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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. On 4/10/2020 at 8:46 AM, CMNightRider said:

    The Rapture is an end times event where Jesus Christ returns for His Church.  According to the Bible, the event will be instantaneous, in the “twinkling of an eye.”  While Scripture nowhere encourages us to try to determine the date of Jesus’ return, we are told to keep watch because we don’t know what day our Lord will come (Matthew 24:42).  We are in the end times right now.   

    Meanwhile the Jewish faith are still waiting for their version of Jesus ,or Mohamed to turn up perhaps this was the time he was waiting for?.

  2. We live in a a largish house surrounded by larger houses,all owned by Thais who are far far richer than me, we were broken into about 10 years ago ,so were all our neighbours,the thief just escaped with his life as one guy chased him down the street shooting at him , he was arrested and put in prison(the thief),the local police chief then invited us all to the police station to apologise and parade the thief in front of us ,anyway every house around us now has loads of dogs ,i someone even f- rts  in our street they all start barking . so heres hoping i am not targeted.????

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Good answer.  The younger generation seem to respect all types of gender "identities" and I think that is a good thing for humanity

    Beliefs like that come and go ,sometimes to have a man lover its normal ,like in ancient Greece,then and in some countrys even now its normal to marry a 9 year old ,things change ,i bet in the future it will all change again ,oh and by the way many young people dont respect all types of gender identities ,unless you believe the BBC. 

    And no ime not being homophobic or anything ,each to their own ,ime just stating the way the world is and changes.

    oh and by the way ,to the op ,if you cant tell if she is a ladyboy you either have only spent a short holiday in Thailand or your blind.????

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  4. 19 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    Since tomorrow 4th Curfew. Cant leave your place of residence between 10pm and 4 am. Covers the whole of Thailand. And that doesn't mean going back to your house??? you must be there.

    I remember 10pm ,its when i used to go out a long time ago ,now we are fast asleep by then,oh how your life changes.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, jadee said:

    Think it was something in the announcement from the government last week - supermarkets can stay open but only essential food items. Tesco and Big C are the same - they've closed off various isles like homeware and clothing.
    At a senior management level there have probably been some bizarrely specific meeting about the definition of 'essential items' and what to sell and what not to, I noticed in my local Tesco store, the entire clothing section has been cordoned off, yet the underwear and socks - which are usually in the center- have been moved to the edge, just outside the cordon.  

    Oh good the wife needed some new thongs.????

  6. If my family and i come through this ,it will be no change ,Pattaya without hordes of tourists is just a plus for us ,like many here i am just a family man ,live in our home ,drive to the shops ,dont go to bars and am in bed by 10pm. Its the ordinary working man and woman i feel sorry for ,our problems fade into nothing compared with theirs.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Daffy D said:

    True but seem to be getting even more of nothing as the days go by :sad:


    Still maybe the Baht will again collapse and we will relive the golden days of 80 to the pound  - or perhaps not.  

    Yes those were the days ,i remember had a business in BKK, it happened when i was over from the UK God so much money when you changed your cash,long gone i fear ,luck if we get half that now.

  8. 22 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    All cops are sneaky.  Immigration cops come on a home visit when you get marriage visa extension.  As soon as they arrive one cop will go to Hong Nam.....not for a pee but to check if there is a second or third toothbrush & towels and a Shave kit....unless he sees you have a beard!  But I fear the days of bringing suitcases loaded with tools,  food items and shave cream and waltzing out "Nothing to Declare" will be soon over.  The shave cream I buy in the big size for $2.50 on special in Oz is $8+ in the small can here! 

    Nothing like that happened to us at all ,4 turned up ,didnt bother to go upstairs ,never asked to go to toilet 3 sat at the dinning room table and chatted to the wife and our neighbour,one who had been to the UK on holiday once chated to me about it as he had stayed not far from where i lived ,all done in 15 mins ,smiled and waved as they left.one thing i will say is our neighbours husband owns a thriving big business,they asked how much she earned a month , when she replied ,they fell off their chairs , mind you they had to pick me up as well . perhaps thats why they were so nice????

  9. 15 hours ago, NE1 said:

    I am not doubting you or anything like that , I was just a little shocked by the size of your bill.

    Mine is around the 3,000 baht a month , I thought that was high.

    Mine is about 2500 baht a month and we live in a large house as well,only use aircon at night until about 3 in the morning then it goes off ,except in our son and girlfriends bedroom its on all night ,cant understand 10000 baht ,must be on all the time 

  10. 3 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    I had a Thai girl-friend who spoke very good English and one day during a conversation I told her that Thais wanted all of the 21st Century technology but had trouble working it with their 16th Century brains and the associated level of intelligence.  She refused to talk to me for a week.  Then I had to go to Hong Kong and took her along.  The day before we had to return to Thailand, she sheepishly told me that she finally understood what I meant by my remark.

    'nuf sed

    After living in the UK for 7 years ,my wife understands as well , also a few of her family have traveled abroad for holidays ,i think they understand as well.

    • Like 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Logosone said:

    You live on 1875 paying two rents in Bangkok, university fees for son? How do you do that? 


    This family has two children, they got in trouble through no fault of their own. They had, and still have financial reserves. But due to the lockdown and social distancing  mania the man can not do the job he was hired to do. It doesn't look like they expected anyone to look after them. The woman is working as well.


    I see this more as a first casualty of the unnecessary lockdown overreaction.

    One we lived in Pattaya at the time our rent 30k,our sons rent 2500 baht ,shared university accomodation with his cousin , him 12k a month to spend ,the rest our lecy ,wi fi etc so plenty to spend on food . no problem,i admit i must have taken some out of our savings to pay his uni fees,

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