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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. very hard to believe that God created billions upon billions of planets ,then decided to send his son down to ours ,dont you think? lovely thought ,but then ,muslims have a different thought , also the Jews who invented him in the first place are still waiting, and then there are so many who believe in a variety of Gods ,its a puzzle i must say .

    by the way boys 688 pages ,i never dreamt it would be this popular ,maybe there is a a God????

  2. 15 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    She should charge at least a token amount and/or get something written that he "rents" it or after 10 years he might claim he owns it. Heard of enough people claiming others land up there.

    dont worry its all sorted ,my wife knows exactly what to do in business ,i believe she gets a "token" rent ,she has building land there as well ,as has most of her familly ,it seems in their village ,the family were quite well off ,in fact still are ,

  3. On 10/25/2020 at 4:18 PM, BigStar said:

    When's your next appt? Keep us posted; quite a saga. And good luck.


    Your point about the old guy with nobody reminds me that a Thai friend met an old farang in a similar condition in a common ward at Sirikit, lying in the bed next to her son's, alone. She and her family spoke to him sometimes. He also soon left Thailand w/o needing to go through Immigration, and it was kinda sad.


    well here is an update, yesterday went to Chonburi govt heart hospital,for my doctors appointment, as usual all went off smoothly ,one of the nurses had a conversation with my son and wife ,about how we had found out about them as so few falangs go there ,nice nurse ,in fact all the staff i have met there seem nice .

    Had my doctors appointment ,he is the heart guy from Sriracha ,he is very pleasant ,but always speaks Thai to my wife and son ,was well pleased with my blood tests ,now only the angiogram next week ,fingers crossed ,

    total cost for everything including meds 1360 baht.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 10/25/2020 at 4:18 PM, BigStar said:

    When's your next appt? Keep us posted; quite a saga. And good luck.


    Your point about the old guy with nobody reminds me that a Thai friend met an old farang in a similar condition in a common ward at Sirikit, lying in the bed next to her son's, alone. She and her family spoke to him sometimes. He also soon left Thailand w/o needing to go through Immigration, and it was kinda sad.


    Well yesterday was back for an outpatient appt to see the doc at Chonburi,had an  x ray and seems i still have fluid on the lungs,so the wife and son spoke with the doc and he has upped my diuretic tabs, they spoke for about 10 mins, back in 2 weeks to check meds then an angiogram a week later,

    So lets hope all goes well,

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  5. 18 hours ago, lelapin said:

    I had 7 stents inserted 3 years ago at Pyathai Hospital, Siracha spread over 2 visits and costing 50k baht each plus all the other costs - around 600k baht in total. Have experienced other serious medical problems since then but so far they seem to be working really well.

    Hi sorry that i take my time replying and posting on here ,but my life has slowed down so very much,i cant believe that 4 weeks ago i could walk the length of beach rd,

    wow 7 stents that is a lot ,and quite expensive ,but it is a private hospital ,so glad that they are working out. 

  6. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The problem at the bank would be getting the letter and bank statement (if needed). Those both require you signature on the requests for them. If the bank was cooperative they might allow you wife to get the forms for you to sign.

    My wifes best friend is a lawyer ,perhaps she would be allowed to help? of course we never get charged for anything ,so bonus for us ,lol

  7. 20 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no minimum number of days to apply for  new extension other than the day it expires.

    Your wife can request the print out of the Kor Ror 22 by showing her ID card, completing a form and paying the fee for it.

    The bank letter and statement does not take long and you could leave as soon as the paperwork is signed.

    You wife and son could do the application without you being present with proof you are unable to travel to do it.

    Sorry so long getting back ,but what if i am not well enough to go to the bank ,my wife has all my pin nos etc for updating etc ,am in Pattaya.

  8. On 9/4/2020 at 7:25 PM, uncleP said:

    My consultant, world renowned and, has consulted both in the USA and Australia tells me that the new flu shot is available late April in Thailand and that early May is when you should get the shot as our flu season is from June on. November is after the main  flu season here and in effect a waste of time. Our flu season is the same as in Australia & not the same as the US or Europe. I always had mine in September and he told me off for being too late.

    thats when i had mine this year at Satahip ,490baht

  9. Hi i am sure Ubonjoe or someone who ha been through this will know ,in jan i have to renew my marriage visa ,firstly do i have to go a month early ie Dec,secondly i have done most  of the paperwork will need print out kor ror 22 and bank statements on the day ,i  was given a doctors letter from Chonburi hospital to say i am unwell ,will my son and wife,both who are swiched on be able to do it as i feel i may not be able to attend either the Amphur for printout or ban k or immigration. 

    thanks for any info 

    signed young man to grandad in 4 weeks


  10. Hi i am sure Ubonjoe or someone who ha been through this will know ,in jan i have to renew my marriage visa ,firstly do i have to go a month early ie Dec,secondly i have done most  of the paperwork will need print out kor ror 22 and bank statements on the day ,i  was given a doctors letter from Chonburi hospital to say i am unwell ,will my son and wife,both who are swiched on be able to do it as i feel i may not be able to attend either the Amphur for printout or ban k or immigration. 

    thanks for any info 

    signed young man to grandad in 4 weeks


  11. On 10/13/2020 at 12:18 PM, Sheryl said:


    I don';t think that can be correct as the stent itself -- the medical device -- costs much more than that. Likely he quoted you the price for the procedure only and did nto include the device cost.

    Hi Sheryl 

    i never thought to ask ,but if a bypass was needed ,how much on average is it at a govt hospital,thanks

  12. On 10/5/2020 at 6:45 PM, Sheryl said:

    It is not "very expensive". Still far less than private hospitals.  It does charge fatang more than Thais though, started doing that after morw expats started coming.


    It is possible the regional hospital in Chonburi has no double oricing but I am nor sure. Not many expats seem to use it ro maybe.


    Even at govt hospital, as has been explained, you ate atill looking at a bill of well over 100k and if more than one stent then over 200k. 

    Hi Sheryl ,i am using Chonburi hospital the doc ,quoted 20k angiogram 35 k stent balloon angioplasty 10k and a dye angioplasty 15k also 4k for guiding wires?  you are correct about few foreigners ,i saw only 1 other ,

  13. Yesterday went to Chonburi hospital for my appointment with the Doctor regarding my heart problems and having angioplasty ,,anyway it seems i am to go back in two months for the procedure ,i had two blood tests , a meeting with the doctor an ecg and 3 months supply of meds one for my ulcer ,which i never knew i had and one for a blood thinner (i did not want my other two meds as i have a good supply) total Farang cost 930 baht 

    as my wife and son where with me the doc spoke to them in Thai he did answer my one question in English ,he is a heart doctor at Samitivit.private hospital .

    now i wait for my hospital stay 1 night before 2 nights after it seems .

  14. just spent a few nights in hospital ,with my heart problems ,regarding having a stent ,had a by pass years ago ,anyway ,went to a private hospital one night ,lovely room ,saw the heart doc ,wanted to give me angiogram straight away , anyway after getting the bill for one nights stay 51 thousand baht my family asked him to transfer us to a govt hospital(he does the heart surgery there as well ) got transfered first nights ,battery of tests ,injections drips etc etc ,stayed in ward ,actually not to bad ,cost approx 8 thousand baht ,second night all drips injections food ,and nice nurses 2 thousand baht ,

    will be seen in the near future regarding a stent , being discharged as stable ,

    private hospital list 3 pages long for charges ,i asprin 27 baht ,govt hospital 2 weeks supply of 4 different meds including asprin 287 baht.

    go figure.

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