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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 7 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Pound overvalued and will help British exports once we are free from the EU-SSR and set free as a global powerhouse. Don't be selfish and just care about the exchange rate for we all must make sacrifices if we are to be free from the tyranny of EU rule and enslavement.

    If the pound is overvalued ,why do all the money men say its undervalued? do you know something they and we dont?

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  2. nobody created us ,we are just a part of evolution ,soon we will be gone and either another species will replace us or the world will end ,i once read that if you thought of the world as a lighthouse ,we have been around as long as one coat of paint on the top , not even an eyeblink and thats how long we will last .

    i wish i believed in a God and that i would go to heaven and see my parents again ,,but it would be difficult when the ex wives turn up .

    • Haha 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Agree, as I am sure many generations would, each reflect and say "when I was a kid life was so much better, simpler etc".




    I agree ,but i like now ,but when i look at my grandaughter and see the limitations she has ,whereas i would go out all day with my mates,no problem ,she cant (its to dangerous) she is stuck to the screen of her mobile ,and its terrible if she doesnt get likes etc , at school ,she seems to be taught all left wing pc stuff ,but has not a clue about history ,, 

    i hate to think what life is going to be like in the future ,1984 was just a little late coming .

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