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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Two of my wifes sisters always hug me ,but i have known them over 20 years ,never hugged my mother in law ,but when i first met here all those years ago ,she was with some friends all her age about 60odd ,one said something and they all laughed,later i asked my then to be wife what was said ,she replied that the old lady had said"wouldnt mind his shoes under my bed" so they can be a bit "naughty"

    • Haha 1
  2. my daughter had a friend many years ago when she was in her early 20s i remember that she had a Muslim boyfriend and got pregnant by him ,he said he could not marry her unless she became a Muslim and brought their child up as a muslim ,why? i could not understand why you have to convert ,she refused ,told him he should become a Catholic , they broke up ,a few years later she married a nice guy ,  I know in The Jewish faith ,you can take your mothers religion ,n matter what,and of course Christians can marry anyone ,it seems to me its a way they get more and more to their faith ,which as i have said before is very controling .

  3. 2 hours ago, saengd said:

    Crazy system that it is! Eligibility for winter fuel payments includes receiving state pension and residency in the UK during the week of 16 September. I receive state pension but I left the UK on 11 September after spending four months there, last week the winter fuel payment showed up in my account, along with a ten Pound Xmas bonus or something. I tried giving it back because I'm here for the winter but they tell me there's no mechanism to do that, once it's been sent it can't be returned. No wonder the country is short of readies!

    When we left ,we were getting child allowance ,we stopped it ,twice they paid us ,and twice we returned the cheque again ,got a letter asking why we were returning it , God knows how they would catch you claiming uprises over here ,if even when you write and tell them to stop paying money they still pay it.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:

    From the BBC News website 22 November.




    Always remember there is no such thing as a "free" lunch.


    What is in the Labour manifesto?
    £75bn to build 150,000 new council and social homes a year, within five years
    An immediate 5% pay rise for public sector workers, with year-on-year above-inflation pay rises to follow
    Introducing a "real living wage" of at least £10 an hour
    Reviewing the retirement age for people in hard manual jobs
    Introducing a second homes tax
    Reversing inheritance tax cuts and imposing VAT on private school fees
    Giving EU nationals living in UK the automatic right to stay
    Reinstating 3,000 bus routes that have been cut
    Free broadband for all, delivered by part-nationalising BT
    A £3bn plan to offer adults in England free access to retraining
    A pledge to reduce all primary school classes to fewer than 30 children
    Free personal at-home care in England for over-65s most in need of it
    A pledge to renew the Trident nuclear deterrent and spend at least 2% of GDP on defence
    Reducing the voting age to 16

    and everyone will have their own flying pig to get to work on ,except muslims ,they will have a unicorn .

    • Haha 2
  5. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:

    We have had very different experiences with Muslim communities

    well i was in a business that had to mix with a certain sort of people ,at one time i worked with a guy that had done time for manslaughter and two that had been done for other violent offences ,they were all "nice" guys to me ,as i was not a threat to them  in any way , but i can assure you i would not like to have been on the wrong side of them , same if you are not of the faith. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    As usual you have made a number of false assertion, 'liked' by the usual fellow travellers. I have never sought to deflect or minimise the evil of Islamist terrorism. I have pushed back on numerous occasions when members make sweeping generalisations regards all Muslims / practitioners of the Islamic faith, Off topic, but I will mention my recent one month in India. My experience was the Muslims I came in contact with were a damn sight better people than all other groups, as is my experience with Thai Muslims.


    Many Islamist terror groups have grown due to a number of reasons e.g. endemic corruption, dictatorships the evil of Salafi clerics and so on. Thankfully we are currently we are seeing the slowing tempo of Islamist terrorism in Western countries after the collapse of the ISIS Caliphate. As you well know the greatest number of deaths by terrorism are within Islamic majority countries, mainly based upon the Shiite - Sunni divide.  Fighting for power between tribes and various terror tribal based terror groups and so on. IMO there is not one all encompassing ideology, nor 'solution'. IMO the end to the killings based upon the various Islamist ideologies will evolve over time, just as it did within the Christian world.  


    Our security forces have stated that Islamist terrorism in the West will likely continue for decades. There is no 'solution' other than vigilance to reduce the risk.  Plus of course heeding the guidance of our security forces on issues such as cease contributing to tensions by expressing hatred and division.


    BTW you have a very short memory regards far right motivated killings in the UK. As with other extremist ideologists there will be more murders.

    Well i have spent years and years working and living in the vicinity of Muslims ,and i would take any other faith over them ,i have also spent some time in Dhaka ,which is populated by mainly Muslims ,it was a disgusting place and i am not a "fellow traveller" but  seen it first hand . 

    I am sure there are good Muslims ,but they are few and far between ,they follow their Phrophet and his "ways"

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, nkg said:


    Factual? More like lying by omission. Let's look at the FULL quote from The Guardian:





    10% of their caseload, eh? So what do counter-terrorism police spend the other 90% of their time investigating?



    Muslim terrorism,simple answer 

    • Like 1
  8. Our son went to junior school for years in the UK when he was in university over here ,they used to pay him to teach English  sometimes as his English/Thai was better than the teachers ,he now runs a small company ,when he was initially interviewed the owner could not believe his English was so good and he had a local  English accent . Pays to be able to speak read and write English here ,my wife can as well

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