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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Our son went to school in the UK when he was young at 12 we came back here ,went to an international school, then university ,worked for a neighbour of ours ,then a german company ,now at 26 is head of an  import export company ,speaks fluent Thai And English (with a local English accent) still in contact with his old friends from our street in England via the internet ,when home speaks both Thai and English ,like his mum he reads and writes English .

    So has done ok ,oh also has a very nice girlfriend ,she is Thai ,speaks some English.

  2. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    If they are so worried and reporting possible shortages they need to shut down and ban the stupidest waste of water holiday in the world called:


    yes ,i remember when Songkran was just the kids throwing a small amount of water ,now just plain stupidity .

  3. 14 hours ago, Don Mega said:

    I hear the same "ZOMG, we gunz run outta water"......... every year.

    Me to ,but take a trip out to Mapachan ,you will not believe it ,ive never seen it dry before ,always had water in it .

  4. I rarely go up to Mapachan ,but the wife does to run very often ,this morning she dragged me along to see the lake ,must admit they have done a great job up there with the running and walking paths ,but of heck the Lake i could not believe my eyes ,i have seen it low before ,but most of it was bone dry ,how the hell are we going to cope in the coming months ,only thing i can say is ,thank goodness we have an underground tank and pump system .


    are you worried ,never seen it so bad ,ever .

  5. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Not unusually you disregard how AI robotics will change everything for humanity.

    It has the possibility to usher in an age of prosperity and happiness for all people, but IMO it will be used by the rich to live lives of unimaginable luxury while the masses live and die in poverty and squalor.

    I think that you have hit the nail on the head ,as i mentioned before ,the rich willjust shut themselves away from the masses ,untill such time the masses tear down their walls ,which eventually happens ,like the French revolution ,then communism begins and it all starts again those at the top with their feet on those at the bottom .

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  6. 51 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    It made the point and didn't take too many keyboard clicks. 

    So they make no profit out of selling you the plastic trash bags? or the bags to carry your shopping ,how good of them . my you are so knowledgable ,especially your witty replies .

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  7. As i have said ,i do not think mankind will survive as we have in the past ,personally i dread to think what society will be like in 50 years ,judging by the way it is going now ,as someone said earlier ,the rich will live in gated communities away from the strife on the streets ,but then havnt they always? i bet the luvies like Lilly Allan who cries a river over the poor refugees ,has never actually had to mix with some of those self same knife weilding ,drug dealing poor refugees in her life. while the poor people do so every day .

    All i can say is that i am so glad i was born in such a great time ,when we roamed the countryside all day and our parents never worried about us for a moment . Had jobs galore ,cheap housing (well by todays standards) and could say what we liked without the world descending on us .

  8. 13 hours ago, gamesgplayemail said:

    hi, do you know if Romano cheese is the cheapest available ? thanks.

    Was there this morning ,by far the cheapest ,nice flavour ,we dont eat masses of cheese but i do like to have a good supply of romano in the fridge ,and danish blue

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  9. 57 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

    Says the foreigner living in Thailand!

    Typical, how many of us here are on the social,living in camps getting free food etc ,how many of us have got free social housing ,how many of us commit knife crimes and all manor of atrocities here? how many of us live here without any money,or jumped out of a boat at Pattaya beach and dissapeared into the black economy answer on a postage stamp please .

    "if you have nothing to say ,best say nothing"


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  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You do love your controversial threads- how many pages do you hope for on this one:-)


    If no disease wipes all or most of us out and the overpopulated countries continue to export their unwanted to the west, we all know what will happen, though we will not write the words.


    Anyway, without a cheap means of desalinating water, the next major war will be over water. Keep an eye on Egypt and the countries along the Nile. Overpopulated and rising, but a limited water supply- what could possibly go wrong?

    Honestly ,i never ever expected the God one to last so long ,but yes i do like controversial threads ,they make you think ,and as we get older ,we should think more or our brains well die .

    as you say it is not PC to tell it as it is ,but we can see it day by day in the papers what importing people that have a different set of values to us Westerners has done already.


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  11. 4 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Man will never be able to control "climate forcing" which is why we have "climate change" but shussh, don't tell anyone, people are getting rich from the "global warming" fallacy :wink: 

    Greta and her family? now he is trying to tell us he let her spout all this crp,because she was depressed,and it was a way of helping her ,yes we believe you ,well dont we?

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