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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 23 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    They will not just turn up and expect you to be at home. They will contact you to sure somebody is at home.

    Hard to predict what they want or do when the arrive.

    It is is just a check that you and your wife are living together and you are really living at the address used. It could just be photo outside the house of you and your wife together.

    Hi ,not a reply to this post but ,i have to return to Jomtien on mon  10th feb after my first Marriage visa ,well its closed then as you said before ,just should i go early fri 7th or late on teus 11th ? thanks.

  2. If you check back ,you will find the post i made earlier about my first marriage visa application and immigration calling ,Jomtien office ,nice as pie laughing joking with me and the wife ,our neighbour came over with her paperwork ,the declined coffee and drinks ,sat at our dining table and chatted ,did not look around ,took a picture of me the wife and neighbour at the gate as they left . we have lived there 12 years.

  3. 14 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Cobra ---UK--Sky...6 episodes


    first one out now 


    A look at the British government in the midst of a terrible crisis. As widespread power outages cause chaos and threaten lives across the country-- On the backdrop of violent unrest in the streets, difficult decisions will need to be made against the clock if the country is to survive.


    terrible reviews ,

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/10/2020 at 10:34 AM, Tayaout said:

    My Thai wife is fluent in English and educated. Contrary to TV belief not all Thai have low IQ and low English proficiency. When I met her she was already watching western movies and listening to western music so she kind of understand western culture. I know what you mean because the first Thai women I met had much lower education and English skills but I did not marry any of them. By the way if we don't speak nor read Thai then most Thai also see us as low IQ and uneducated. 

    My wife is the same ,actually the only Thai tv she watches is the news ,we lived in the UK for many years she and our son speak ,read and write English ,

    Personally i do not think i could marry someone who only speaks "pidgeon " English ,as i like having a conversation ,but then ,much as i have nothing at all against bar girls ,i prefer someone who is educated and has been in business ,as i have more in common with them(sorry if that sounds a bit  stuck up) i am not at all . but i get on with my wife as she is funny and articulate , 

  5. On 1/14/2020 at 10:40 PM, giddyup said:

    Thanks, already watched first episode, just a bunch of drunks staggering around in Pattaya. Nothing new there.

    Shame really isnt it ,,for most of us living here walking street is the cut through you drive through during the day ,But then if they did a story about the real Pattaya that most of us see ,it would be boreing .

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Sonhia said:

    Be prepaired to accept loosing all your investments plus belongings, being extorted, loosing your human rights plus dignity as well as looked upon as a low life ATM, expected to support your partners family, not forgetting the endless lazy hanger ons that claim to be the unofficial extended family and the lesser partner in a business venture in a land of rising costs, pollution, racism plus violence toward foreigners with poor health care.


    Carefree? I think not ????


    Why do so many expats die younger than they should in Thailand?


    Think about it...

    None and i repeat none of my many married friends are in anything like that position ,why is some peoples glass always half empty?

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    He didn't send his "son" anywhere. God doesn't have children. Had the people of that era been told that God was some sort of force unrecognisable to humans, how many would have believed that? The religious people had to use metaphors to explain things to a primitive people- hence virgin birth, son of god, talking bushes, stones with words God wrote on them, etc.


    somehow i cannot see that an entity started it

    NO HUMAN is capable of understanding what God is. When was the last time a human created a galaxy from scratch? We either believe or we don't- up to us. The inquisition ended centuries ago.

    So there is something that started the universe ,lets call it God , but Jesus or MO or any of the others are just ordinary people ,made up by man to have been sent to " save us" 

  8. 2 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    When you look at the order of the universe with the eyes of the child it's really hard to imagine that all this happened "by chance".

    The infinite in the nature and the repeating of patterns never cease to amaze.

    You are saying the one thing i have always wondered about ,how could it all happen by chance , but somehow i cannot see that an entity started it ,or that he sent his son down to earth ,,unless we are the only beings in the whole universes .

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