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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Is his property 'off-grid' or is there already an electricity supply to the house?
  2. I had five gold crowns fitted in U.K. in 1973 on the basis that many fillings had already been done and they were teeth "you don't want to lose". Subsequent dentists have warned me that the problem is that they appear opaque on X-Ray's and the dentist can't tell what is going on underneath. However, I have only experienced a root infection with one of them. After careful consideration I decided to have it extracted. This year had two metal/porcelain fused crowns fitted in Thailand for 8,000 baht apiece and am very pleased with the work.
  3. Hi Jimmy! The customer service person suggested two months at 3 baht per month and I agreed. I have a couple of hundred baht credit balance always rolling forward. They activated that for me and the 6 baht was automatically deducted from my credit balance.
  4. Good thinking! It is possible she may have signed as guarantor, I don't know. The moto remains at our house covered with a large sheet. In any event, it all boils down to paying for something that you neither need nor want. That's what happens when you try to help somebody out.
  5. Very clear explanation. Thank you for your time and trouble.
  6. Thanks for providing the solution. I have had TrueMove H pre-pay for 5 years. Before a recent trip to U.K. I used their instant messaging service asking this same question. They enabled International Roaming and also suggested paying 3 baht per month to keep my number active without having to top-up. My 'phone automatically picked up Vodaphone network in U.K. I had already turned off Mobile Data and don't answer any calls (I get hardly any). OTP's from Bangkok Bank come through fine and my credit balance hasn't reduced. Your solution sounds simpler. Can you send SMS for free as well as receive?
  7. Very helpful thank you. Yes, it all depends upon how the official is feeling upon that day. My Mrs always reminds me; "The cost will be lower if you keep out of sight".
  8. Thank you. I agree. The late payment fees (if that's what they are) will probably have to be paid sooner or later. It seems to be the 'Thai Way' to try to haggle. It isn't worth getting into further legal trouble which will incur additional costs.
  9. Thank you. I was getting confused between a credit sale agreement and a conditional credit sale agreement.
  10. Spot on advice! There is a very true saying; 'Neither a borrower nor a lender be'. My Mrs claims it's my fault for being a falang, everyone assumes she's loaded.
  11. Thank you for clarifying. My Mrs may be confusing ownership transfer fees with 'late payment fees' which might not yet have been added?
  12. Sound advice, many thanks. I don't know how long the instalments have been overdue or what, if any, recovery action has already taken place. I didn't know about the ownership transfer fee. Sure, it depends who has received the money my Mrs gave, either the friend's son (or his Mum) or if they paid it over to the finance company.
  13. Thanks. Yes, I agree. I have no experience either in U.K. or abroad of deferred credit sale agreements and what happens if you don't/can't maintain the instalments. Also, I agree that 200,000 baht seems excessive for a used moto.
  14. 'Food for thought' in your words of wisdom. Thanks very much.
  15. Thanks very much. Forward thinking indeed. I didn't realise such things were possible.
  16. It's for the added costs, fees and extra interest that we don't like paying. The finance company may hold onto the green book until everything is paid in full. Hopefully, if they are struggling to collect and the moto is nowhere to be seen they will write off the additional amount? In the meantime, I don't want the lad's parents (the guarantors) to suffer.
  17. From my original post above; "My Thai Mrs tells me that her friend’s son was buying a moto on finance but is now unable to afford the instalments. Moto is in danger of being lifted. The moto is now at her house and she has given the lad’s Mum some money. I can’t understand whether she has given her enough to bring the instalments up-to-date or paid them off in full. My Mrs says she doesn’t need any money from me at the moment". My Mrs has 'hidden' the bike to prevent any reneging/incompetence by the finance company resulting in them lifting the moto.
  18. I would agree. However, her friend asked her to help and she doesn't like refusing.
  19. I don't see how they could term the moto stolen if the instalments are either up-to-date or paid in full? It's my concern that we shouldn't be paying anything extra that almost certainly would get added. These financial organisations fleece people enough as it is. In my experience they don't try very hard to collect in Thailand. My sister-in-law owes a shade under three million baht to her bank. Every so often a couple of guys wearing pink shirts and ties visit asking for her whereabouts. We always tell them she is working abroad on a contract and they go away again.
  20. Thanks for your reply. Sounds like my Mrs has done the right thing by hiding his bike. If she has brought his instalments up-to-date for the time being and/or pays the balance in full later there are likely to be additional fees, costs and extra interest. I don't believe in paying these. My concern is for his parents, the guarantors. But if they can't repossess the moto and the parents have nothing (and act sensibly) they won't get paid. Whether they hold onto the green book or not matters little if we use the moto ourselves and keep within our own town. We already have four motos, only one is registered to us and we pay road tax and insurance for it. One of the others remains registered to my long deceased father-in-law (for example).
  21. My Thai Mrs tells me that her friend’s son was buying a moto on finance but is now unable to afford the instalments. Moto is in danger of being lifted. The moto is now at her house and she has given the lad’s Mum some money. I can’t understand whether she has given her enough to bring the instalments up-to-date or paid them off in full. My Mrs says she doesn’t need any money from me at the moment. I have no knowledge of credit agreements in Thailand apart from when my wife stood guarantor for her son when he took out an agreement to buy a second-hand moto for 200,000 baht. We had to go to his bank together with the vendor to complete paperwork. I am assuming ownership of the moto transferred to the lad when he took out the credit agreement. Therefore, the bike is his to do with what he pleases. In the event of non-payment, the finance company/bank will threaten to ‘repossess’ the moto because they know it’s almost certainly the only thing of any value either he or his parent’s have. I am asking what powers the finance company/bank have against his parents who are guarantors? His father has an old pick-up and a couple of Honda Waves. The house is in bad shape. If he keeps his motos inside and parks his pick-up away from his house, would he be OK to refuse them entry?
  22. Yes, VYKE is VOIP. I have read all the above (most interesting). In my own experience I have never had any problem receiving 2FA (One Time Passcodes) whilst either in Thailand or the U.K. on my VYKE virtual U.K. mobile telephone number. However, the outfits I deal with are all U.K. based, not U.S.
  23. I should think you are. Great result health wise and incredible value. If you hadn't posted the bill I wouldn't have believed Bangkok Hospital would produce anything like it!
  24. I like it! Nowhere better than Whitby, Scarborough, Filey and Bridlington.
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