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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 5 minutes ago, Chazar said:

    so he passed u on the LEFT and you turned right............. you dont understand what u  r  saying i  think,  bike  did  nothing wrong in this scenario, if you were turning left its  another matter but you  state right?

    Think about it ,i am driving along ,i indicate i am turning right, he is behind me he should have overtaken me on the left ,ie the outside ,but he underertook on the inside ,ie the right side ,the way i was turning ,whats so hard for you to understand?

  2. 4 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    If you were turning right and the bike passed you on the inside i.e the left there should not have been a problem unless you are one of the poorly educated drivers who pull left before turning right.

    Why would i pull left before turning right? i was taught to drive and passed a test ,i drive properly ,unlike most Thais . Also if you are giving a signal to turn left ,why would anyone undertake ? you overtake on the outside ,or do you not drive properly?

  3. Today i had to go to t21 ,Cental ,and Tesco ,hardly saw one European ,or Indian come to that  nothing but Thais and Chinese ,who seemed to be buying nothing but just walking around making a lot of noise ,never seen ,so few Europeans at xmas here in Pattaya ,3 friends who usually come havnt ,because of strong baht ,was also in my bank ,only one  there ,getting a new debit card ,we talked about the strong baht(very worrying) and how many people were losing their jobs . even they are noticing it .

    • Sad 1
  4. 3 hours ago, jesimps said:

    The reason I don't comment much on this sort of thread is that more often than not, if I criticise a certain religion's penchant for bloodshed, my post gets deleted. I wouldn't mind betting that a large percentage on here and other forums with a similar thread feel the same way.

    Not only deleted but i have been banned for a number of days ,as someone complained . about what i said .

  5. On 12/26/2019 at 5:52 PM, simple1 said:

    Sharia Courts in Western countries only apply to civil matters, but are still subject to compliance to Common Law e.g. the UK there is not plurality of judicial systems. Basically the same as Beth Din Jewish civil Courts which no-one seems to complain about.

    There is a reason we never complain about Jewish civil courts or Jews,is because in Britain they are peacful ,go about their daily business without killing ,bombing us or constantly demanding special privlages ,please do not reply to this as we all know your feelings towards muslims .

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  6. 13 hours ago, faraday said:

    Yup, my Dad popped his clogs at 89, after 2 strokes.



    My dad was very ill when i was young and was not expected to live ,at some drinks do with friends a surgeon was there who spoke to him and said he was over in the UK to do an experimental operation ,would my dad like to be a test subject ,he lived another 50 years afterwards and died at 85, i was ill and had an operation at 40 told it would last about 8 yrs ,that was 34 yrs ago ,so dad if your watching ,i turned into you .

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  7. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    Ivor, if you watch downloaded stuff why not get an android box it will allow you to keep the big TV and play all the formats that you want. Usually easier and better as direct on the TV.

    To late ,my son has taken the tv to his girlfriends house where they live during the week,they actually needed a new tv ,to be honest it was just to big for the wife and i ,she rarely watches tv anyway ,prefers reading . he is going to buy me something i really need ,later on ,when i can think of something i want????

    mind you i did thank him loads for getting such a nice and expensive gift .

  8. 5 hours ago, Roy Baht said:

    Forget about USB. Buy HDMI cable and connect your computer to your tv.

    My computer is in our computer room upstairs and the tv is in the living room ,dont think the wife would like a cable that long running along the landing all down stairs and across the dinning room to the living room ????

    anywat as i said problem sorted ,using my old tv . our son has a nice curved screen tv to play his games on .

  9. On 12/23/2019 at 10:57 PM, chickenslegs said:


    Happy to hear that Tesco is against forced labour and is investigating the supplier.

    Oh my God forced labour the horror of having to put cards in envelopes ,and to think they could have had a much easier time in prison breaking rocks or working in mines .

    and i bet these poor souls had only done robberies and murders and such .

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