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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. As a married family man ,Pattaya is a great place to live now ,as a single guy who came on his first visit nearly 30 years ago ,oh boy it was fanbloomintastic, i had no idea what sort of a holiday i was coming to ,as i had only been told about what it was like in Thailand by an ex boyfriend of my daughters,he had never been here so never told me about bars and the girls ,wow ,was it good ,200 baht short time ,500 baht all night and the girls were all young slim and pretty,as for the beach yes i was warned not to go into the water as the sewige pipes ran directly into the sea in the beach area, but hey ,who wanted to go to the bloomin beach anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I had a joint mortgage in the UK, then I paid it off, then she divorced me and the judge gave her the house 100%.

    I was happily married for 28 years, and unhappily married for another 2, she claimed to have been unhappy for the last 20 years.

    I guess she just stuck it out for the free house, and half my pension.


    The great thing about Thailand, renting is cheaper than buying, you can quickly move if the neighbours start being a pain, and your woman will never get entitlement to any of your assets back in the home country.

    back in the home country (england) we have joint bank accounts???? here in Thailand ,my wife and son own our house ,,<deleted>,she owns the car as well ,some of us live on a knife edge ???? 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 23 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Perhaps I'm being pedantic, but the sentence :"we are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars " comes from Oscar Wilde.

    It's a great sentence, so thanks for posting it.

    i have read the book  of his quotes ,some are very very true ,as for this one ,i have used it so many times. sorry to interupt ,but as you see i am still here ,cant wait for the post to reach 1000 pages.


    best mechanic i have used him for over 10 years ,has a workshop at the side of his house , will pick your car up  sorry i know where he lives but not the address ,he speaks english 0817156819 you will never regret using him , and he is not expensive 

    • Like 2
  5. I can remember when they built it ,first thing i said to the wife ,why? who is ever going to bother coming here ,and to far from the center for tourists .pity i used to like the supermarket .

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  6. 1 hour ago, Gimino said:

    I have long held that a man must recognize his limitations.

    The world of Thai Immigration is what it is. Therefore, one

    would do well to rely on those best able to deal with the

    matters presented here. It is well worth the cost to place 

    the oft times gruesome dealings in the hands of experts. For

    example, Assist Thai Visa in Chiang Mai has been looking

    after me for years and it is rare that I have even had to actually

    attend the local immigration office. That goes for 11 years of

    90-day reports as well as retirement and marriage visas. Better

    to part with a few baht and immunize oneself from what often

    appears to be a petty, but purposefully inflicted run-round. 




    To be honest if like me you do not live far from the immigration office ,its no big deal doing the 90 day ,in and out in 10 minutes once every three months ,the paperwork for my marriage was difficult the first time as we were married in the UK ,but now ,i have a year to get the paperwork done ,so no great struggle .

  7. Mine was a few weeks old here in Jomtien ,to be honest i have never had my paperwork processed so quickly ,did not have to go and photocopy anything it wasall done in 15 minutes ,even the home visit was done in 10 minutes ,they just took some pictures of us with our neighbour outside our house and hers opposite .really pleased

    One thing Ubonjoe ,i have to go back on the 18th ,is it possible to go sooner to get my stamp?

  8. 3 hours ago, madmitch said:

    The Serpent. Started January 1st and second episode last night on BBC1. Set in Bangkok in the 1970s so added interest for those of us in Thailand. Based on a true story about a gem dealer/serial killer.

    just downloaded the whole series ,its not bad .

  9. 2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    Does God exist?  Of course He exists.  All one has to do is read the Bible.  


    God Himself wrote every word of the Bible through 40 plus men He guided over a period of 1500 plus years of history from 1446 BC to 90 AD.


    Why should you believe the Bible is true?  Jesus Christ believed the Bible.  The Apostles and Prophets believed the Bible.  The survival of Gods word is reason to believe the Bible, not to mention prophetic accuracy, scientific accuracy, and historic accuracy of the Bible.


    Anyone who can read the Bible and not believe it to be God's word, either has a very low cognitive ability or is being less than truthful about reading the Bible.


    We are in the "end times" as foretold in the Bible.  According to the Bible, we are very close to witnessing the Rapture.  You do not want to be a non-believer when this event happens. 

    actually i have read the bible ,when young i believed every word of it , then as i got older i realized that it was just stories written at different times by different people ,as for Jesus it took the "church' a long time to make up their minds which of the prophets of the time was actually the one ,

    I wish i was like you and truly believed that there was a God and that Jesus was his son on Earth ,it must give one such a comfortable feeling ,that when they die ,they will be reunited with their loved ones .

    mind you for those who have been married and loved a few ,wonder which one you get to be with ,?

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