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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. The problem was created long before Merckel even took office!
    Africas countries have been ripped off, robbed of their resources, been made place for powergames etc. for decades!
    Everybody who came and went left the place in more chaos then before.
    Military leaders drew borders with a pencil and a ruler, not giving a #$@% for the needs, ethnicities etc of the people living in African countries.
    We (as in the Western and industrialized nations, Europe, USA...) used Africa as our economical and political playground!
    We want all the money and the benefits and the jobs, that our (still) imperialistic policies bring, but we want nothing of the dirt!
    If there is another starvation crisis, we send a few bucks and wash our hands in the water of innocence!
    We shake our heads for a little while, when we see pictures out of Dafour (still a grade A humanitarian crisis) on the News and wonder "why the Africans won't get it together" and do not even grasp, that we are (at least partly...big partly...) responsible for a lot of the suffering that is going on!
    "We" are not only responsible for the wars in Syria or Yemen- we are also responsible for people, who are not able to make a simple living!
    Economic migrants don't fall out of the sky!
    They don't plan their immigration like you and I plan our holiday!
    Refugees just don't pop up like mushrooms or appear out of thin air!
    "We" created them and the problem, some of us now don't want to have nothing to do with!
    This is not a German problem...even less a Merckel- problem!   
    Always the big bad west , never the fault of the poor Africans. If their country was such a treasure trove wht didnt they exploit it and have their own industrial revolution and work hard to achieve what we in the west achieved without those recources?

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  2. The article is dated 2015. At the time Merkel was endeavouring to assist an EU fellow member, Greece, who were totally overwhelmed and could no longer apply the 1990 Dublin Protocol. Merkel only offered waive through for Syrian asylum seekers, but EU external border countries also permitted travel North for North Africans, Afghans etc. It is a fact that Syrian asylum seekers / refugees have committed a far lower rate of crime in Germany than other asylum seekers and German nationals.
    As mentioned before the huge numbers of people seeking refuge in the EU were on the road prior to Merkel's offer. Additionally the UN had warned funding for hosting asylum seekers in countries such as Turkey and Lebanon was completely insufficient and a considerable push factor; the warnings were largely ignored.
    Oh well if the Guardian says it ,it must be true,by the way how are they doing with the begging bowl,must be hard having so few readers

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  3. Well aware, no denial on my part. You are one of many others on this forum who are perfect examples of aggressive antipathy towards Muslims; if you read the link I provided, perhaps better described as self-fulfilling prophecy for the increase in Islamic political parties in the West
    Inever used to care about Muslims one way or another,but apart from everything else going on with them in the world,over the years in my old home town ,i saw them turn from a minority living their lives quitly to a real problem causing trouble and complaining about anything and everything ,forcing out all other races,i cant go into it all,but they are now a major cause of problems.

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  4. More of a problem with the muslims doing hate attacks on theJews who have never caused us any problems in the west,unlike the Muslims that are a major problem,little wonder there is a rising dislike for them in the west,no matter how much you lot try to deny it.

    Funny there is no "phobia" about any other immegrants who have settled in the past,wonder why?

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