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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Our uk bank accounts are joint ,she has my  pin numbers here ,i own nothing its all in her and our sons name ,i wrote a will leaving everything to her ,i also have a UK bank account in my Daughters name ,i have one card if i ever need to use it ,she has the other ,when i die its hers ,all sorted .

    sorry to hear about your illness .

    ps ,its dead handy trusting your wife and family ,mind you we have all been together a long time .

    • Like 2
  2. We dont always use our pump and water tank ,but just use the mains ,the last few days in the morning the pressure is very low ,the wife said that the water board have cut the pressure down to save water as there was so little rain this year ,its very low and becoming a problem ,anyone else notice this ?

  3. 2 hours ago, Jaggg88 said:

    You need an ID number to get Thai prices. You've registered at these hospitals as an Alien and will be charged accordingly. The pink ID card allows you to register as a Thai with a Thai name (as shown on the ID card) and get Thai prices.

    well if what i pay is falang price ,the Thais must pay hardly anything ,Banglamung. ecg ,blood test and x ray ,plus doctor 1200 baht .

  4. 3 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

    All of which you can also use your pink ID, although with the flight, the name on the ticket must be in Thai to match the ID card.

    At clinics and hospitals you can register by just using a pink ID card but can't using a driving licence. You were just using your DL as an alternative form of photo ID.

    belong to 4 govt hospitals ,all accepted my driving licence 

    Queen Sirakit


    Sri Racha 

    And one in BKK

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 hours ago, john terry1001 said:

    A Yellow book and pink ID card are better as a matter of convenience as opposed to the more complex alternatives available.


    Out of interest (other than producing it as proof of legality to drive at a police check of course) when was the last time you used your Thai Driving Licence for some sort of legal proof???? How often/many times have you been able to use it in that form??? And how many times has it been refused when offered??? 

    When you pay a bill like the electricity in big c ,they will not accept a pink card ,but will a passport or driving licence(it has your passport no on it) my Thai driving licence is always accepted ,as identification . 

    • Thanks 1
  6. My wife's mate is a lawyer ,she told her it was a good idea to get a yellow book and pink card for me ,(havent bothered for 12 yrs) so off we went , i did sod all ,let the wife do it all ,here in Pattaya ,no problems ,both a waste of time ,never use them ,my driving licence is more use ,but the wife is happy  so ime happy .

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I doubt Ivor thought his thread would carry on so long or get so much attention. While many do not believe, they certainly have a lot to say about it.

    You can say that again ,i dont post threads very often ,most just last three or four pages ,but i must admit i am amazed at the number of replies , i was even nominated for a Potty award,dont know if i am still in the running , but you can vote for me if you like????

    • Like 2
  8. On 12/16/2019 at 8:04 AM, Fairynuff said:

    Unfortunately I had been deluded into thinking that Britain had grown out of being a racist country. Brexit and your post has shown me I was wrong. Britain still is a very racist place.

    Its not a matter of being racist as such ,but even you must admit that the country has gone down since mass immigration ,you only have to look at the names and pictures of all the people involved in drugs ,killings ,on and on , i like many of us are married to someone of another race , so we can hardly be racist ,but statistics just speak for themselves ,and we are not only talking about black people here ,but other "europeans" ie Romanians etc.

    but i am sure you will just go on calling us racist as we do not want to be part of the EU.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 54 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Who said, the EU will accept the UK ( or what is left of it in a few years) as a member again ?

    Remind, this is NOT decided at Downing street nr 10, but in the EU Council, existing of the heads of governments of the EU member states. And 1 Feb. the UK is no longer a member, so has to say as much as the prime minster of Argentina or Zimbabwe.

    doubt if the EU will survive in its present form ,Germany is already going into recession and France has major problems ,who else will there be to pay for it?

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    These days, a guy who is looking for a younger and very attractive gal in the bars or massage spots, must be a bit like a gold prospector in the Klondike back in the mid 19th century. It takes a bit of work. But, the gold can be mined!


    The reality is that the young beauties have alot more options these days, that are far more lucrative than the bars. 

    Funny you should say that ,because when i mentioned it to my wife ,she reckoned that young women these days must have more oppertunities for work etc ,than years ago . when many were really poor and had to work in bars .

    • Like 2
  11. For the first time for years the wife and i went for a walk down Beach Road,(i normally drive there) so got a chance to look in the bars as we passed ,i remember oh so long ago all the girls were young and sexy ,but all i saw this time was women in their 30s and 40s and not very good looking ones at that ,is that all the choice there is these days ? 

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