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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Thailand is my home ,half my family live here ,i will die here ,i just wish i could make one last journey to my daughters home town for a few weeks ,if not i hope she and the family can come here to visit.

    thank goodness for line and whatsapp etc where we can talk free and see each other .i remember when i first washed up on these shores ,the massive cost of even a telephone call ,

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Ours is a 15 minute drive, but the immigration office is an hour 20 drive away, so pays for us to make sure everything is spot on, otherwise we would have to drive back if we couldn't get what we needed there, that said, haven't really had an issue, except once, no house photos, didn't know they needed them every year, no pompen said the IO, join me on LINE and send to me and I will print off and send with application for 500 baht donation to our Christmas/New Year part fund....lol


    Wife wanted to drive back an hour 20, and of course I said honey your maths isn't that good and never has been, and hour 20 back has to be multiplied by 2 more time, i.e. we will head back anyway so we won't count that one, but coming back again and then going back again for photos will waste us 2 hours and 40 minutes, plus fuel, so that donation will save us a lot of hassle, up to you she said and the deal was done, principals here have to be looked at in a totally different way, I mean 500 baht wasn't going to make or break me, so the moral of the story is if you live far from the immigration office check your check list twice and cross your t's and dot your eyes, and make sure that the wife doesn't bring along the baseball bat ????


    To be honest i leave all the talking to the wife ,her family and her were businesspeople when i met her ,so she is quite good at dealing with authority , mind you i still do all the paperwork ,

  3. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


    As other have said, yes, I do mine the day before we go, and the next day I go to the local bank where my immigration office is and withdraw 1,000 baht from the teller with my book and they give me the book back updated with the same date of my withdrawal which is the same day that I am applying for the marriage extension.


    I photocopy every page of my bank book the day before at home and also get a local photocopying place to copy the latest withdrawal page and add that to the photocopied bank book pages from my bank book already previously copied.


    Don't forget to get an updated Kor Ror 2 (marriage certificate) as they pulled me up on that last time, as a first in 3 years so had to go to panic stations and find the Amphur in their area which we are not familiar with, that or drive an hour 20 back to ours, no thanks, made it back before closing time, just and what a load of stress that was.



    Thank goodness our amphour is a whole 5 mins drive away ????

    • Like 2
  4. On 10/25/2020 at 4:18 PM, BigStar said:

    When's your next appt? Keep us posted; quite a saga. And good luck.


    Your point about the old guy with nobody reminds me that a Thai friend met an old farang in a similar condition in a common ward at Sirikit, lying in the bed next to her son's, alone. She and her family spoke to him sometimes. He also soon left Thailand w/o needing to go through Immigration, and it was kinda sad.

    Hi Big Star ,well i have had my angiogram at Chonburi hospital  came out yesterday ,cant believe they keep you two nights ,when i had

    it done in the UK i was away in 4 hours ,

    anyway the out come is they were unable to stent ,seems my heart is in not bad condition but my arteries are too blocked for stents ,seeing the doc in  just over a week ,either control with meds or by pass .

    will give update later ,oh total cost ,with two days stay ,in a very nice ward  this time 23k


    • Thanks 1
  5. our neighbour popped across ,her husband owns a large company ,they have two very expensive cars ,one of the guys asked approximatly what she earned ,oh boy were they polite to us ,,actually they were from Jomtien ,they were as nice as pie ,very polite ,they could see by all the pictures of us here and in the UK going back so many years that it was a stable marriage

    they only stopped about 10 minutes,

    • Like 1
  6. I have a friend who spent time in open prison ,ok he did not hurt anyone ,just the sort of thing you get to go there fore ,said it was a joke ,just like Butlins ,but free ,had a good time there ,you would not believe half of what went on.

    for really bad criminals ,if no death sentence ,then make prison a very very nasy time ,work,work work ,and no nice tv more like a Thai prison .

    • Sad 1
  7. 3 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    Absolutely no one has the right to take another oness life, without exception.!

    In the same way no one has the right to force another to take up arms..!

    Basic human rights.....!

    Sure, lock them up for life if need be....!

     Why should the taxpayer pay out massive amounts of cash to keep the likes of the Yorkshire Ripper ,living in comfort in a nice cell with tv ,books etc etc ,if no death sentence ,then work hard 8 hours a day then locked up in a cell with no comforts , sorry if i am no bleeding heart liberal , 

    • Sad 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

    Listen, if you want to keep your head in the sand then be my guest, but what I’ve posted is the naked truth. Just google it! 

    By the way, the real reason England declared war on Germany was because they wanted their reparation payments from WWI, which Germany refused to pay. If they had not done that England most likely would still quite a few of the colonies they had before WWII! 


    I love your posts they give us all a good laugh ,,any more  good dreams like these?

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You are not thinking it through. God being almighty could send "his son" to every planet in the universe at the same instant in time, if God chose to.

    Even though it's been explained to you several times that religion is not the same as believing in God you keep coming back with the same religion posts. You should have asked  "do-you-believe-in-RELIGION-and-why?". The thread would have been over about 600 pages ago.


    so which son did he send ,The Jewish one who is still to come ,Jesus ,who it took a long time for the CHRISTIANS to decide was the "actual" one or Mo who the Muslims think is the real prophet?

    decisions decisions,

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