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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. i have a cataract ,,i was told 5 years ago at a private clinic i needed an immediate operation ,went to queen Sirakit govt hospital in satahip ,still dont need the operation ,but they gave me drops for the pressure in my eyes that the private clinic had not noted .

    most private hospitals are just money making machines.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Ecky said:

    Best to update bank book and obtain letter on day of application or day before. Jomtien immigration also required the bank to print out of last 2 months transactions and attach to the letter. Why they need this when all the information is in the bank book is a mystery. Maybe just a reason to send you away and make you work harder..!

    I printed them myself and just put them with my other stuff ,could not believe how quick things happened this year ,in and out of bank in 10 mins ,drove to Jomtien ,parked in the market ,the walk over to the office took longer than she processed my this years application ,wow ,

  3. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Actually it was perfectly understandable. Maybe your a bit bias when you read posts.


    He says that he does not believe the EU is corrupt but shows a guardian article that says it corrupt. Just to show what kind of B.S. newspaper the guardian is and that its information is not to be trusted. Maybe its you who is mistaken.



     Who reads and listens to anything the begging bowl Guardian says ,

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  4. OF course you can find real love here ,at first i found love of a kind ,more a friendship ,still friends almost 30 yrs later ,but i found real love when i had business in BKK ,and met my wife ,all these years later ,after living here and in the UK we still love each other to bits as do my Thai family love me and my English family love my Thai family ,(those they have met anyway) and my daughter calls our son her little brother ,mind you he is an adult now , 

    I was not well recently and the care my wife and son gave me was fantastic .


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  5. 1 hour ago, Susco said:


    Germany and France are both countries with a a lot of power in the world, because they have grown and developed in a way most other countries haven't.


    And that is something the Brits never could digest, because they are now only a shadow of the empire they once were

    France have a lot of power ,yes at striking and having 3 hour lunch breaks ,and Germany is not in great shape either ,check it out.

    • Sad 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, luckyluke said:


    Sadly things like that have happened.


    But please don't always refer to the overtaking from European countries by the Germans.


    Remember there was also 15 February 1942, the capitulation of Singapore, the  British surrendering to the Japanese.

     Mr. Churchill himself called it than : " the worst disaster in British military history".


    But this is the past;

    Germany is now a part of the E.U..

    The U.K. proudly announced lately, it had sign a trade agreement with Japan.

    "Germany is now part of the E.U"., no Germany is the EU.,with its lapdog France at its heels.

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  7. Actually very little ,we have lived in the UK as a family(my Thai wife and son) and here for many years , i think the only thing we miss is driving to see my family and having my daughter living with us,who is now married   and staying with them sometimes ,but now with the likes of whatsap ,line ,etc etc ,we we video chat all the time free ,

    the chip shop ,was nice ,as was the fresh bread shop ,but actually i like it better here.

  8. On 12/23/2020 at 10:26 AM, sanuk711 said:

    Ming The Merciless deemed 'discriminatory stereotype'--


    If you watched Flash Gorden nearly half a century ago ----it's probably to late to save you---if you haven't---"Just Be Warned"


    Max Von Sydow's archly evil Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon has been branded a 'discriminatory stereotype' by the British Board of Film Classification. In a reclassification of the sci-fi classic, the BBFC has added a new content warning over the depiction of the character, which is clearly intended to be Asian, but is played by a white actor.

    It has called it 'dubious if not outright offensive', and now among other warnings ' is added 'discriminatory stereotypes



    is covid making them mad?

    also just watched the  Goes wrong show,the nativity ,must admit found it not as funny as the first season,also the new Christmas edition of all creatures great and small ,very good ,but why do they have to woke it up by having a farmer in the yorkshire dales in the 50s with a wife of colour , ? in the 50s i had never ever even seen a black person in the flesh .

    • Like 2
  9. On 11/30/2020 at 1:50 PM, BigStar said:

    Sounds like they know what they're doing. Your stay wasn't too unpleasant at least. Looking forward to the next update and wish you the best. 

    Well saw the heart surgeon yesterday, very nice young surgeon ,spoke good English ,the long and short of it is although my actual heart is not to bad ,he would not be able to do a by pass ,but would have to pass it to a more qualified doc ,but and its a big but ,it would be 50/50 only on surviving ,so its meds for me ,mind you i was not to keen on having another bypass at my age ,

    anyway i am seeing the doctor again there soon about my meds ,at the moment they seem to be working quite well ,

    oh i forgot the cost of seeing the surgeon ,we were in with him about 20 minutes 50 baht ,,yes i was surprised to ,so expensive .

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    The new version of The Stand. Episode 1 just released. It is ok, but you will end up comparing it to the original 93 version. With pandemics and all, it may not be as fun to watch. Also, it will be 9 episodes, as opposed to 6 from the old version.

    Just checked om imdb ,my goodness never read so many bad reviews,

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  11. Did our marriage visa yesterday ,got bank letter in about 20 mins ,drove to Immigration ,almost deserted ,the usual woman checked all our paperwork ,passed it to the young girl on the left ,15 minutes later had a stamp in my passport to come back in a month ,told the crew would visit soon ,was out in half an hour at the most , somebody must be in a good mood with me.

    i walked out in a daze, what just happened?????

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