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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Its good to hear so many have good lives(sorry if you havnt) ,but its not only what you make it ,i do believe luck plays a big part in it ,on the whole i have been lucky and as one door has closed another has opened ,ive always looked on life as a fairground ,we all enter the gates ,some of us just wander around and occasionally have a go on the roundabouts ,others do the same but sometimes get on the dodgems as well for a change ,while those brave ones just keep getting bag on the big dipper.

    myself i love the big dipper ,but a lot of the time i also enjoyed the more sedate ,world cruise .its that one i am on now as life is in its last fling .

  2. 16 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    This has been superseded by the overnight revelation made by Farage, Doris Karloff, and a BP panelist on BBC QT (3 separate claims) that the tories (inc No 10) had contacted & coerced multiple BP candidates to stand down, offering peerages and other inducements as they go.


    Richard Tice/The BP have contacted all candidates & will compile a dossier of supporting evidence shortly.




    I can claim the moon is made of green cheese ,but where is his proof?


  3. 3 hours ago, Redline said:

    A bank worker told me it was because of high defaults~so people that pay back the bank have to pay for the people that don't~you know~the land of no accountability, a baby coddle culture, and no enforcement...

    Funny you should say that ,but on our estate houses are between 5 an about 9 million , there is one quite large one that has been on sale for about 4 years ,most sell fairly well ,i rang the bank who had a board outside to see how much they wanted 29 million ,you heard right ,29 million ,wonder why it has not sold?its quite large ,????

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    For perfectly understandable reasons, we are not told whether Jirapat has dispensed with her standard-issue male equipment.


    If not, which toilets and changing rooms 'she' uses could become a bone(r) of contention. Or don't Thai universities and parents believe in the need to have "safe spaces" for girls?


    This story begs a more fundamental question - what is the difference between a trans woman and a ladyboy? 

    How much they charge?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Olmate said:

    This group take up tables by the coffee kiosk near the small side door at the rear of the food court, think they own the spot and I’ve never seen them buy food there.Mostly French ,had run in with a couple recently who yelled at me and some locals to close the side door as they needed the aircon. Rude,arrogant and not a great ad for farangs in Pattaya.They do however understand Oz for rack off!

    thats the bunch

  6. On 11/11/2019 at 3:54 PM, ThaidDown said:

    Why would a 'normal' girl want anything to do with a man who has probably been bedding everything in sight ?

     Hardly 'relationship' material.




    I lived in London in the 60s and 70s went around with a lot of ,people in the music and acting scene ,believe me i bedded everything (female) that i could lay my hands on ,and have at other times ,but and its a big but i have never cheated on wives or girlfriends (well maybe one or two in my younger years . Does my wife know? why would i tell her about things like that ,that were done before we met ,?

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