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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. It was a fortnight ago when I went through albeit travelling economy class.
  2. All I know from my limited experience is that, in my case, it functions as an intermediary payment facilitator that you have no choice but to use if you wish to use certain methods to pay bills or organisations (in my case PEA). If you are interested you could enter 'Counter Service' into Facebook search field and/or visit their website; www.counterservice.co.th. Lots to see there in Thai language. The reason I posted was because outfits such as PayPal seem to get bad press but I was genuinely impressed with the customer service I received from Counter Service.
  3. Pay 3 PEA bills each month using U.K. debit/credit cards. This involves Counter Service. The other day I must have 'clicked away' too soon (or maybe a momentary glitch) and one of the three payments was not posted to PEA account. I gave it a couple of days to see if it would resolve automatically then decided to email; [email protected]. Received rapid response from Chanyaphat Thappimol saying now resolved. Very good customer service IMHO!
  4. I have learned much from this thread. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to assist.
  5. Can only relate my own experience re; mesh repairs. In 2000 in U.K. I had an inguinal hernia repair. The surgeon told me he would be using mesh and to think of it as the stitching around a buttonhole that stops the hole from widening. No problems so far.
  6. Totally agree. In July my brother-in-law died and in August my mother-in-law. My Mrs asked me for 100,000 and 50,000 baht respectively. I was happy to do the right thing.
  7. When I needed to convert .docx to .pdf in order to upload to certain websites I always thought I needed Adobe Acrobat. However, I recently found out the 'Export As' function of Libre Office does this too. A great free Office suite!
  8. Absolutely agree! Wouldn't like to ever be without Google docs & sheets.
  9. Thanks for that. Strange how they were considered the 'bees knees' not long ago.
  10. Wow! Very interesting, thanks for the information. Most thought provoking. Long may your good luck continue Sir!
  11. Slightly different subject but my friend and neighbour was recommended to have a stent installed, purely as a long term preventative measure. He went along with that. His insurance quadrupled (must be a heart attack risk if has a stent installed). Also, anywhere he went afterwards for medical checks/treatment he faced the 'third degree'. Every doctor and nurse told him there was nothing in his medical history that could warrant fitting a stent so why on earth had one been installed?
  12. Just a suggestion; the daily GP (they change constantly) at our local Community Hospital completely reviewed my Mother-in-Law's cocktail of medications, tweaking doses, prescribing alternatives and withdrawing others completely. Spent a lot of time with her. We were most impressed with the resultant improvement in her condition.
  13. Wow! Thanks so much. That's another website bookmarked!
  14. Same here. Google Chrome is a system APP on Android hence cannot be uninstalled. Been hearing about Google not being trustworthy (Microsoft being a sinister organisation etc.) for years. We use it because it works and it works well. No point in 'doubling up'.
  15. Love this! Many thanks for posting this hyperlink!
  16. Spot on! My Mrs posted on Facebook the insurance company guy presenting her with a giant cheque (you know the sort of thing) for 100,000. I was amazed that it was, in fact, only a few days after the death.
  17. It is unlikely that you would be ripped off for 18,000 (only). When I was asked for help with two very recent funerals it was 50,000 and then 100,000. I gave both even though I knew that one person had funeral plan cover.
  18. I think Tuvoc is referring to his own case here.
  19. Browser Market Share Worldwide - August 2022 Chrome 65.52% Safari 18.78% Edge 4.29% Firefox 3.15% Samsung Internet 2.85% Opera 2.2%
  20. Agreed! For that reason I guess most of us (myself included) use Google Chrome as our 'go to' browser. I only have that installed, but keep browser installation files (.exe, .deb, .rpm) in download folder, data partition and on external hard drive. Fortunately, have never had a problem of lost/corrupted Google bookmarks.
  21. 100% in agreement. That is exactly how it was.
  22. Shouldn't have happened of course. Had a Lazada product showing as 'delivered'. Was referred to Best. Turned out package had been returned to their depot because we were out. Local delivery guy was most apologetic for forgetting to bring it out with him the next day.
  23. Scoot were happy to take his money when it suited them. If they had cancelled the route prior to departure he would have had a choice. However, he was already out here when they did that. He's left with no other option but full price airlines. Shabby treatment to say the least.
  24. Thanks for that. My SurfShark subscription is almost due for renewal. I can say that in almost two years using Windows, Linux, iPhones and Android mobiles I've never been unable to connect or unblock geo-blocked websites. Don't stream much so your tip is valuable information. Previously, I subscribed to ZENMATE which was cheapest at the time. However, it couldn't unblock BBCIPlayer. I complained twice to be told 'We're working on it'. By day 29 it still wasn't availabe to me so I cancelled and got my subscription back in full.
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