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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Thanks for the information. However, there are three alternatives at Ringway. Railway station, MetroLink and local/National bus/coach interchange. I'm sure many people could, if they tried, reduce the volume of their luggage to managable proportions?
  2. Must admit I'm struggling to find APP's that will install upon my iPhone 4S these days!
  3. Saw someone using one the folding types for the first time yesterday. Looked impressive to me!
  4. That's what it says on the sign for mine. That's where I went for Yellow House Book, Pink Foreigner's ID Card and Marriage Registration.
  5. Very helpful thank you. Never thought of asking the local district office for proof of residency!
  6. Everything is negotiable. How you go about it is the issue.
  7. Definitely agree! That’s why I suggested asking a reliable Thai person to 'sound out' the IO by asking hypothetical questions. My Thai wife can immediately tell if an official/policeman is 'allright' i.e. open to doing a deal. An IO once said to her on the phone; "that's something I can't answer without knowing more details so if you come down to the office tomorrow at 11am and ask for me............... At this appointment the IO offered to undercut any agent’s price. We now deal exclusively with the same officer. Absolutely agree with your caution. If it’s a foreigner who’s asking going the agent route is safest.
  8. The lady Visa Agent I deal with tells me the majority of her client’s come from U.K. Many, as you rightly say, receive State Pension only, having no available savings. She has English people bringing her correspondence they have received from U.K. and ask her to read and explain it to them because they have literacy problems. She can assist in obtaining Visa’s in other Countries plus the usual translation, legal advice, house purchase, travel agency and taxi booking services. Very useful person to know!
  9. It depends how much your friend wants to stay in Thailand and how much cash she has. Contacting a Visa Agent would be the safest step to trying to remain but also the most expensive. Going directly to immigration would be taking a risk but if the officer was receptive to a bundle of cash could work out the less expensive method. Getting a Thai friend of some standing to telephone in advance asking 'hypothetical' questions and obtaining the IO's name would help. Going to the airport and asking immigration 'how much above 20,000 to avoid a ban?' could work but may be too stressful?
  10. Interesting point. If you employ an agent then are they not simply acting as your agent and you retain ultimate reponsibility. If your passport was stolen from your agent is it the same as being stolen from yourself?
  11. Agree! Simplest course of action. Say you need your passport in order to travel.
  12. Forgotten the timescales involved. Anyone suggest when the number of people who became infected during the holidays will 'max out'?
  13. 'Last year my agent sent me on a bike-taxi to Immigration for my picture to be taken. Someone from inside took my picture from a window while I was standing on a trash heap outside at the rear of the building. At the same time the taxi boy handed over a heap of passports (through the small window)'. Sounds hilarious. However, got the job done!
  14. Good thinking! Or even telephone Customer Services in advance explaining the problem and ask them to 'smooth the path' for when you next go in to your branch?
  15. Unbelievable! Maybe the person you spoke to was leaving on Friday to go to work for 3BB?
  16. I wouldn't worry or even bother to go further afield. Go back to the same bank/branch and mention you were 'advised to open an account with themselves for Immigration'. They will know what you are referring to and should oblige.
  17. Very helpful information and advice for everyone. Thanks for posting!
  18. Thanks for letting us know. Very helpful and interesting information supplied by contributors to this thread!
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