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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 53 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    There will be no opening up until there's a plentiful supply of vaccines and working treatments like one of the monoclonal antibody treatments currently in testing.


    That's the maximum they can do.


    I will be very surprised if anything opens up at all before Summer 2021 and even that's pushing it.



    So if that never happens (the plentiful supply of a vaccine that actually works and treatments that are both efficient and affordable) tourism will never return to any shores anywhere? I find the strategy of waiting for something that there are no guarantees will ever come to pass is like waiting for Godot, or like Cyrano waiting for Roxanne. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. If the goal is to attract many tourists to come again, it doesn't matter very much if you make the quarantine 14 days, 10 days or even three days. Sure, you would attract more people with a shorter quarantine, but you'd still have the bottleneck of a limited number of ASQ hotel rooms and connected health services. There is no way to scale that up to allow for enough tourists to have an impact on the crippling economy. 

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  3. On 10/22/2020 at 8:10 AM, scoupeo said:



    I walk in every dark small soi to check sick stray dogs, and I have never been threatened ! Could it be that I am a real man compared to most people ?



    Dogs seem to have a natural sense of respect for individuals who stink, hence why they roll around in cadavers they find in the forest. Maybe you should check your BO?

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, cjinchiangrai said:

    I applied through TL but they cancelled the flight. They have the money for the fees and plane ticket and I got nothing. Still hoping, but it is really disorganized and they do not seem to be talking with the consulates that control the planes.

    This is why I’m very reluctant to apply for STV using the Longstay Company, even if I did accept all the requirements. I understand I’m also supposed to hand over the 10K baht application fee without knowing the cost of flight tickets and insurance. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Gulfsailor said:

    3 is the least likely in my opinion. As you indicate, she would have been infected within days after leaving quarantine. 


    2 difficult to assess the possibility without knowing the conditions of the quarantine. If she were allowed to mingle with other quarantine guests after the first 7 days, then that’s a possibility. 


    1 If 1% has an incubation longer than 14 days and right now hundreds of people have tested positive while in quarantine, then that it’s certainly very possible a few cases will have slipped through by now. 


    It would be most likely that she was infected on the plane flying into Thailand and was one of the 1% with a long incubation time. 

    Either that or she had contact with someone inside quarantine who tested positive later. 


    Maybe the quarantine conditions should be more flexible;

    1 test: negative is allowed to fly and enter Thailand quarantine. 

    2 start quarantine: if everyone from an arriving plane tests negative after 10 days, let them all out. Alternatively if anyone from that group tests positive after 10 days, it’s likely infection on the plane happened, and everyone from that group has to do another 10 days just to be safe.


    And during quarantine one should prevent any contacts with other people in quarantine. 

    You can’t really operate a quarantine hotel business on the rules you propose. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    I must be missing something.


    Why is an additional quarantine package of any type needed after the mandatory 14 day quarantine?


    If these were alternative forms of the initial 14 day Q it would make some sense. But as presented makes matters worse not better.

    16 days in a spa or a massage shop doesn’t really sound like a quarantine. Are the therapists one per guest or do they wear full hazmat suits?


    Could it be that the government just identified two new groups of visitors that are welcome: longstayers at spas or medical centres? 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ukrules said:

    They don't test the Thais = infected Thais are allowed to travel and inevitably they will infect others on the flight.


    I suggest anyone considering coming to Thailand thinks about this - you, as a filthy foreigner have to be tested but the Thai who might end up sitting next to you for many hours doesn't need to be tested at all.

    "Inevitably they will infect others"? Really? I think you'll find, after a quick Google search, that your assertion is more of an assumption and pretty much baseless.

    • Haha 2
  8. 30 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    Heathrow are testing on arrival for certain airlines from today with a new test which supposedly more accurate than the PCR test. I don't know why Thailand is dragging it's the feet with this issue, it's pretty obvious the country needs tourists and money  flowing into the economy. Apparently the UK is a high risk country and won't be accepted for STV at present, it's only high risk because the fools test people without symptoms, Thailand has got it right, just don't bother testing and it goes away 555. Tens of 1000s protesters, but no covid, hmm.

