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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 45 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    For some it is.

    I started on TVF way back because I wanted to warn others of a scam on a Phangan beach, but had I not joined then I'd have wanted to for sure after my divorce to warn mugs like me about Thai wives.

    I started ,just to find something out ,but honestly i only know one guy who was ripped off by his Thai wife , but lets face it there are dozens who were ripped off by their own country wives .

  2. I know to many of us it will make no differance as we will not be here ,but i know we laugh about millennials going on about ,there are dozens of different sexes ,having comfort spaces ,not clapping but waving hands so as not to upset people ,and on and on ,but think on it ,soon they will be the ones running the country ,what a frightening thought ,well for normal people anyway ,

    what are your thoughts ,and what do you think the future holds?

  3. On 11/15/2019 at 12:56 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    I went to boarding school. Our lives were always full of activity. We had very little time to be bored. I was bored on holidays, because I was a kid and was not self motivated. That got solved when I started doing holiday jobs.

    I never get bored now as I have more to do than I'll have time before I peg it.

    I was a day boy at a boarding school ,got into trouble for buying sweets ,taking them into school and selling them at a profit but for less than in the tuck shop????

  4. 5 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Entirely due to 10 years of under investment and poor management by successive Tory governments.


    Vote Labour and watch it being turned round.

    I will tell you what its due to ,in my old home town anyway ,waiting room full of people from foreign lands ,half cant speak English and all on social ,and voting labour ,lol

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  5. 14 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    Perhaps having a bigun has something to with that!!!!

    Well i never considered it that big ,and must admit that no girl ever looked in disbelief at it,certainly not like one did at a friend of mines back in the late 60s in London and said"your not sticking that in me"????

    but i have been lucky as i said ,most of my life girls and women seemed to like me so i had a very good time 

    as for the God thread ,yes i never thought that one would go on so long ,still posts every day ,i am amazed.

    Now as i come to the last chapters in my life ,i am so lucky to have a wonderful wife and super family,also still able to do most of the things i enjoy .

  6. 6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't mind that I'm going to die in the not too far distant future. I had a great life, but old age means that I'll never do the things I'd really like to do, so sooner than later would be good. It's a bit pointless just hanging around filling in time waiting.

    The only time in my life I'd like to have had kids so I could have someone to tell my life stories to. Other than that, no regrets didn't have kids. 

    Never wanted kids ,got married in the 70s ,she went on and on ,had a daughter ,best thing ever happened to me ,once i saw her ,i just fell in love ???? as for dying your right ,just hope its quick

  7. 7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I can only think that you lived with the wrong 2 BGs.

    IMO a middle class Thai girl would always be a mistake, but that's just me.

    Actually before i met my wife ,i lived with an ex bar girl for some time ,she was great ,my friend ,my lovely sex partner ,but we both knew it was just for fun ,not for life , now my wife is i suppose lower middle class ,as are her family ,i like them just as much as my family like her , we really all get along , 

    one thing as Thaibeachlover said ,it really does not matter how exciting or not your life is ,it doesnt matter if you did nothing but watch tv all your life and sit eating burgers ,as long as at the end you can honestly say "wow i loved life" thats all that really matters ,i dont look foreward to death ,but when it comes i can tell the reaper "f-ck that was a great time "

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  8. On 11/14/2019 at 1:49 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    You didn't include speaking conversational Thai. Why would a "normal" Thai girl speak conversational English?

    One of the ways of picking a hooker is that they speak perfect English.

    BTW, even "normal" women expect a man to be paying, and paying, and paying.

    my niece speaks English ,so does my nephew ,also two sisters in law , one brother in law ,my wife ,at least 3 of her female friends , none of them are hookers ,one is in university in America  one is an airline steward oh he speaks Chinese as well (i was surprised as well) ,one of her female friends is a lawyer ,the other a nurse .

    you cant make generalisations ,many people here are well educated ,oh my son speaks perfect English ,he isnt a hooker either????

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