxi going at 80 kmph riding on both road and pavement to get around parked vehicles, vehicles turning and pedestrians certainly puts life into perspective!
  7. 'Point of no return' springs to mind. After several year's a person may consider that 'I've done it now, can't undo it, I've not been caught yet so the obvious choice is to continue keeping my head down'.
  8. We have him to thank for people wearing dirty and smelly 'trainers' instead of polished leather brogues and Oxfords?
  9. Thanks, almost certainly the case. However, the rental company/person is probably not declaring that the bike is continuously hired out otherwise I doubt they could obtain even this insurance?
  10. Thanks for the warning. You had to pay your hospital bill for an accident that wasn't your fault plus 30,000 to the responsible driver plus 20,000 to the police. Agree, bus or taxi avoids all that.
  11. Wow! Thanks for this. I trust/hope you are now fully recovered? Agree that the Government hospital were most reasonable as was their bill.
  12. The BBC article states the couple hired a moto and also that her boyfriend was not seriously hurt in the crash. Putting two and two together he must have been the rider (driver). Unless they were three up!
  13. Don't all Social Workers wear sports jackets with leather elbow patches, brown corduroy trousers and smoke pipes anymore?
  14. Some don't even know how to start or stop a scooter. They may almost invariably be automatic (such as Honda Click) but still lethal if you don't know the basics. Such renters will have no idea about 70/30% braking or which way to shift their weight when going up/down steep hills.
  15. Interesting point. If a pillion passenger was fully insured in their own right but, unbeknown to them, the rider (driver) was unlicenced would their (the pillion passengers) insurance refuse to pay out?
  16. Could that be because it would come under the heading 'Motor Insurance?'
  17. Although the article doesn't say, it's likely the rider (driver) would have been her boyfriend. How many people in UK hold motorcycle riding licences?
  18. Good point Andrew! Motoring (or riding a motorcycle) is an entirely separate activity from travel. It isn't even a hazardous activity associated with holidays such as you mentioned.
  19. Top comment! Primarily we are responsible for our own actions. Ensure you have travel insurance and that it covers all the hazardous activities you intend (or are likely) to participate in. Also check what the maximum pay out and excess would be in the event of a claim. If you can't/wouldn't (or are not licenced) to ride a moto in your home Country, why do people believe it's OK to do so abroad?
  20. I guess some people don't understand what transcription is and that it's not perfect. My Mrs and her sister both keep their maiden names. However, on their Thai ID cards, their surnames are spelt differently in English.
  21. Experiences at hotel check-in definitely differ. They always ask for my passport but usually are only concerned with the data page. However, last time in Phuket, two staff checked my retirement extension stamps, discussing them between themselves.
  22. Don't have a Thai Driving Licence myself. However, was with my Thai sister-in-law when checking in for an Air Asia internal flight when she announced that she had forgotten she had sent her ID card away somewhere. I asked if she had her passport with her? - negative to that! I suggested trying her Thai driving licence but, at that time, I didn't know if she held one. Fortunately she did and even more fortunately had it with her!
  23. DavisH seems to disagree though. Minor repairs claimed for on First Class cover not affecting renewal premiums. Some of us can't comment on that because we don't have Comprehensive Motor Insurance.
  24. ZenMate is about the cheapest you'll ever get. I tried it for 30 days and it worked OK (connected first time and unblocked geo-blocked websites for surfing and streaming). Unfortunately, during my 30 days it couldn't unblock BBCiPlayer. I complained twice and finally cancelled on day 29, receiving refund of my 2 yearly premium in full within a couple of days. Been with SurfShark for 2 years and works perfectly.
  25. Just a suggestion; if mainly as a visual deterrent you might consider dummy cameras?
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