    I think the tests are before departure, not on arrival


    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, anchadian said:
    The first experimental group will do 14 days in quarantine for a 30 day stay. Trying to imagine how this is worth it. Either they have been given a fantastic price for the package or they are coming from somewhere grim enough to make 2 weeks confined to a hotel room attractive.

    The Ministry of Transport said on Tuesday that it would allow ten foreign airlines to gradually launch regular flights to Thailand as the pandemic situation has improved but all passengers must follow the guidelines made by the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).


    The flights are considered semi-commercial and all incoming passengers must go through the mandatory quarantine measures (ASQ) for at least 14 days. The airlines are as follows:

    I woke up this morning to -3 degrees (C). That qualifies as grim enough.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Enzian said:

    My live-in is a massage lady I've known for years. She visits her old shop every few days to talk to her friends, but they have almost no customers so she is grateful it seems to be here. She's kinda past her prime but still half my age. I thought we had a casual arrangement (started as a way to reduce possible Covid exposure), but she recently told me if she finds out I've seen a pretty young massage girl she'll kill me; I hope she's not serious. Actually my last live-in said if she found out about another woman she'd cut off my wang. Maybe I should be flattered by these attitudes. Or it's just that I "pay" them well.

    Whenever they drop that comment about "cutting off the wang and feeding it to the ducks", it sounds like they do it to sound jealous, even though they really don't care. But it doesn't matter to me if it's sincere or not. It just shuts down everything and they find themselves with a one-way ticket home. 

    • Like 2
  11. I feel sorry for all of these hotels (or the staff and owners of all these hotels rather) working hard to comply with all the regulations for becoming approved for ASQ/ALSQ only to find out there are few to no guests. The cheaper options seem to get booked first.


    I also find it weird that the hotels try to promote themselves as they always do. 

    1. We have very nice facilities: infinity pool, relaxing spa, well-appointed gym, etc - none of which you can use
    2. We are located very centrally, near the shopping malls, near a park, near the BTS, etc - none of which you can use
  12. I think the principle that determines the decision of the OP's friend is that the doesn't want to benefit a third party. Remunerating the lady for her services is OK, but when there is a third party taking a cut, maybe the friend doesn't want to support what he sees as a pimp, which would make the entire fake-relationship-thing feel too seedy. The pimp may be seen as a necessary evil for short term gratification though.

    • Like 1
  13. On 10/14/2020 at 11:17 AM, rupert the bear said:

    i want to know in regards to foreigners, on what time of flight were they travelling?were they with thias?the reason is this- thais arnt tested before flying on some flights.why as they can spread the virus whilst on flights?its a confined area and seems madness to me to be exposed to the virus when they got a clear cert.more stupid from stupid control.make sure everyones tested neg before flying including thais if you have a rule for foreigners everyone must have the same as you are exposing people if u dont,simple logic but far too intelligent a concept for govt to grasp

    Surely it’s much too onerous for Thai people to pay around 6,000 baht for a pre-flight PCR test?

  14. 2 hours ago, cjinchiangrai said:

    150 Chinese people loose in a festival of thousands? Who would know. They would just blend in as a few tourists, nobody would care.

    It was never about the 150 Chinese tourists actually being on the island. It was about the fear and panic it would have created among the expected festival visitors. The government has done a fine job of painting all foreigners as dangerous, so if there had been 150 Chinese tourists on the island no visitors would have dared go there. Even if the tourists were properly quarantined. 

  15. 5 hours ago, 0815 said:

    How is it possible that other countries simply reopened for tourists without "special visas", "special plans" or "special bubbles" ?
    And they even get bookings and visitors !

    If only a few hundred tourists can come to begin with, Thailand is trying to get only the wealthiest tourists. Other countries seem happy to welcome any who can afford to go. 

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