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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. If you were a 15 year old alter boy and were being butt by your priest in 1982, would you had reported it then?
    She was not a 15 year old boy being bummed by another man ,but a young woman who was being gropped,as i imagine millions more were in those days ,another time,if she was so affected by it why not report it,not wait until someone is famous to have a go .

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    Read my post again. I didn't assume that all young people want to remain, rather that the new voters would vote in a similar manner to the way 18-24 year olds did in 2016 (71% remain, 29% leave), which is a reasonable assumption. Your friends/relatives are clearly amongst the 29%. 
    My mortality calculations were based on over 65s, who voted 64% leave and 36% remain, and I have assumed that the mortality rate was similar amongst the two groups. If anything my figures were biased towards the leave camp, if you take the generally accepted view that the older the voter, the more likely they were to vote leave, as this would have made the leave mortality figure even higher. In addition I did not include the under 65s, and the mortality rate for ages that voted primarily for leave (50-64) is greater than that for ages that voted primarily for remain (18-49).
    One caveat: it is possible that many remainers lost the will to live having seen their jobs, businesses, incomes, pensions etc. left in tatters.
    It seems most of us on here are old,and from what i see its the majority want to leave,

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  3. Worthless conjecture? What I have done is take facts (number of deaths since June 2016, number of potential voters added to the electoral roll) and apply logic to them (Leavers and Remainers of the same age dying at the same rate, 18 and 19 year olds having similar opinions and willingness to vote as their 2016 counterparts). On this basis, the conclusion I came to was not unreasonable.
    Surely the essence of democracy is that decisions are made based on current thinking, which may well be different to that of 2-3 years ago. Would you be morally satisfied if Brexit went ahead next year against the wishes of the majority of the electorate?
    You assume all young people want to remain,my grandaughter doesnt,my niece and nephew dont,afriend of mine in the UK has 2 daughters they dont, its no good assuming ,and also who is to say more remainers than Brexiteers didnt die?

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    Let's examine the facts:
    Wilson - resigned 2 years after being elected for the last time
    Kinnock - never elected PM
    Blair - resigned 2 years after being elected for the last time
    Brown - Voted out after less than 3 years as PM
    People change their minds over a 2-3 year period, although with the Referendum even that would not have to happen. Because of the demographic voting split, many more Leave voters than Remain have since died, and have been replaced on the electoral roll by 18 and 19 year olds who would be expected to mainly support Remain. Even if nobody had changed their mind since 2016 (and there is evidence there has been a small shift to Remain, mainly amongst Labour supporters in the North of England), it is likely that the Leave majority will have been eroded by March 2019. 
    Is it morally justifiable for such a momentous event to take place against the wishes of the majority of the electorate at the time of exit?
    Yes,we voted thats it

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  5. We have established it is not Tops but Central Food Hall which is part of the Central Food Group (CFG). Central Food Hall and Tops are both under this corporate umbrella. The point is, this new Tops adds nothing to the marketing experience in the general area and actually the Tukcom store is better in my opinion. 
    Actually just popped into the new Tops,its much like the one in Kow Noi, not to bad,nothing special,but handy if BigC dont have something.
    Also on the way there noticed that the new shopping centre on Sukhumvit is now open ,is it f---' only KFC AND STARBUCKS all tbe rest nowhere near open ,people were driving in then strsight out.

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  6. The referendum route has been chosen and the consequences are here. If an issue is to be put to the referendum once then there is no reason to deny it again. 
    I disagree with here being no more votes because that is anti democratic authoritarianism. 
    If people want a vote I cannot see why they should be denied one. 
    The people wanted a vote,we had one,it was to leave. So stop going on and on ,live with it

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