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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. I would think the only Data on the Immigration System is people who they or the Police are actually looking for.
    I wouldn’t think they have the manpower to collate all the details of who arrives and leaves the U.K, there must thousand if not hundreds of thousands not unless the HMRC or the authorities requested it.
    Immigration aren’t interested in petty criminals who are defrauding the system of a few hundred pounds I don’t think.
    Dead right,thats how isis "soldiers"are coming back into the country in their hundreds ,they even go on claiming benifits and they cant do anything

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  2. As far as I know the you don’t go on a computer system, when they scan your Passport at U.K.all they are doing is making sure that the info on the magnetic strip is the same as on your Passport.
    At Newcastle they now have electronic gates at Passport Control so no I.O. looks at your Passport.
    As you don’t pass through Immigration when you leave the U.K. they don’t know if you have left the U.K. I travel 3/4 times a year from the U.K to Thailand.
    When I my Thai lady departed the U.K last year we didn’t have to go through U.K. immigration, not like Thailand, 90 Day reporting and before exiting you have too pass through Immigration.
    Also you can get your passport renewd in the UK when you are there,no problem

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  3. Just downloaded DR Who,
    I wont say it was PC but in the first 10 minutes there was a black boy with a white grandad,a female Asian police woman with an Asian boss, and We got to meet the Doctor who is now a woman,well i wanted to watch it ,but did not take to her ,so rip doctor, the last series was not up to much, and this one i think will be the swan song.
    Also watched still open all hours, it has not improved,since the last series ,same tired jokes.

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  4. Selective memory again, as these happened under both Labour and Conservative governments - remember the miners' strike of 1974 and the three day week? This led to Heath calling his "Who runs the Country" election, and the Great British voting public deciding that the miners did, but no doubt you were happy with that as it was the 'will of the people'.

    I agree the youth of today have more opportunities than we did, but that is no excuse for denying them to the youth of tomorrow.

    I agree,but as for the youth of today having more oppotunities,i disagree wholeheartedly,i lived in a great cheap bedsit in London ,if i had not liked it there were hundreds to choose from ,i had a good job,but if i did not like it i could pack it in and get another straight away, the tube was cheap as chips,as was all transport, when i got married in the 70,s my first house was cheap by todays standards. Mind you the one difference with todays youth was i did not expect everything and moan like hell when i cant have it or protest at every little thing,i really can understand why they are called snowflakes,.

    We did not want the latest everything,we saved and went without,it tought us to be strong , in many ways it was easier for us ,but that was because we didnt expect anything,we worked for it.


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    Yes, I myself admit to being in the first flush of senility, but not so old as to see pre-1973 Britain through rose-tinted spectacles, nor so spiteful as to deny the youth of today the opportunities I was granted.
    What? Pre 1973 Britain was fantastic ,i lived the good life first in my home town as a young guy then in London for the swinging 60s and 70s ,what a time,

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  6. I binged over three nights on BODYGUARD......hope there's not a 2nd season. It'd be a waste of money.
    NO OFFENCE is a great show. Will wait until S3 finishes to bionge watch that.
    At the moment, I'm watching AUS Rake. Many laughs with this loveable but roguish Aussie Rumpole.
    No offence is really really good,series 3 is excelelant,The Bodyguard was rubbish ,God knows what people saw in it,

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  7. Sexual assaults are often reported, but little or not attention is paid to them at the time.   They are reported to parents, to teachers, counselors and sometimes to the police.   In many cases girls are told to just forget it or there is nothing that can be done, especially if there is no physical evidence.   
    Now, when the perpetrator becomes famous, it comes back to haunt them.   Once their name gets splashed across the television screen and media, they start coming forward.   
    So if there was no physical evidence then 34 years ago when it is supposed to have happened ,where is it now ? To be honest sounds like just jumping on the meto bandwagon.

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  8. You just don't get it, and some never will.  You're saying that if a 15 year old girl was sexually assaulted, groped, by a classmate/friend she should  have immediately reported it and exposed herself to criticism by her family and peers but it's okay for a 15 year old boy to not tell anyone that he is being bummed by his priest.  Why,because he might be exposed to criticism by his family and friends. It's not the assault that is the problem, it's all of the criticism that they will receive from family and friends..  Crap is crap no matter who does it!
    You are putting words into my mouth i did not say a boy should not report it,but we are talking about women ,not little boys ,so stick to the subject,why do women who were sexually abused 30 to 40 years ago all of a sudden come out of the woodwork,when a "famous" person is involved, seems to me like jumping on the bandwagon

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